beatrice Profile picture
El camino se hace al caminar. mastodon:
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 #LongCovid & Hist. Medicine
Three years ago Dr Elisa Perego @elisaperego78
first used the term #LongCovid as a Twitter hashtag
History will tell
a single tweet by a patient not recovered from Covid
has launched a campaign across the world
for recognition of this disease
🧶 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 #LongCovid & Hist. Medicine
September 2020

WHO met with patient advocates, researchers and global clinical experts  and established
the ICD-10 code (U09) and ICD-11 code (RA02)
for #LongCovid or post COVID-19 condition
🧶 ImageImageImage
May 19, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam: starting Pandemic race
although highly vulnerable
[densely populated urban areas &
limited healthcare infrastructure]
Vietnam adopted a successful strategy
due to experience with previous outbreaks [SARS in 2003]
health priorities above economic concerns‼
🧶 ImageImage
Jan 4, 2023 77 tweets 51 min read
🎯🎯🎯BRASIL🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷: Pfizer bivalent vaccines postponed & cancelled by "NEW" Ministry of Health

"Vaccines distributed in APRIL (⁉)once a year (what about Pandemic and virus escape ⁉)and only
to elderly immunosuppressed & HCWs...(⁉)"
Sec. Health Surveillance and Environment
🧶 ImageImage 🎯🎯🎯BRASIL🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷: Pfizer bivalent vaccines postponed & cancelled by "NEW" Ministry of Health
⛔Min. Health has received

1st delivery Pfizer bivalent vaccines on Dec 9th 1,4 mi
2nd delivery Pfizer bivalent vaccines on Dec11th 1,6 mi
3rd delivery on Dec 9th 1,4 mi
4th 2,8 mi
🧶 ImageImageImageImage
Dec 31, 2022 13 tweets 9 min read
🎯✈✈✈🎯Negative Covid tests before intl.
flights do not protect from the spread of new variants

▶US and other countries: travellers from China will require mandatory negative Covid tests
▶CDC proposed testing ✈wastewater as a better solution to tracking the virus ⁉
🧶 🎯✈✈✈🎯Negative Covid tests before intl.
flights do not protect from the spread of new variants

▶ French researchers [July 22]
OMICRON in wastewater from 2 coml airplanes [Ethiopia to France] in Dec 2021 even though passengers had negative Covid tests before boarding
🧶 Image
Nov 23, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 BRASIL: starting a new collapse foretold ⁉
after BQ.1** Sars-Cov2 has taken off in mid-July

🎯🎯🎯CAMPINAS/São Paulo going back to Emergency Hospitals ["Hospitais de Campanha"]
like in early pandemic times in 2020
as Public ICU beds🛌overwhelmed
▶▶▶100% occupied

🧶 ImageImage 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 BRASIL: starting a new collapse foretold ⁉

And the country lost again [and again]
a window of opportunity to start
a Public Health management
as Ministry of Health data has already showed BQ.1** in 10 states on Nov 18th
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Amazonas ...

🧶 ImageImage
Nov 23, 2022 36 tweets 25 min read
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷ANVISA: Masks Mandate
in planes✈✈✈ and airports👩‍✈️
😷 incorrect position on the face
😷 cloth masks
😷 plastic masks
😷 masks with exhalation valves
[including N95 or PFF2 masks]
😷 face shield without masks
🧶… Image 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷ANVISA ▶▶▶ Masks 😷and Vaccines💉

authorized both Pfizer bivalents in Brasil 💉💉
BA.1 & BA.4/BA.5
[Pfizer has asked approval in August/September]

Oct 24, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
♂️♂️♂️ We must talk about impotence & infertility!
since the very beginning clear association btw Covid &
Erectile Dysfunction/ED [inability to achieve/maintain
erection to accomplish sexual activity] from 20s to 70s
🚩USA🇺🇸 230,000 men/Nat.Registry
ED 20% higher after COVID
🧶 Image
♂️♂️♂️ We must talk about impotence & infertility!!!

UK🇬🇧a study of nearly half a million adults
📈ejaculation difficulty and📉reduced libido as #LongCOVID symptoms

Italia 🇮🇹 100 subjects/Sex@COVID online survey
prevalence of ED significantly higher [28%]
in COVID+ group

Oct 12, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
👁️👁️👁️We must talk about COVID & our eyes ‼‼‼

Acute and subacute ophthalmic manifestations

🎯lacrimal gland mass
🎯folicular conjunctivitis
🎯optical neuritis
🎯cranial nerve disorders
🧶 ... 👁️👁️👁️We must talk about COVID & our eyes ‼‼‼

Delayed ophthalmic manifestations

🎯sudden onset ▶painless diminution of vision in the right eye with acuity of finger counting at 50 cm
due to combined retinal artery and vein occlusion & optic disc edema [32-year-old]
🧶 ...
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🎯🎯🎯#LongCovid ▶ a parallel pandemic
Their lives have been ruined by #LongCovid
"I got sick and I just never got better
it hit every system in my body
I don't feel like myself anymore
Exhaustion to the point where
you can't remember your kids names"

tks @rodrigo_m_arati
Oct 8, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
👶Meningitis🧠5 y/o boy

Covid vaccines ✔
Meningitis vaccines ✔

6:00 a.m. frontal headache high intensity
10:00 a.m. low fever & sleepy [no eating]
1:00 p.m. nausea & vomiting
4:00 p.m. clinical evaluation ▶ meningitis ‼‼‼
5:00 p.m. Covid test: positive
🧵 👶Meningitis🧠5 y/o boy

6:00 p.m. Spinocerebral fluid: positive
[viral and bacteria]
10:00 p.m. isolated in the Emergency Room
01:00 a.m. antibiotics

No Pediatric ICU beds 🏥🛌. None.
24 hours later still none.

a "mild" pandemic
a "mild" virus
a "mild" meningitis
Oct 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🏫🏫🏫 Schools: a horror chapter of Covid 19‼

🚩Feb 2021: outbreak in Lombardia 🇮🇹
🚩a crèche + a kindergarten + the local main school
all submitted to a free screening
based on PCR testes🧪
of all individuals connected to the schools🏫… 🏫🏫🏫 Schools: a horror chapter of Covid 19‼

🚩822 individuals tested for Sars-Cov2 infection
460 PCR positive & 51.5% symptomatic
🚩contact matrix: the highest contact rate reported
by individuals 10–20 years with the same age group Image