Professor at Columbia/Adelphi, TEDx speaker. Trauma expert. Anti-violence. Done with the duopoly. Jill Stein 2024. Views are my own. 🍉
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Feb 17 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Dems continue to peddle the "Jill Stein only shows up every 4 years" nonsense while turning off comments as they get lambasted with evidence of Jill Stein attending multiple protests and organizing activist conferences while Kamala goes to basketball games and Broadway plays. 🧵
So here's just a few things Jill Stein has been doing since November while Kamala Harris galavants around town: Tonight Dr.Stein will be speaking on a panel calling out the US Gov's endless wars
Jill Stein didn't cost Hillary the election in 2016. That year 1.7 million voters voted, but left the presidential line blank- in Florida and Michigan alone it was enough to swing the election. If you can't win over people who actually show up to vote, that's on the candidate.
1/2. 2016 saw the highest percentage of "undervoters" ever - people who vote but leave the top line blank.…
Feb 13, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Biden is showing signs of "time shifting", a symptom common with dementia. Evidence of this is his referring to having recently spoken with Helmut Kohl and François Mitterand, both of whom are dead and haven't been in power since the 1990s. This only gets worse btw.
This also fits with his not being able to remember the years he was VP or the year his son died, as laid out in the DOJ's report of the Special Counsel - since both of these things occurred within the past 15 yrs.
Jan 30, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi's unhinged little outburst is designed to do one thing: scare Democrats and others from sympathizing with the ceasefire mvmnt or joining in a protest lest they be labeled Russian or Chinese plants. 1. 🧵 2. It's out of an old playbook: characterize those opposed to US foreign policy as dupes for our adversaries. The goal isn't to punish those who are currently protesting, but to make sympathy for that protest movement and its goals seem unappealing and unpatriotic.
Oct 27, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
"Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" doesn't call for the death of Jews - but the liberation of all Palestinians living in that area. Meaning full political and social rights for all Palestinians. Everyone having an equal vote and equal power for self-determination.
When Sojourner Truth said all women shall be free, she wasn't calling for the death of men. When MLK said all black ppl shall be free, he wasn't calling for the death of whites. We hold Sojourner Truth and MLK up as heroes...
Sep 7, 2023 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
The oppression of black ppl, women, queer folk, immigrants, ppl w/disabilities and others were created as tools of the capitalist state to reinforce and prop up the supremacy of wealthy white Europeans as well as a tool to pit the exploited masses against each other.
a 🧵...
It is obvious how chattel slavery propped up capitalism - Free Labor. But racist mass incarceration does as well - and one cannot talk about that without recognizing how the concept of white supremacy underpins the carceral state.
Jul 29, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
One aspect of not having Medicare for All is its impact on workplace sexual harassment. Victims who are subject to inappropriate treatment by bosses often stay in jobs where harassment continues out of fear of losing their health insurance. #MedicareForAll
Democrats pretending to care about womens' issues never talk about this. The daily levels of toxic stress working at a job where you know you could be harassed at any time are enormous.
Jul 26, 2023 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
The Democrats are in a bad spot. They are going to replace Biden - either at the convention or soon before. This will open up a huge lane for Cornel West and his 3rd Party run. I'll explain:
The replacement won't be Kamala. Her approval numbers are dismal and she's definitely not serious enough to be president. Newsom is a top contender- and is currently salivating on the sidelines. Whitmer is also a contender. A Newsom-Whitmer ticket might be attractive to them but
Jul 11, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
We need a candidate who centers poor people over corporations, peace over endless war and justice over a racist and classist criminal system. We cannot fix a broken system from the inside. I'm excited to support @CornelWest in his run for president. #CornelWest2024 🧵
We are told we can't afford to end homelessness. We are told we can't afford to make sure everyone has healthcare. We are told we can't afford to pay everyone a living wage. Yet there's always money for more war. There's always money to bail out the billionaires and the banks.
Jul 7, 2023 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
The Stonewall Riots of 1969 lasted for days. NYPD had raided the bar to arrest drag queens, because cross dressing was illegal. A spontaneous uprising arose, led by drag queens and black and brown trans women. They hurled garbage, rocks, bricks and bottles at police. 🧵
After escorting all the patrons out of the bar and arresting them, only police were left inside Stonewall, gathering evidence. It was at this point the crowd, which now numbered about 500, uprooted a parking meter and rammed it up against the door to barricade the police inside.
Jun 22, 2023 • 20 tweets • 3 min read
We're asked to feel sorry for the billionaires who imploded on the ocean floor. We're expected to think wall to wall coverage is normal. We're called inhumane if we don't express sorrow over their deaths. But the fact is: the existence of billionaires causes death. For millions🧵
Let's get this out of the way first: These people made a choice to spend a quarter of a million dollars each to see a wreck that can easily be viewed online. It was narcissistic and indulgent and a waste of money. Money that could and should be used to ease human suffering.
Jun 12, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
A billionaire "financier" and known child sex trafficker was financed by the biggest banks while being friends with world leaders, actors, fashion and Wall St moguls, US presidents and Bill Gates. Hundreds of victims, no perpetrators. But no, it's definitely not a conspiracy.
I've got people in these threads about Epstein and JPMorgan saying it's all cinspiracy theory. Do I literally need to lay out the facts?
Apr 11, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Joe Biden said he would cure cancer, but he can't even get big pharma to manufacture enough of the cancer drugs we already have. A $1.5 trillion industry can't be bothered to make sure there are enough life-saving drugs available because there's there's not enough profit in it.
"Most of the cancer drugs in shortage are generic medications, which save the nation's healthcare system money overall but are not very profitable for drugmakers."…
Mar 2, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
"Conspiracy Theory" is s term used by the CIA after the JFK assassination to paint anyone who questions official narratives as being crazy.
When groups plan in secret to do something harmful or cover up the truth, that's a conspiracy. Questioning official narratives is healthy.
Conspiracies happen. There is a long list of conspiracies in the history of the U.S. that have turned out to be true. They include, but are not limited to:
The creek in East Palestine empties into the Ohio River, which travels through multiple states and ends up in the Mississippi River. President Biden needs to declare a national emergency.
Through ACA, Biden could extend Medicare for life for every resident of East Palestine and surrounding areas. The long term effects of exposure to these chemical toxins can be devastating. Everyone affected needs to be covered from this day forward.
Feb 13, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
When the Biden administration sided with rail companies to prevent the workers from striking, they were siding with companies like Norfolk Southern, whose train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio sent plumes of poison gas into the air for days, putting all residents at risk.
Remember that railworkers voted to reject a contract that gave them no sick days, and Joe Biden sent that same contract to Congress asking them to vote to force the workers to accept the contract. Democrats, who ran the Congress, obliged.
Jan 6, 2023 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Force the Vote - a 🧵:
The #ForceTheVote strategy works. Had so-called progressive leaders like @AOC and pundits like @cenkuygur supported it, instead of lying and gaslighting us, we'd be in a very different place right now.
The lie that "if it's not going to pass, don't bring it up for a vote" regarding Medicare for All represents ignorance of how transformational legislation is passed.
Dec 27, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
George Santos lied about everything, so Dems are demanding he step aside. So here's a list of things that Joe Biden has lied about regarding his personal story throughout his career, which apparently liberals are completely okay with: 🧵
Biden lied about going to law school on a full scholarship and being the only student to do so.