Dialecticus 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Libertarian, Vegetarian, Historian, Haitian, Retired Judge
Feb 6, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1/2 Rather than mourn the death of Israeli hostages today, @LegalAidNYC ‘s 30 year vet would like you to think Israel targeted their very assassination. Not killed by Hamas; not accidentally killed by IDF when buildings were bombed, but literally targeted. Bizarre & cruel claim? 2/2 Yes and it’s brought to you through the funding of NYC Biglaw firms like @DavisPolk, @Debevoise & @Cravath which fund LegalAid Society. Image
Dec 14, 2023 • 31 tweets • 5 min read
@SharmaarkeJaan1 @GonenYonatan Before Oct 7th? You mean your slaughter of children & pregnant woman eating pizza at Sbarro’s in 2001 during your “second intifada” & a year later celebrating that “victory”s anniversary by creating an Exhibition in Nablus re-enacting it complete w/ fake blood & child body parts? @SharmaarkeJaan1 @GonenYonatan Or last January when you showed up at Friday night prayers in Neve Yakov and opened fire on a 14 year old and others killing 7 and wounding three?
Jun 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/3 To the extent Titan can be located based on sonar data they have showing banging every 30 minutes (hard, bc the sonar buoys drift), here is what seems to be in place based as of Wednesday evening:

#Titan 2/3
1. Rigging/recovery cable able to reach proper depths; 
2. An FDOSS sent by US Navy (heavy duty salvage vehicle able to haul Titan up using the cable)
3. Ship equipped w/ 2 remote controlled underwater vessels, presumably able to get down there to attach cable to Titan.
Dec 25, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
@troonytoons /1 Cramping is contracting of the uterus, an organ that is usually absent in Trans Men. If a person w/ chromosome XY has a uterus it is likely a condition called PMDS (intersex). As such, a PMDS would be treated medically different than XYs transitioning without a uterus. @troonytoons /2 Bloating is caused by a fairly pronounced drop in progesterone, but that drop happens only when it’s necessary to trigger shedding of the uterine lining (the “period”). Usually around once per month.
Jun 26, 2022 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
@LexiGreene8 @john_s_556 @Logically_JC 1/3 Sorry guys but he’s right. For change, everyone needs to learn how the three branches of government work. And State constitutions, state versus federal laws, and the role of the courts. Here’s a start: everyone sat on their asses too lazy to actually… @LexiGreene8 @john_s_556 @Logically_JC 2/3 Roe. People relied on a flimsy decision to address a hugely important topic, no matter which way you roll. State legislators & federal legislators should have been required by their constituents, who are lazy and don’t do the work required to understand how shit works, to…
May 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
@HenryBouchard7 @evan7257 1/3 Understood. But better to grandstand at the legislators’ homes or show up at their places of business (most have second jobs). When Beto… @HenryBouchard7 @evan7257 2/3 …does this to the governor as opposed to legislators:

(1) the legislators are relieved bc they know they’re the ones responsible for passing laws yet aren’t getting any heat, only the Gov; and
May 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
@EEstaris @davidaxelrod 1\3 Yes. A purchase of buying body armor should require the seller to notify gun retailers via a database. NRA pays for setting up the notification system/database. It’s already used by pawn shops which.. @EEstaris @davidaxelrod 2/3 must enter lists of things pawned in a database, which then sends the inventory to law enforcement via email (for LE to check of reported stolen goods are on there).Here, the purchase of body armor would be entered & gun retailers would be unable to then sell guns w/out…
May 9, 2022 • 5 tweets • 6 min read
@kristin1724 @Michaelthehead @SorinBarbara @realKyleKeegan 1/4 I am pro choice but very involved in the adoption community. Though I don’t believe adoption is a reason to ban abortion. But everyone needs to stop making assumptions about babies available for adoption & the assumption that “white familiar only want white kids”. @kristin1724 @Michaelthehead @SorinBarbara @realKyleKeegan 2/4 There are long lists of families wanting an infant of any color. Don’t respond to me - simply call your state tomorrow & ask. There are no infants available. They are spoken for immediately bc of the long list (in cases of relinquishment; otherwise…
May 7, 2022 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
@Trumpmustgo4 @Spawn_03 1/4 It’s about half federal and half state depending on the state. Most fed $ goes towards children in foster care, most of whom are older and/or have not had parental rights terminated and some to guardians and kinship programs. @Trumpmustgo4 @Spawn_03 2/4 As for how an increase in infants would affect funding, let me preface this w/ (1) I am pro-choice;(2) I believe strongly in reunifying kids w/ birth families & making sure families stay together.That said…the reality is if a birth Mom relinquished her infant to the state..
Apr 25, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
BREAKING: #Druzhbana oil depot near #Bryansk, Russia is apparently on fire. I’m not yet sure if this is a junction of the #Baltic Pipeline System-2 (BPS-2) - the longest pipeline in the world. Very bad news for Russia if so. 1/5 The BPS-2 pipeline begins in #Unecha, runs North (passing through #Bryansk & #Smolensk) & ends at #Ust-Luga at the Gulf of Finland. 2/5
Apr 24, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
#Rossiya #SpecialFlightSquadron headed East to Bulgaria from Sochi and around it: mystery aircraft, Turkish Navy and 2 USAF aircraft, as well as a bunch of other USAF aircraft coming in from Iraq and Qatar that I didn’t capture on this. Flying West from Sochi to Bulgaria. Not east.
Mar 27, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
@JulianRoepcke @fpleitgenCNN 1/6 I appreciate what you’re saying but please consider this: I am a fairly untrained civilian & if my town was under siege & I captured someone who’d been shooting my family & me, I wouldn’t have the heart to shoot to kill. On the other hand,.. @JulianRoepcke @fpleitgenCNN 2/6. …I can’t take the chance of losing the person I’d caught since he’d simply regroup with his fellow murderers & seek to kill me again or my neighbors. I’d probably do exactly this: injure him just enough to avoid such a scenario.
Mar 17, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
1/8. It’s time for some careful diplomacy by Europe/the West (& Japan) with individual #Oblasts, #Republics & #Krais in Russia. Explanation below: 2/8. Unless #Putin is overthrown, Russia is a mess financially & militarily & will be unable to support them anyway. With its latest actions & nuclear threats, Russia needs some pairing down, as it’s become a reckless, marauding danger to the entire planet & now’s the time.
Mar 6, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1/5 Explanation of why Russian Federation is on the UN Security Council, succeeding to the USSR‘s seat after the USSR fell. #UNSecurityCouncil #RussianFederation 2/5 Some have argued USSR-Russian Federation succession shouldn’t have been automatic since the USSR would no longer exist as a legal entity & RF should’ve simply become another UN member along w/ other former USSR states.