Sharing experiences during my journey as a Web3 & AI Explorer.
@Futureverse is my home. Building @gambainsights & @rootblocks. Founder of @craft_clarity.
Aug 24, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
A different #WhatIfAlpha this time. Apple Glasses have been a rumor for such a long time and I believe we might see a first glimpse what they've been working on at this event.
I’m a proud and grateful @BoredApeYC member since June ’21. I’m impressed by how @yugalabs keeps on delivering ever since. 🦍🚀
But I’m even more impressed by a player somehow very few have on their radar. Let’s dive into @flufworld built by @NonFungibleLabs. 🧵
Let’s start with the “Why?”. The NZ based McDonald brothers (@aaronmcdnz, @dmcd_nz, @JeffIYPK) have been building a whole #Metaverse ecosystem for years & it gets revealed piece by piece. Their approach is unique. But it’s not only about their own world.