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May 21st 2023
Highlighting men w/ fetishes doesn't really expose much abt the #GenderIndustry (unless they are part of the power structure), beyond the fact that porn has created a lot of damage & provides impetus for more damaged men to come out. They love the attention. They are
captivating but not particularly special. Porn is fetishization. It creates fetishists. Men are the predominant consumers of porn. It's not brain surgery that men are developing more depraved fetishes.
What is captivating about this particular fetish of owning womanhood is how it is being used by the power structure to deconstruct sex. This is the part that is important. Because the medical-tech-industry also wants to own womanhood & for them it is not just a fantasy.
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Mar 19th 2023
You cannot combat the power of the gender lobby’s anti-reality marketing campaign by normalizing the premise of a category of people outside our sexually dimorphic species that need their own spaces. This is an attempt to compromise w/tyranny & an anti-reality (H+) agenda.
This lobby is the medical industrial complex (MIC) wearing a dress & lipstick & calling itself a human rights movement. The MIC is a $10T industry. You can make no compromises with this beast. We have to be relentless in our attempts to beat it back.
The opioid crisis is still a crisis & the #GenderIndustry will dwarf that enterprise by a very wide margin. Over 300 clinics have emerged in the US alone in a decade that are sterilizing young people. Body disassociation is being marketed as progressive by pharmaceutical
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Mar 5th 2023
Join us in Austin TX April 20 to learn from experts how Gender Inc Manufactures Trans Kids. “How did we get here, and what can we do?” Our panel: @laraalix @Miriam_Grossman @BrandonMShow @CEJacksonLaw @JenniferLahl @KnownHeretic @StopXXErasure
We’re grateful to @whosebodyisit for serving as moderator for this powerful event happening April 20 in Austin TX. A panel of 7 experts will give you the information and inspiration to make positive change and move closer to abolishing the #genderindustry…
We're proud to announce a special appearance by Barry Wall @HeadWarriorTWM…
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Aug 8th 2022
After 10 yrs of following the money behind the #GenderIndustry I am unequivocally certain there are no “gender ppl,” that every ounce of everything you’ve heard from the #GenderIndustry is a lie. All of it. It is all corporatism. ALL OF IT. It is sickness SOLD as progress.
There is more & more information coming out daily to support this reality but some ppl still want to hang onto this construct of there being some people who are really really trapped in the wrong body. Nobody is born in the wrong body. No one. You are born as a
fully embodied human being. Attacking your own sex or allowing others to do so will not make you any less so & regardless of anyone’s feelings, allowing people to attack their sex & enshrining this in law as progress, is bad for everyone in the human community.
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Mar 4th 2022
The #GenderIndustry wants to transwash all of history. 1/…
"According to Gill-Peterson, who has tracked the history of transgender children from the early 1900s, trans children were likely to be misdiagnosed, arrested, institutionalized or kicked out of their homes 50 to 70 years ago." No. 2/
What he tracked was the history of gay and non-conforming minors. 3/
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Jan 25th 2022
🧵 on "trans widows." 1/10
Of all the voices in the fight to push back against the #GenderIndustry, I think it's the "trans widows" whose voices get heard the least. For anyone who doesn't know, these are the women whose husbands "transition." What these women go through is horrific. 2/10
I am including here, anonymously and with permission, an email message that I received from one such woman this morning. 3/10
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