Anna Landre ♿️ Profile picture
Part woman, part machine🦾 doing disability justice. @DisasterStrat @GDIHub @TheRideAhead. Fmr Washington DC Commissioner, Vogue #21Under21, #DisabilityPower100
Jul 20, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday I received one of the highest and most ancient honors in London, the Freedom of the City. But the celebration soured into an experience of indignity when upon arriving, I found that there was no ramp for me to access the stage.

🧵 Anna, a young white woman in an electric wheelchair, posed pointing and side-eyeing a low wooden stage in an elaborately decorated  room. It’s amazing how ableism can so quickly turn honor and celebration into insult and injury.

I was gutted by not getting to experience the true nature of the ceremony that was spoken about so highly. I spent most of the hour trying to hold back tears.

Jul 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Today, on the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, I’m thinking of unkept promises —

of buildings I still can’t enter, broken sidewalks I can’t traverse, and the hurtful stigma I’m faced with every day, 31 years later. We must do better. #ADA31 A large group of wheelchair users and other disabled people [image: A large group of wheelchair users and other disabled people lined up on a path with the Washington Monument visible behind them. Anna is closest to the camera, with Kings Floyd slightly behind her. The sky is a cloudless blue and they’re dressed for cold weather.]
Jul 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
.@BananaRepublic, I’m currently stuck on the third floor of your Georgetown DC store because of a faulty elevator which your staff says “breaks all the time.” Why the hell are you allowing disabled customers to unknowingly put themselves in danger like this? @BRCustServ
May 28, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
As a disabled woman & wheelchair user, I’ve been fending off my insurance company’s cuts for years. Today, they finally got a judge to side with them—and now I can’t go back to college next semester. The American healthcare system has just, quite literally, ruined my future. What does it say about our country when a for-profit insurance company can tell me, my doctors, and several independent medical experts that we’re all wrong about my care needs, thereby preventing me from ever living independently? #CripTheVote