John Edward Lawson Profile picture
Author, editor, volunteer. Photographer, designer, musician @RageInducerBand along with Pandeathic & Doom::mooD. Co-founder of Raw Dog Screaming Press. He/Him
Mar 1, 2022 43 tweets 19 min read
Women in Horror Month is here! What does that mean? It means LISTEN TO WOMEN over men (including me!) on subjects related to women 24/7/365 but especially this month. Listen to music by women, watch film/TV by women, immerse yourself in art & architecture by women, and… …of course: READ WOMEN. Purchase from, follow, like, and share content from women creators and business owners. When women are speaking on something…as I've said many times, especially about public events…back off and don't disrupt their communication.
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Have you ever been so angry that your face and extremities go numb? Or, do you have any idea what that physiologic response is called? I'm currently okay, this is just something that I've experienced in the past. As mentioned in past posts I'm grew up in bad circumstances and live with constant rage. If you've interacted with me at any point yes, I was angry. BUT I believe in treating people… 2/4
May 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
For USA folks criticizing India's pandemic response: you do realize that with 4 times our population they're still at only 1/3 our #Covid_19 death toll and 2/3 our overall cases? Yes, it is bad there, and yes we have to help, but pointing fingers when we wrecked… 1/4 …ourselves AND turned our immigrant detention centers into COVID incubators AND spread the infection around the world by shipping immigrants back to their nations of origin en masse (including India!!!)…come on. 2/4…
May 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Folks, try not to get too attached to your social media channels. I had almost 50,000 followers on Google+ and it all went away when they gave up. Hang out, be real, connect on other platforms. I've known multiple people over the years who lost accounts with no backup. And by that I mean their entire business model was just the one social media channel. Above all else build out a newsletter and, if you can, a website or free blog. Imagine being in this game for a decade or two and having to start over from scratch!