Man-off-ZAH-deh. PhD. @YaleBiosphere Donnelley fellow & @NSF PRFB postdoc. How do joints work?
Feb 8, 2021 • 10 tweets • 8 min read
Thrilled to share the culmination of >4,000 hours of #XROMM analysis, out #OA in @PNASNews! Here we propose a new role for joint mobility in reconstructing vertebrate locomotor evolution -- a small contribution toward reframing this fundamental problem 🦖…
It’s been a real journey. To collect the necessary data, my life from 2016-2020 became a blur of perpetual point-tracking...
A belated #SICB2020-inspired thread — if you ever use #XROMM, watch #XROMM talks, or read #XROMM papers, the following unsolicited FYI is for you. Please r/t for visibility! @mechsNmorph @elbrainerd@jd_lc@KonowLab@JohnRHutchinson
***disclaimer, I don’t claim to be an expert on any of this, but I’ve made my fair share of mistakes over the past three years, and hopefully learned from some of them 🤞🏽