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Mar 2, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
"What's the Objective of Atheism" asked in a group.

There is no objective of #atheism.

In philosophy of religion its usually understood as the proposition gods do not exist. The #atheist believes this proposition true.

Colloquially it is understood as a lack of belief in gods. There is, however, #atheist activism which seeks #secular society. This can be referred to as anti-theism rather than #atheism though.

Anti-theism, in the strongest sense, is the belief no one should be theist (believe in gods).
Feb 20, 2021 46 tweets 10 min read
Normatively Atheist: in this article I hope to describe (and provide links to) what is meant by normative, and how this can apply to our reasoning to what is considered the #normative or most #logical #definition of #atheist… I've said language is descriptive and people are free to identify how they like a number of times, but when discussing definitions I speak of the normative (…) or most logical.