Prof. Alfred Omenya Profile picture
Sustainable architecture, urbanism + inst. dev. expert. CEO, Eco-Build Africa/Ad.Prof. Canberra/Dir. IBQC + AAK Fellow. Former: Dean(TUK)/Prof. UoN+Wits(RSA).
May 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
JUST A GAME, KENYA ELECTIONS 2022. For politicians it is just a game; many have already looted enough. The electorates think it is a matter of life & death. Many believe their fortunes will change for better if their candidate wins. It won't. Politicians are just playing a game. Why is Rutto in government while everyone knows he left for UDA? Why isn't Uhuru campaigning for Raila? Why is Raila not bothered as his ODM people cry foul over nominations, as his supporters walk away from Azimio? RELAX. IT IS JUST A GAME. Politicians are just playing a game.
May 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
UFUNGAMANO HOUSE, 1977, RICHARD HUGHES ARCHITECT. In 1965, the University of Catholic Nairobi Chaplaincy was given a British Christian Aid Fund to buy the Centre. Image By 1966, a joint Protestant/Anglican/Catholic Board on the Churches Chaplaincy and the Catholic Chaplaincy decided to reconstruct an ecumenical Student Centre. Additional funds were raised by NCCK (National Council of Churches of Kenya) and KEC (Kenya Episcopal Conference). Image
Feb 2, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
The Green Sun Campus - Prof. & @tabbietab Studios & Weekend Home is a part of a long tradition of architects’ home studios. It is an experimental canvas reflecting the architects beliefs + values. This is reflected in form, space, place, function, materials, technology, etc. ImageImageImage The Green Sun engages with the following environmental issues among others:
• Day lighting
• Natural ventilation
• Thermal comfort
• Energy efficiency & solar energy
• Rainwater harvesting, storm water absorption
• On site sanitation
• Green spaces with indigenous trees. ImageImage
Oct 30, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
1. Humans of Nairobi mpo? Do you still overlap on the roads + expect cops to sort it out? Do you still cut pipes to wash cars then wonder what happened to water in your homes? And what with electricity poles, you can never get them vertically upright? 2. Humans of Nairobi, mpo? Let's talk underwear. Why must you display them on your building facades? It must be a sign of pride! Why do you have landlords in 10x10 mud huts? BTW your sewer system called Nairobi river, thicker than porridge of shit is the worst on earth...
Jul 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
BOTTOM UP ECONOMIC MODEL? Upfront declaration: I am not in @WilliamsRuto's camp + I don't agree with a lot of positions that @DavidNdii takes on many issues. On this I agree. LET US NOT POOP ON "THE BOTTOM UP ECONOMIC MODEL" they propose. Trickle down economics has failed. MAWE? We need an economic model where all (small, medium + large businesses) can participate. The model we have where the state focuses on a few blue chip companies at the top while the guys at the bottom are left to their own devices is not sustainable + leads to huge inequalities.
Jul 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Enthroned! His Majesty Omenya IV - " Piny Mor"! For clarity I am the son of Omenya Obiero, grandson of Chief Obiero Ogola and Senior Chief Omulo Omuya. Chief Obiero Ogola tracks his ancestry to Dimo.
Dimo was the son of Imbo (different from the place Yimbo).
Jul 28, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
STRANGE PROFESSIONAL DEGREE NAMES! As the founding Dean of the School of the Built Environment, I disagreed with the VC + refused to give strange names to various Built Environment degrees my school offered. I stuck with global norms. Strange degree names disadvantages students. In architecture we know we only offer three types of degrees globally. After 3 - 4 years of study one gets (BSc Architecture or Bachelor of Architectural Studies). After an additional 2 years of studies one gets Bachelor of Architecture or M.Arch (Professional).
Jun 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
DEGREE FOR MCAs? YES! Let's not politicise education requirements for MCAs + MPs. NO POLICY IS TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL, policy discussions start at the University. One needs university education to engage effectively in policy, legislation, planning, budgeting & dev't discourse. BTW who came up with this requirement? MPs. They knew they needed the degree. I rest my case!
Nov 29, 2019 28 tweets 5 min read
#BBINonsense. I have read + reread the BBI report. This is the most cruel joke I have heard in recent times. The report is bankrupt of ideas & provides NO SOLUTION TO ANY OF KENYA'S STRUCTURAL, ELECTORAL OR ECONOMIC CHALLENGES. This was a total waste of tax payers money. I wish I could support BBI; there is NOTHING TO SUPPORT! I even wish I could disagree with the report; again there is NOTHING TO DISAGREE WITH. The document has NO SOUL, no passion for Kenya, regurgitated cliches +plain mediocre! Chapter by chapter POSTMORTEM next [if I get time]
Oct 26, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Discussions on the freeway rages on. Yesterday I had two opportunities to discuss the expressway. First with researchers at Kenyatta University, then with the PS Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, Housing and Urban Development, Charles Hinga.@KenyattaUni #KUBRIC I told them that the freeway discussion goes beyond Uhuru Park to the nature and future of cities. Freeways have no space in the future city; the future city is for people, walking, cycling, using public transport with low carbon foot print. The future city is not about cars.