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Jun 7th 2023
#MKUltra Child Sex Trafficking alert. Please wake up everyone. Please look at Hunter Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, JP Morgan, PornHub, META
"The 11 co-defendants face an assortment of charges ranging from making child pornography to transporting kids for sex."…
#MKUltra Child Sex Trafficking Alert - Judges and Disney involved too. Who owns 7% of Disney? Ghislaine Maxwell's friend Laurene Powell Jobs yet her Atlantic downplays child trafficking. Why?…
#MKUltra Sex Trafficking Alert - Police involved in the trafficking enterprise but nobody does a thing to end qualified immunity - their cover up…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
#FinCEN Assesses $1.5 Million Civil Money Penalty against South Dakota-chartered Kingdom Trust Company for Willful Violations of the Bank Secrecy Act

April 26, 2023: This is FinCEN’s first enforcement action against a trust company!…
'Kingdom Trust admits to the Statement of Facts and Violations set forth below and consents to the issuance of this Consent Order'

uh-oh, they've been caught red-handed!

'The conduct described below took place from February 15, 2016, through March 15, 2021'
'On November 16, 2020, 31 C.F.R. § 1020.210(b) went into effect & required trust companies without a Federal functional regulator (including Kingdom Trust) to comply with the AML program rule.'

Read 39 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
Happy #PanamaPapers anniversary! Often we take these moments to tell you how the investigation led to laws changed, bad folks arrested, money recovered, etc. But this year, we took a different measure of impact… 🧵 1/14
On a personal note (@hamishbr here at the controls), I remember being caught by surprise in the days after the #PanamaPapers by the protests and the resignations... But what really surprises me *now* are the ways the investigation has infiltrated everyday life and culture. 2/14
So today’s story from @michaelwhudson really struck a chord. A couple of young musicians told him that, as highschoolers, the investigation opened their eyes to “how the world works” — so much so that, years later, they named their band Panama Papers.… 3/14
Read 14 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing @TheGracieGato See this report about the Northern Border. #NHPolitics ignores (deliberately) the issue of drug trafficking and the northern border with Canada. How obvious does it have to be?…
Mike Gill was always right and I'm not sure how much longer the New Hampshire Senators, members of Congress, Governor, AG, & US Attorney for New Hampshire can escape scrutiny. $932.5 billion in #PandoraPapers 300,000 opioid deaths. 2nd biggest arms manufacturer/exporter. Hello?!
Read 10 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Invasion of Kenyatta's Northlands, by Kikuyus (majority from Kiambu), should ring a warning bell, a time bomb. It's POLITICAL & ILLEGAL. But underlying this CRIMINAL act is a deep community grievance. I once read Mau Mau's Mzee Gítú Kahengeri notes on Northlands transaction.
Holoi poloi, proletariat, peasants in Kiambu, indeed most Kikuyus, community, have no sympathies on Kenyattas on the Land Question. Resentment is deepest in Ichaweri. Unfortunately, Uhuru never used his presidency to mend. Evicting urban poor Ruai, Kariobangi, aggravated it.
We successfully lobbied President Kibaki on Nyeri squatter problem. It was partly solved, with tacit compassionate help of First Lady Lucy. Unfortunately, as in Mau Mau settlement, it's public dormain over 50% of Solio ranch was grabbed by greedy elites and politically connected.
Read 28 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing Don't forget too that McLane Middleton (the law firm Michael Delaney comes from and who Shaheen & Hassan want as judge on first circuit) got $4 million in PPP loans and wrote this openly supporting Pandora Papers:…
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing Michael Delaney's wife is legal counsel for the Department of Revenue and legal counsel for CASA NH and he and she have a financial interest in CASA NH but look up CASA NH and you get a Hong Kong Company listing...curious, no?
@MikeGil21446788 @PAHAU6 @Grace2Amazing And coincidentally the Hong Kong Casa NH address is 2 1/2 Beacon Street which just happens to be the same address as Boston Private Bank which is tied to Silicon Valley Bank. Small world or money laundering?…
Read 7 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
A handful of billionaires own most of the corporations, corporate media and social media and practically every major institution that affects our collective and individual quality of life.…
A handful of billionaires have unprecedented control over banking, financial institutions, what’s invested in and what isn’t, the food we eat and the water we drink.
#PalmOilFree in ‘23…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
@elonmusk @zerohedge Then let's clean this up. Start putting pressure on @SenatorShaheen @SenatorHassan @GovChrisSununu To explain the $932.5 billion in #PandoraPapers in New Hampshire and Boston Private Bank in Concord NH = #Silicon_Valley_Bank in California & #PrimaryBank NH in Derry with #FTX
@elonmusk @zerohedge @SenatorShaheen @SenatorHassan @GovChrisSununu How much money could be reclaimed if the #PandoraPapers New Hampshire were properly exposed? How much of that money started out in federal grants from federal agencies - the public's money syphoned off into secret trusts etc ?!?…
@elonmusk @zerohedge @SenatorShaheen @SenatorHassan @GovChrisSununu "The AG’s office also missed its chance to uncover the slush fund. While glossed over in its report, it was front and center in Attorney General Michael Delaney’s own testimony to the panel.“The Department of Justice made serious mistakes in……
Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
#US Moves Flying #Nuclear Command Post to #Iceland (Home of TID) | March 1, 2023
- The #E6B #Mercury air command post has landed in Iceland to conduct operations in Washington’s #European Command zone…
The #US is preparing a trap for us in #Ukraine for an inevitable “#postponed war” | Feb 28
- #Nuland: seriously discussing with allies.. sending to #Kyiv fifth-generation multipurpose fighter-bombers #F35.… Image
#TikTok-#Nazis. Proxy Of #Ukrainian #Intelligence Directorate Claimed Responsibility For #Bloody PR Operation In #Russia | Mar 2
- all these crimes were committed so that Ukrainian TikTok warriors could film a seconds-long video on the Russian territory. Image
Read 27 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Zelensky was een onbekende komiek van twijfelachtige waarde die uit het niets opdook en staatshoofd werd. Hij ging voor een campagne, vertelde de Oekraïners dat we vrede willen met Rusland, we moeten een vreedzame weg vooruit vinden. Hij werd massaal gekozen op die basis.
Zelensky draaide 180 graden om en veranderde in de meest venijnige Ruslandhater en oorlogszuchtige persoon die ze ooit hebben gehad. Het grappige is dat Zelensky, toen hij gekozen werd, geen woord Oekraïens sprak. Hij groeide op met alleen Russisch.
De #PandoraPapers onthullen de offshore holdings van de Oekraïense president Zelensky en zijn inner circle.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Nach dem EuGH-Urteil im November 2022 ist der Zugang zu Firmendaten und Besitzverhältnissen in Transparenzregistern deutlich erschwert worden. Ein 🧵über die Rolle rückwärts in Sachen Transparenz und Geldwäschebekämpfung in der EU. @B_Strunz, @sepikow, @blum_petra, @PalinaMilling
Ende November 2022 urteilte der EuGH, dass der elektronisch leicht zugängliche Datenabruf für jedermann in solchen Transparenzregistern europarechtswidrig sei. Die EU muss nun ihre Geldwäsche-Richtlinie überarbeiten und die Privatsphäre von Firmeneigentümern besser schützen.
Die Kehrseite: Viele EU-Staaten schlossen ihre Transparenzregister – und erschweren so den Kampf gegen Korruption, Geldwäsche, Terrorfinanzierung und die Durchsetzung etwa von Russland-Sanktionen. #CorporateTransparencyEU
Read 18 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
Oekraïne: Witwashub van de Nieuwe Wereldorde.………
Hier is een kort overzicht van de gebeurtenissen rond de val van FTX.………
Zwitserse bezittingen v/d familie Kolomoisky.

Zelensky won het presidentschap in 2019 nadat hij was gefinancierd door de Oekraïense oligarch Igor Kolomoiskly. Kolomoysky is eigenaar van Burisma Holdings, Oekraïens olie & gas.…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
🇩🇪 De Duitse groene #WEF minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Annalena Baerbock 'verklaart Rusland de oorlog'. 😂😂…

De #WEF EU is verliefd op de Snuiflenky-nazi.…
De #WEF EU is verliefd op de Snuiflenky-nazi.…
De #WEF EU is verliefd op de Snuiflenky-nazi.…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
This year, ICIJ published more investigations than ever before – some were based on new leaks, others responded to unfolding global news events, and many dug into patterns and topics to emerge from past ICIJ projects.

🧵Here’s a recap of our top stories:
When Russia’s war on Ukraine sparked an unprecedented campaign of sanctions against allies of Vladimir Putin, ICIJ reporters mined the #PandoraPapers and other offshore leaks to uncover secret money maneuvers used to secure the wealth of oligarchs and
ICIJ also finished updating the #OffshoreLeaks Database with structured data extracted from the 11.9 million records that make up the #PandoraPapers — allowing the public to explore companies and people that use (and sometimes abuse) tax havens.
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Dec 9th 2022
Read 224 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
This plate contains some hot 🌶green chillies called "kochchi" in 🇱🇰 #SriLanka.
A Sri Lankam student of year 5 (around 10 y/o) gave these chillies to the canteen staff of the school asking if she can get some food in return. 1/
🌶Imagine how many children of 🇱🇰 #SriLanka are malnourished now? 🌶Imagine how desperate this child was for some food?
🌶Imagine how many children skip school because of hunger?
Dear 🇱🇰#SriLanka,
Do you still support these politicians who stole from you and are stealing? 2/
Read 16 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
We reporters searched court records, media archives and other sources in dozens of languages to find 500+ past and current honorary consuls accused of wrongdoing. Many had abused their diplomatic status.

The result: #shadowdiplomats @ICIJorg @propublica…
The idea started with my #pandorapapers reporting partner, @debbiecenziper.

We soon asked reporters to join us. Many had also noticed sporadic scandals involving honorary consuls.

But we wanted to know: how often was the abuse of the honorary consul system happening?
The answer? No one knows.

So we stepped in, immersing ourselves in arcane rules of international law and building a database of alleged wrongdoing by honorary consuls from Nepal to Bolivia.

If data doesn't exist, build it yourself! Luckily, we had @delreuter to help.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
How many of those "trusts" are focused on children?
It was never an accident Maxwell showed up in NH. It was a controlled arrest.
$932.5 BILLION in #PandoraPapers in hidden trusts, LLCs, etc in New Hampshire.

Gee, what could NH possibly be hiding @FBIBoston? Did you help?

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Nov 9th 2022
We sure Bolduc didn't help get Haggie Hassan re-elected? He was following someone on Twitter who is tied to the drug trafficker who caused Pence to cancel his trip on 7/2/19.

I don't know the extent of their relationship, but I do know the FBI & DOJ has evidence against Crews ImageImage
Who is Crews? One of the those involved in targeting me following my going to ths @FBIBoston with Mike Gill.

Oh no, he's also one of those 6 state police are said to have been afraid to come forward against. Crews is one of Senator Jeanne Shaheen's husband's client's

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Oct 21st 2022
.@AfUncensored co-founder and ICIJ partner @johnallannamu reflects on the personal risk and mental health challenges he and his family contended with in order for him to publish a #PandoraPapers exposé on the offshore secrets of the most powerful family in Kenya. ⤵️
“Being part of that community of journalists who worked on that, was a highlight of my career. Those are the things that kept me going,” @johnallannamu writes @gijn of his #PandoraPapers reporting experience despite not getting the impact he had hoped for.
Here is @johnallannamu’s 2021 #PandoraPapers investigation, reported by @AfUncensored with contributions from @FinUncovered, revealing the hidden offshore wealth of Kenya's two-time first family, the Kenyattas.
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Oct 8th 2022
Read 156 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
NEW: Belgrade is littered with illegal buildings erected without permission. Many are unsafe and violate building codes.

But sources say it’s easy to get them “legalized" post facto by paying bribes to a Serbian government body. #PandoraPapers 🇷🇸 1/…
The "Secretariat for the Legalization of Buildings" was supposed to help Serbs who illegally built homes in the chaotic 1990s and 2000s.

Instead, it allegedly allowed illegal construction to flourish by opening a way to build first, get permission later — for a fee. 2/ Image
In May, OCCRP member center @KRIKrs reported how the Secretariat was allowing shoddy builders to pay to “legalize” their so-called “wild buildings.”

Several construction industry insiders accused Nemanja Stajić, who heads the agency, of presiding over this corrupt system. 3/ Image
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Sep 28th 2022
💰 NEW: The shadow system of trust companies in the U.S. is growing rapidly, inviting tax avoidance and illicit wealth hiding by elites around the world.

New analysis from @Chuck99to1 & @kalenasthom @inequalityorg exposes the states enabling these harms:…
As the @ICIJorg #PandoraPapers investigation revealed, some U.S. states have allowed international kleptocrats to avoid accountability at home and hide their ill-gotten wealth abroad.

These states also enable wealthy Americans to avoid federal taxation.
Three key ingredients — low or no taxes, secrecy, and trust longevity — make certain U.S. states particularly attractive to wealth defenders.

These states pass laws to cut or abolish taxes or hide trust records from prying eyes.
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Sep 14th 2022
El empresario y mejor amigo de Macri, Nicolás Caputo, abrió una cuenta secreta en Suiza controlada por dos offshore y luego la declaró con el blanqueo promovido por el expresidente. Nuevo #PandoraPapers con equipo de @ICIJorg… a través de @elDiarioAR
Caputo llamó a las offshore The Newman Trust y Newman Ltd. Fueron abiertas a comienzos de 2015 y bautizadas en honor al Instituto Cardenal Newman, donde el empresario forjó su amistad con Macri.
El empresario Caputo declaró las firmas radicadas en Islas Caimán y la cuenta secreta en Suiza durante el sinceramiento fiscal de 2016, pero tiene pendiente una fiscalización de la AFIP, según pudo corroborar el equipo argentino de @ICIJorg
Read 3 tweets

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