London still holds the crown 👑 for highest seropositive region at a whopping 88.5%, but all regions showing increases and likely to go higher after Christmas increase
Aug 6, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
After a brief hiatus...our SARS-CoV-2 serosurveillance data is now updated in the @UKHSA vaccine surveillance reports:…
Main thing you'll see is just shy of 70% of individuals have evidence of prior infection (positive for anti-nucleocapsid antibodies) 👇
When we split this by age, we see that younger groups (17-29 and 30-39) almost ~80% have been infected, whilst older age groups are lower, but generally all groups have shown a steady increase since Omicron emerged
Apr 22, 2022 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
New #SIREN🚨 preprint out (and also being presented at #ECCMID2022 this week)...we did a cross-sectional analysis of ~6,000 SIREN participants after their vaccinations
Thread on our results and few interesting ones...🧵…@UKHSA@SMHopkins
First up, SIREN is an incredibly big research we were able to select samples from participants that provided a baseline sample (done when enrolled into SIREN) but after they were vaccinated, giving us an initial pool of ~6,000 participants...