Bill Glahn Profile picture
Here for the dawn of a new Golden Age
Oct 12, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread on government data requests.

I send many public data requests to state government. I rarely get a response.

Today (Friday) shortly before 5 pm, I received a response to a request I made two years ago of the state Dept. of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). My request was in regards to the August 2022 departure of an Assistant Commissioner of the Dept., Anisa Hajimumin. An Asst. Commissioner (AC) is a political appointment within the state's executive branch.

This particular Asst. Comm. slot was a new creation within the Dept.
Oct 4, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
A short thread on Feeding Our Future as we start the sentencing phase of the case.

It's now clear that many, many fraudsters will be getting away with the crime of the century. A popular misconception has the case in Federal court because of the mistaken belief that ONLY the Feds have jurisdiction.

False: the state can (and does) prosecute in state court for theft from Federal programs all the time. For example, the state AG has a Medicaid fraud unit.
Jun 5, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
A $120,000 juror bribe undermines the trial currently underway.

It undermines all upcoming Feeding Our Future trials.

It undermines all trials.

It will do more damage than a nuclear weapon.

But the people in charge just shrug. The people in charge of Minnesota, if they even notice what's happened in that Federal courtroom, act as if it's occurring in another country, one very far away.
May 1, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
A short thread on logic and the application of Occam's Razor to the situation involving state Sen. Nicole Mitchell.

To believe her version requires the multiplication of too many unlikely variables. In her telling, the senator heard disturbing news about her dementia-addled stepmom.

This news was so disturbing that she left home at 1 am on a senate off day to check on Mom, the only other heir to her late-father's estate.
Apr 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread on the Facebook statement of MN state Sen. Nicole Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury). She has been charged with one felony count of burglary:

#mnleg Image She decided to "check on" a family member by leaving her home at 1 am Monday morning and driving 220 miles, arriving shortly after 4 am, Monday morning.

She entered this home she'd visited "countless times," not with a key, but by breaking a basement window. According to police.
Mar 4, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
This Monday morning, at that same south Twin Cities metro hotel, there were TWO busses from Mexico parked. Image As I've noted before, the bus line's schedule indicates that this route is run twice-weekly, with Minnesota arrivals early on Friday and Monday mornings.

Some other destinations listed: Image
Mar 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A thread on deceit in the nonprofit world:

The headline sounds innocent enough:

"Hennepin County leaders plan crime prevention summit in May"… The @StarTribune subheadline reads,

"Three-day event would bring together leaders from the county's 45 cities to find new solutions."

"New solutions." Hennepin County will try everything but the obvious old solution (that works): enforcing the law.
Mar 2, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
A thread on an interesting international (Mexico <---> Minnesota) bus service

A Twitter (X) correspondent sent me some photos taken of a hotel parking lot in the south Metro this week. Image The bus pictured above is owned by an American-based scheduled bus service with an interesting business model.

It serves routes connecting cities in southern Mexico with cities in the upper Midwest. All routes pass through the official international crossing at Laredo, TX.
Dec 11, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
A thread:

I've been writing about Minnesota's newest major fraud-prone government program, Personal Care Assistance (PCA) for a couple of years now.

#mnleg To oversimplify: the PCA program pays for a person to care for someone with a disability with daily living in their own home.

For many people and families, the program is an indispensable lifeline, and keeps many out of more expensive assisted living and nursing home options.
Nov 28, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
A thread on "justice" in Hennepin County,

Adam Garcia, the suspect in the Edina bus stop murder case was in court this morning on ten (10) separate unrelated cases.

He has yet to be charged in the murder case. He made his date this morning by the sheer luck of being in custody on the Edina arrest.

By my count, Garcia has failed to appear on 13 separate court dates over the past five years.
Apr 28, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
A thread on the pernicious "hate incident registry" about to become law in Minnesota.

As we've noted before, the demand for hate crimes in Minnesota vastly exceeds the supply.

And there is an entire industry in the state (bureaucrats and nonprofits) dependent on producing more. The language is contained in SF 2909, the "public safety bill" on page 50, beginning at line 31.…
Apr 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The NFL draft taking place at Kansas City's Union Station.

From my visit there a year ago. Image Image
Apr 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
23 of the nation's top 400 billionaires gave to MN Democrats in the past three years. Here is the list:

#mnleg Image For those wondering about Republicans, only 7 Forbes billionaires gave to the MN GOP over that period, for a total of $70,000.

Bill Austin (Starkey) gave the bulk ($49,000). Austin was the only one to give to both parties.
Apr 6, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
A thread on conservative voters, politicians, and elections.

Like most of you, I've been frustrated with recent election results.

These are my observations from spending the past two weeks digging through campaign finance reports from both parties. In Minnesota, Democrats rely on a handful of mostly out-of-state mega donors to fund their campaigns.

As for grassroot, small-dollar donors, they don't seem to even bother.
Jan 12, 2023 11 tweets 1 min read
A thread on societal collapse.

Since we jettisoned the concept of merit, in favor of equity, the clock has been ticking. Our economy is based on a series of complex, interrelated systems for transportation, and delivery ofenergy, food, and consumer goods.
Oct 23, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I am frequently asked for proof that Ilhan Omar married her brother. The people who make this request are not asking in good faith.

But for those who are still new to the story, I've tried to boil down the story to the fewest links that work in the Twitter format.

Here goes... This is the marriage certificate for Ilhan's first legal marriage. It was conducted by a Christian minister in 2009 and she married a man named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Sep 23, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
To recap: in 2020, Feeding Our Future (FOF) applied to add an additional 144 sites to their food distribution network.

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) refused to approve their applications based on their questions about the FOF operation to date. In November 2020, FOF sued MDE in state court, to force MDE to approve the applications.

In March 2021, MDE stopped payment on invoices submitted by FOF, based on concerns about their operation.

FOF asked the judge to rule also on the payments question.