David Mendell Profile picture
MS in mathematics, Christian, husband, teacher, advocate for reason and liberal traditions. Over-user of the em dash. Stop chasing the eschaton—it never works.
Aug 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So many of the comments on the thread James is quoting miss the point. You will not be allowed to simply say, "No, thanks!" The sort of globalist totalitarians who are pushing this understand you won't go along with it unless you have to, and they intend to make sure you have to. And that's about more than just food. It's everything: how you spend your money, how and where you travel, what you think and say and how you vote. This is why they are totalitarians—they don't intend to leave us free to make meaningful decisions.
Jan 2, 2020 19 tweets 35 min read
1/ @scottsantens @AndrewYang #YangGang

A thread about context. It's time to address the elephants in the room. The YangGang has collectively come to feel like @TheDemocrats are working against us. This feeling has long been shared by @BernieSanders supporters. @scottsantens @AndrewYang @TheDemocrats @BernieSanders 2/

For their own part, supporters of @realDonaldTrump have felt something similar on their own side of things. I think these feelings reflect and represent a deeper truth. We live in world that is overlaid by a nested series of power structures.