Executive director, The Examination. Global health investigative journalism. ben@theexamination.org
Aug 15, 2022 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Now you see it … now you don’t. The mystery of ancient statues edited from the pages of Architectural Digest sparked a deep dive by @ICIJorg w/@PeterWhoriskey@maliapolitzer into the opaque art trade & surfaced big questions about who should own a nation's cultural heritage.🧵
Our latest was sparked when @ICIJorg reporting fellow @NicoleSadek noticed Khmer statues in a photo of a mansion's courtyard on an architect's website ... and compared it to the version in a 2021 magazine spread, where the statues were missing. icij.org/investigations…
Oct 6, 2021 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
One reason the offshore economy persists is its seeming distance from the lives of real people. A mission of the @ICIJorg#PandoraPapers reporting team was to bridge that gap. Here are a few of the dozens of people we interviewed. ⬇️
Pietro Mancini: After discovering cancer-causing sludge in his Italian factory, he was fired. The company & senior execs were accused of cover-up. @shirafu reports on how one of those execs moved assets, including shares, to offshore haven. icij.org/investigations…