Nurlan Aliyev Profile picture
Researching International Security, Defence & Asymmetric Warfare; Focuses on #Russia, #Eurasia and #Arctic
Magdi Shalash Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 21 10 tweets 3 min read
Russia wants to change its current sea borders in the Baltic Sea
The 🇷🇺MOD considered the list of coordinates of the coast and islands of Russia in the Baltic Sea from 1985 to be irrelevant and proposed updating it becauseitdoes not correspond to the “geographical situation* 1/ 2/ The MOD proposed updating the list of points from which the width of the strip of territorial waters off the mainland coast and 🇷🇺 islands in the Baltic Sea is measured. The document was published on the official portal of draft regulatory legal acts…
Jun 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A huge increase in maritime traffic between Russia and Iran in the Caspian has been observing in recent months
Reportedly Russia has transferred to the Caspian almost all its old "River-Sea" class ships . Iran also develops its merchant fleet there. 1/ 2/ In recent years Iran increasing its shipping capabilities in the Caspian Sea and Iranian shipping companies increasingly involved in Russian projects there and also ship routes over the Volga. 15 ships were added to Iran's commercial fleet in 2022.
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Trade turnover between China and Russia grew by 38.7% in the first quarter of 2023, up to $53.84 billion-TASS
Trade turnover between Russia and China in 2021 increased by 35.8%, reaching $146.88 billion. In 2022, it increased by 29.3%, to a record $190 billion. 1/ Image 2/ The main part of import from Russia to China are crude oil, natural gas and coal. Other key imports from Russia include copper and copper ore, timber, fuel and seafood.
Apr 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On the Arctic in the new Foreign Policy Concept of Russia
1/ In the new concept the Arctic issues discussed separately, it means this is a separate regional direction of Russia's foreign policy. And it is the second after “the near abroad” https://alex-leshy.livejour... 2/ Although peace and stability in the Arctic declared as Russia’s goal, but “the course of maintaining constructive international cooperation” not present in the document.
Aug 7, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Russian Prime Minister approved the plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) till 2035 on August 1 🧵
1/ the plan includes 150 measures, 1.8 trillion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the plan 2/
5 key sections: cargo base, transport infrastructure, cargo and icebreaker fleet, safety of navigation along the Northern Sea Route, as well as management and development of navigation along the NSR.
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The construction of 6 warships and submarines for the Russian Navy starts today 1/… 2/ Sevmash will build nuclear-powered Dmitry Donskoy & Knyaz Potemkin. The ships will be included in the number of Borey-class submarines in the Navy.
Aug 21, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
#Zapad2021 🧵
1/ About 200 thousand people will take part in the strategic exercises "West-2021", stated the Russian Defense Ministry Image 2/ In total, up to 200 thousand personnel, about 80 aircraft and helicopters, up to 760 units of military equipment, including 290 tanks, 240 guns, multiple launch rocket systems and mortars, as well as up to 15 ships will take part at the Zapad 2021…
Aug 12, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Alexander Kuranov director general & chief designer of the Scientific Research Enterprise of Hypersonic Systems was detained in the case of treason In Moscow 1/… 2/ According to the Interfax, the investigators believe that Kuranov transferred state secret information about scientific developments in the field of hypersonic technologies to a citizen of a foreign state.
Aug 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Active phase of the Russian-Chinese exercises has started at the training ground located in the central part of the PRC, as part of the joint operational-strategic exercise "Sibu / Interaction-2021" 1/ 2/ Yesterday Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announced the continuation of joint Russian-Chinese military exercises on the border with #Afghanistan