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Exposing the Gender Industry Donate here:
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Feb 16 10 tweets 5 min read
You cannot understand the gender industry, until you understand the technological reproduction industry. They are sewn together like a hand and a glove. It is the reason children are being taught their sexed reality are mix and match commodities, and why women are being reduced to the term "womb havers." It is also why gender ideology has been fused with the LGB political apparatus.

Stay human.
1/… Men having babies/NYC

Jan 25 7 tweets 3 min read
In 2016, Martine Rothblatt joined a business alliance with OutLeadership, the business networking arm of the LGBT Inc. cartel, run by bankers, called OutWomen.

Rothblatt, is a man, a mega successful tech entrepreneur, lawyer, and the father of the current "transgender" empire - the escalation of the male fetish of transsexualism, into an industry in body dissociation.

“There’s a real dearth of institutional and organizational support for successful LGBT women in business. OutWOMEN addresses a clear and present need,” said Ms. [Mr.] Rothblatt, “The women [and men] it will serve face unique opportunities and challenges as a result of their shared identities and experiences, and I’m delighted and honored to help guide the initiative forward. It is an awesome mission.”…
You can read about Mr. Rothblatt and his castration #cult, supported by his ideology of gender identity, which I wrote for Uncommon Ground in 2020, here:

Jan 25 6 tweets 3 min read
The ideology of "gender identity" - or what I prefer to call tran$sexual-tran$humanism, is driven by the tech industry right into children's schools.

In my piece for Tablet Magazine in 2022, I report on the backing for new school curriculums that indoctrinate children to the idea that some children can transcend their sex with technology.

The funding for the initiatives doing the indoctrinating track back to Intel corporation.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California, and incorporated in Delaware. Intel designs, manufactures, and sells computer components such as CPUs and related products for business and consumer markets. It is considered one of the world's largest semiconductor chip manufacturers by revenue and ranked in the Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by revenue for nearly a decade, from 2007 to 2016 fiscal years, until it was removed from the ranking in 2018. In 2020, it was reinstated and ranked 45th, being the 7th-largest technology company in the ranking.

These initiatives are also supported by governments, the medical industry, international banks, corporations, law firms, and Big Pharma, but the roots track back to the fetish of adult men as it intersects with advanced technologies.

Stay human.
You can read about this in my piece for Tablet Magazine, here:
Dec 25, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
In 2023, after my remark that crocs were the ugliest shoes in the world, my sister and I started sharing photos we’d come across of ugly shoes, trying to top one another. It became a contest. Now that the year was finally coming to a close, my sister told me I better hurry up and send some because she’d sent so many, I was on the verge of losing. Herewith is a small selection of the shoes we shared with each other.
1/Image 2/ Image
Oct 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
OutSports is funded by the National Center for Lesbians, which of course is another foundation that is no longer working for Lesbian rights but for the deconstruction of repro sex, via a human rights facade.
Image NCLR is funded hundreds of thousands of dollars by Arcus Foundation, which is funded through the profits of a $101B dollar medical corporation which just entered the facial feminization market. Stryker medical profits are $19B annually - up from 2018 annual profits of $13B.
NCLR received $125 thousand in 2018 alone.
Aug 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
While the fetish of transvestism has been around for ages, the emergence of transsexualism was/is dependent on medical technology. This is where & when this fetish of owning womanhood burgeoned into the #GenderIndustry. It's roots are in the medical industry & its commoditization of human sex, breaking it into purchasable goods. The porn industry, now proliferated by tech, stabilizes the normalization of this commoditization on a mass scale. The normalization of human sex as parts, profits the medical-tech sector. The medical-tech sector both promotes (markets) dismemberment as progressive, & financially supports the deconstruction of human sex by using everything at its disposal: academic theories, cobbled together however badly, funding human rights organizations, Universities, LGB NGOs, & other institutions. It uses the language of freedom, and a propaganda campaign that obscures the reality of its roots in fetish and eugenics. This propaganda campaign is what "tran$genderism" is. "Tran$" is not a type of person. The medical-tech sector owns our media, from which the propaganda is being disseminated & the LGB has become it's servant, which is why the "T" was added to the LGB.
The political apparatus of "gender rights" is the harbinger of #transhumanist augmentations which will further fill the coffers of the medical-tech sector, which is why they are so intent on driving their narrative of wrong heads in wrong bodies & are willing to medically assault children's healthy.
@11thBlog @raynaldlevesque @ramsay_colettei @11thBlog
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Highlighting men w/ fetishes doesn't really expose much abt the #GenderIndustry (unless they are part of the power structure), beyond the fact that porn has created a lot of damage & provides impetus for more damaged men to come out. They love the attention. They are
captivating but not particularly special. Porn is fetishization. It creates fetishists. Men are the predominant consumers of porn. It's not brain surgery that men are developing more depraved fetishes.
May 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, a conglomerate publishing Scientific American, Springer Nature, etc. & other platforms attempting to deconstruct sex, has its own "queer" dept.
1/ Image "Queer" used to mean different. It was perjorative but reclaimed by LGB activists, as in "we're here, we're queer, get used to it." It developed to reframe homosexuality on par w/ heterosexuality as a sexual orientation. It could not quite reach that paradigm because
May 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
“Gender identity” is a virtual reality being overlaid on the natural world. It is not real but everyone is treating it as real & so real children & young people are being harmed. We can’t continue to solidify this powerful, corporate illusion & have any hope
of protecting anyone. I know it looks real. It seems real. How could it not be real?
There is a juggernaut of political & financial pressure behind this narrative of “gender dysphoria,” “gender medicine,” “gender people,” that is operating to keep this illusion alive.
Apr 30, 2023 7 tweets 7 min read
@OK_HONEY_BEE @Merlin0315 @AcheJ6 That is likely coming from a withdrawal of corporate support generated by the HRC that is unhappy with their response to customer’s anger. If you Fuxk w/ the HRC you are fuxking w/Big Pharma & Tech (mommy & daddy to the corporate coup that is tran$) &
1/… @OK_HONEY_BEE @Merlin0315 @AcheJ6 they have the power to ruin businesses & states. They are a juggernaut of power that keeps companies in line with the #LGBTInc programming/indoctrination.
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Yea? Well good luck with a boycott. They are owned by L’Oreal (35
Brands), a mega billion dollar company.
Better give up wearing make-up.
1/… Same shite w/Anheuser Busch which might have had a little dip in sales since the Mulvaney/Bud Light debacle but you can rest assured they’re not going anywhere. They own 40 different brands of beer. Time to give up on beer too.
Mar 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
You cannot combat the power of the gender lobby’s anti-reality marketing campaign by normalizing the premise of a category of people outside our sexually dimorphic species that need their own spaces. This is an attempt to compromise w/tyranny & an anti-reality (H+) agenda.
This lobby is the medical industrial complex (MIC) wearing a dress & lipstick & calling itself a human rights movement. The MIC is a $10T industry. You can make no compromises with this beast. We have to be relentless in our attempts to beat it back.
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Kudos to Sean Plunket for calling out this tyranny. Rainbow Tick works like Human Rights Campaign in US and Stonewall in the UK.

Sean Plunket takes on the Rainbow Tick diversity industry | The Platform… You will submit or they will ruin you. The business networking arm@of the LGBT boasts a $3.7T constituency. They have the power to make most toe the line.
Nov 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Human emotions are being overridden through constant exposure to trauma. Tech connects us to a massive amount of sexually degrading material, wars, & violence hitherto unknown to the human psyche. We dissociate to protect ourselves & have become hard. The more we dissociate
the less we feel & empathize, the more atrocities we stand down to. We have become fodder for a tech mill intent on melding us to machines. We are not that far from the posthuman condition the corporate state is intent on creating. If we can’t help ourselves, the children
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@NichtUeberzeugt @11thBlog There are too many factions of feminism now, ea with their own set of analysis & as we see, often at odds w/each other & too many women of color have disengaged completely from the discourse. It no longer has a unifying public message, we are too spread out to organize easily
@NichtUeberzeugt @11thBlog Feminist analysis has not updated itself to account for some very broad changes in society & has lost appeal thereby, especially with young women. Young women have been separated from the history of how the rights they now have were attained.
Aug 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
After 10 yrs of following the money behind the #GenderIndustry I am unequivocally certain there are no “gender ppl,” that every ounce of everything you’ve heard from the #GenderIndustry is a lie. All of it. It is all corporatism. ALL OF IT. It is sickness SOLD as progress.
There is more & more information coming out daily to support this reality but some ppl still want to hang onto this construct of there being some people who are really really trapped in the wrong body. Nobody is born in the wrong body. No one. You are born as a
Jul 13, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
In the past decade, all our major corporations, international human rights orgs, NGOs, investment houses, banks, medical institutions, legal firms, governments & politicians, teachers & educational bodies have simultaneously discovered that the natural world &
hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution through sexual dimorphism is somehow wrong. It’s all been one big mistake, scientists have made a new discovery, that there are actually hundreds, maybe billions of sexes & to manifest the truth in
Jun 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Remember their names & repeat them often, along with the term Synthetic Sex Identities. The Pritzkers, Jon Stryker, Tim Gill, Martine Rothblatt. Put the pieces together.

1/… 2/…
Jun 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“Transgender” is a made up word. It was added to LGB NGOs in 2004-5, right after Tim Gill & Jon Stryker founded the 2 most powerful LGB (then) NGOs. In less than 2 decades language & laws r being mandated for made up sexes (synthetic sex identities).
Stryker is heir to a medical fortune & Gill’s $ come from computer software & AI design. They have poured billions into getting these synthetic sex identities rooted in law & institutionalized, just like the Pritzkers.
May 16, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
This alternate idea that things are not as bad as we think they are when we think they are, that things will right themselves, that a small win means the tide is turning on gender ID insanity, is an impediment to crucial action. It cocoons us in a bubble of false hope.

Human rights movements do not move like the gender ID "movement." They do not originate from corporatism & get pushed downward into the culture. They rise up from the roots, from the people. They are not totalitarian or censorious. They do not deny biological reality.

Nov 22, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Why have The ACLU & Amnesty International turned on women?
They haven't. Women are in the way of a Big Pharma, Big Tech agenda to colonize human sex via "gender identity."
ACLU is funded millions by Arcus Foundation, which is fed by the founders billion dollar medical corp.