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May 6th 2023
BJP MLA Dinganglung GangMei has approached Supreme Court against the HC order to grant ST status to Meities .

This is the real @BJP4India
This is what we have been shouting at top of our Voices since last 2 yrs that these are the creatures who practice worst #PseudoHindutva Image
You know Meities always enjoyed the Tribal status before merger with India , it was only when Manipur became a part of India then there status of ST was lost. Punishment for being Hindu in Secular India. Image
Meitie people submitted a representation to the Union Ministry of tribal affairs on 18.04.22 for this. The Union Ministry forwarded the same to the state govt and it was pending at their end Image
Read 5 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
# 10 years back BJP's Tanveer Haidar Usmani> BJP hs 70 Lacks M-Members & many more r joining BJP.

BJP got total 17.16 Cr votes in 2014,
if each M-member hs at least 2 voters in his family then BJP should hd got over 1.40 crores = over 8% votes only from M-members!
Sleeping Hs !!
# How BJP fooled HS over implementation of Sachahar & called it Dangerous as opposition

Same BJP implemented Sachar after coming to power by Hindu votes & has created M-area !!
# Magic of 303
Same sachar is no longer Dangerous & doesn't create Riots. Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
1. Sri @manojmuntashir Ji,
It’s not always possible to find exact equivalent words in languages that originated in different civilisations. Hence, linguists & translators use words that have approximate meanings. And if there is none, then word of other language is imported. +
2. Most northern Indian languages use धर्म for religion whereas Telugu uses मत. This has been the practice for at least 200 years. So there is no point now to indulge in hairsplitting polemics or trying to pluck feather out of egg about धर्म and religion, their differences etc. +
3. Importantly it will create more avoidable confusion in the minds of already confused ordinary Hindus apart from giving scope to Courts & #PseudoHindutva RSS-BJP to declare that Hinduism is not a religion. And do you @manojmuntashir know what will be its adverse consequences? +
Read 5 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
# Right After getting 19 Seats by H-Votes

Meet👉Mahadev Sarkar BJP >Ex G.S Nadia-Ex President Nadia Uttar & Bengal Kisan Morcha President ;
was saying, Where Debasree Di won, BJP got huge M Votes in there.
HHS's party believes Deen's Teaching & is getting huge M Votes 🤲
The Video was uploaded on Jul 18, 2019 on YouTube
2019 LS Election Result was announced on 23rd may 2019
This #PseudoHindutva Party was busy in praising M after getting 19 seats in LS 1st Time.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Dear PM @narendramodi & HM @AmitShah,

I know my plea is gonna fall on deaf ears & blind eyes but are

many other innocent #Hindus mere statistic in your political power lust?
Am afraid this will stop only with beheading (Shiv-Krishna forbid) of #NaveenJindal &/or #NupurSharma or may be not. #SarTanSeJuda gang has tasted blood.

Naveen actually is in greater danger.

#Jehadis don't Forget or Forgive. They can bid their time.

Sadly #Hindus won’t know what to do?

Do Hindus know how to avenge such killings? Hindus are not conditioned that way.

Not that it can't be done but Hindus are stuck in a self-inflicted quagmire.

#Modi on one side, #LeLis on other & #TINA in middle.

Read 10 tweets

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