attilacsordas Profile picture
Cell Tree Rings co-inventor, math-oriented Somatic Evolutionary, AgeCurve founder, a Budapester in Cambridge, the meaning of life is life
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
problems of the self are deep, sources of the self are shallow Image equality and partiality and equality and opportunity are both equal opportunities partial to philosophy for luck egalitarians Image
Dec 17, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
Let me introduce Cell Tree Rings (CTR): the shape of somatic evolution as a human aging timer, we at AgeCurve believe CTR can serve as a core component for combined aging clocks to mitigate current uncertainty in assessment of geroprotective trials 1/17… The central conjecture behind our approach is that the shape (combination of branch lengths + branching patterns) of cell lineage trees is predictive of organismal aging status. A perspective by me from 2019 on potential role of cell trees in aging 2/17…
Jan 26, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Day #1 #studyingCausality by @yudapearl, since this is a research project have to get my hands dirty & find existing code for implementing causal graphical models: DONE! library:… code, tutorial:… by Iain Barr @yudapearl Day #1 #studyingCausality p1-6 Intro to Probability Theory 2 reasons causality analysis starts w/prob 1. uncertainty of everyday situations where type 'causes' are usually in between, not necessary, nor sufficient 2. prob theory can handle exceptions unlike common causal language
Oct 8, 2019 32 tweets 21 min read
the #math book I was waiting 4 & how concept of curvature should be introduced quickly, bought it 4 ~20 GBP @ @heffersbookshop, will study it pseudo-religiously on a daily basis or as a humanist scholar but will benefit from it as the scientist/biologist I am :) thx @wtgowers&co @heffersbookshop @wtgowers already had exposure to some articles in this book, a true companion, when using Safari Books Online as an @emblebi-er