BlueWallet Profile picture
Bitcoin wallet focused on making Bitcoin fun, usable and for anyone.
Hakan Profile picture Jan van ₿ Profile picture Jason Kemp Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 13, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read

Let us introduce our new Lightning implementation.

Powered by Lightning Dev Kit (LDK), a flexible Lightning implementation written in Rust.

In this demo we gonna look in to opening a channel from an offline and airgapped device with PSBT (singlesig/multisig).

🧵 1/5 And sending with the respective channel we just opened 💪
Oct 7, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
v5.6.1 is out 🔥🔥🔥


- Payjoin support (bip78) 👀

Payjoin is a type of CoinJoin, where both the sender and the receiver coordinate to build a Bitcoin transaction.

A thread 👇 FIXED

- Rare crash on startup (electrum server)
- Freezes on send screen
- Bitcoin price widget content overlap
- Biometrics on some devices
- Add margin for RTL languages
Sep 24, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Many of you are asking if BlueWallet tracks or leaks xpubs, specially on the watch-only wallets.

Short answer: No.

In-depth answer 👇 A xpub, stands for "extended public key". Is the the key that generates all your addresses, thus one can get all your wallet data, past transactions and future transactions.

Even though it stands for "extended public key". This key should remain private and never be shared.

Sep 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
2nd release this week? 🤯 Let's do it

v5.5.9 is out on Android, iOS and macOS

- Real time Transaction Fees 👀
- Fee experience on Sending
- Fee experience for Bumping (RBF)
- Fee experience for Canceling (RBF)
- Fee experience for Receiving (CPFP) Image FIXED
- Broken LN refill
- Camera won't scan QR with airgapped hww
- Refresh from notification
- Transactions not updating on refresh
- Set default fee in CPFP/RBF fee-selection component
- Update recalculate fee on send screen with custom sat/byte fee rate
Sep 14, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Monster release 🔥

v5.5.8 is out on iOS, android and macOS


- Support for big wallets (>3k txs) 🐳
- New wallet navigation (tablet/desktop) 🏝️
- Slovenian language 🇸🇮
- Hebrew language 🇮🇱
- Arabic language 🇪🇬🇸🇦🇶🇦🇱🇧💙
- KES/NGN/TWD currency 🇰🇪 🇳🇬 🇹🇼 FIXED

- Wrong value on tx broadcast
- Transaction time when using EPS
- Some EPS txs stay unconfirmed
- Dark/light theme switch
- Create-ln-invoice button is not blocked
- On approved notifications send hash from watch
- If Camera not authorized, show Alert
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Monster release 🔥

Desktop app is out on the mac store 

This is the first Bitcoin-only wallet available on the mac store for millions of users.

A thread 👇… Let's see what we can do from start with it, shall we.

🧙‍♂️ HWW integration
Easily connect to your hardware wallet through watch-only and PSBTs support. Image
Aug 24, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
v5.5.4 is out on iOS and android 🔥

- Better PSBT files handling on android
- Tap to open on Push notification
- Show xPub (Apple Watch)
- COP local currency

- Invoice failing (Apple Watch)
- Disable Watch app elements when not reachable
... Fixed

- Loading indicator when processing files
- Button size for large devices
- Better handling of electrum disconnect
- Disable push notifications in settings
- QRCode border in LN Backup screen
- Animated QRCode border
- sk_SK language updates
Aug 11, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
BlueWallet Local Trader 🔥

How to buy Bitcoin on a non-custodial P2P trading platform via escrow, without KYC from the comfort of your mobile phone.

Powered by @hodlhodl

A thread 🧵👇 First, you need a HodlHodl account.

Open BlueWallet and tap "Local Trader" - have at least one
wallet in BlueWallet.
Aug 4, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Monster release 🔥 v5.5.2 is out

- Ground Control 🎵
- Notifications for Receiving (layer1/layer2)
- Notification for Confirmed transactions 🧠
- LNurl-Pay support 👀
- Local Trader logout option
- Clear storage if password is lost FIXED

- Crashes importing malformed xpub
- Restore Change unit on balance tap
- Sending max amount, some scenarios would fail
- Missing text on sendMAX dialog box confirmation
- Invoice creation darkmode
- Font-Color in Input Field "transaction notes"
Jul 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Because you asked for it! 😈

v5.5.1 rolled out has started! 🔥

We cracked our knuckles so this version now fully supports Dark Mode! Have at it!

We made a video too :p
Sound on 🔊 Full change log:

- Dark Mode
- Import watch-only in bitcoincore format [fingerprint/derivation]xpub (wallet descriptors)

- Sharing doesn't include text
- Import mnemonic w/typo
- Don't store txhex in transactions list
- Wrap save storage in try-catch
Jul 1, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Monster release 🔥

Second one in two weeks. Bullish af 🐂
Keep building!

v5.4.4 is out on iOS and Android


- Cobo Vault hardware wallet support
- Air-gapped PSBT with Animated QR codes
- Entropy via Dice rolls
- Entropy via Coin flip ...


- Exclude wallet transactions from main list
- Detect language automatically
- Detect currency automatically
- Launch screen dark mode 🙏
- Speeded up BIP44 HD wallets
Jun 23, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Monster release 🔥

v5.4.3 is out on iOS and Android

- Accept offer (buy Bitcoin)
- Login to Local Trader with HodlHodl
- New full listing screen
- See your contracts/offers
- Labelling and edit on-chain transactions
- ILS local currency 🇮🇱 FIXED 😅

- Improved electrum server connectivity
- lnurl withdrawal when default unit is not sats
- StatusBar wasn't visible when modals opened
- Euro symbol for iOS Today extension
- Remove support for BIP70
Jun 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Dropping the fire! 🔥

v5.4.1 is out on iOS and android.

NEW ⚡️
- Local currency input for receive & send
- Fee details to Lighting invoices FIXED 😅

- Watch-only Wallets we're not being synced to Watch app
- Following onchain+offchain invoice
- Reorder wallets not working
- Extend pull to close gesture area to full modal height
- Don't allow navigating backwards on backup screens
- Round local currencies
Jun 4, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Hot hot! 🔥 v5.4.0 is out!

- Scan button as the main action
- Shortcuts on Scan by long press
- Redeem vouchers
- New iOS 13 Navigation
- Catalan translation
- Slovak translation
- (Sexy) Success animation on send Fixed
- Set the first launch flag - wallets not being present
- Improved startup time
- Mnemonic index numbers
- Potential HD wallet crash with vout parse
- Legacy-wallet fetch Transactions to not crash when vout for transaction is missing addresses
May 29, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Happy birthday to us! 🥳🎉

Let's make some #bitcoin rain ⚡️

1 - Tag two friends
2 - Create an invoice for 1000 sats
(lightning wallet > receive > 1000 sats)
3- Paste your QR code image with our logo

Thank you everyone for the support. Much love! 💙 It's our 2nd anniversary. Some curiosities about BlueWallet

1- In our first 6 months there were less than 10 downloads per day.

A very small community of users that gave us priceless feedback and that we are grateful and thankful for 🙏

We hangout here
May 26, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The list of Privacy features keeps growing 👻

Here's some of them. Let us know which ones are you missing.

1/n 👇 A thread 2/n

- Full Node connection
Support for ElectrumX, Electrs and EPS Image
May 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Boom! 💥 v5.3.7 is out on iOS and Android

- Electrum seed for Segwit and Legacy
- Improved Entropy generation module
- Support for Deeplinks (:bluewallet)
- Missing Localizations
- Improved Storage delete/not-delete
- Improved RBF/CPFP screen FIXED
- Fee suggestion selection
- Electrum seed recovery bug
- Allow RBF/CPFP view to be scrolled on small devices
- Biometrics switch value
- Prevent possible crash on LN invoice screen
May 4, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
💥 Dropping the fire!

v5.3.5 is out on Android and iOS


- Import key+passphrase (Bip38)
- Electrum Seed format (Bip32)
- Broadcast Transaction feature
- Send functionality for all wallet types
(includes Bread wallet support) NEW 👏

- All wallet types can now "send MAX"
- All wallet types now build tx using PSBT
- Allow to Sell Fiat through Moonpay and Xanpool
- Refill Lightning wallet with bank card
- Local Trader moved to the Main screen
Apr 30, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Privacy, User Control and Self Sovereignty are topics we are starting to focus more on. And that you can expect more from us in the future.

Let's see what we have so far, shall we!

1/n - A Thread 👇 - Full Node connection (layer1/layer2)

Support for ElectrumX, Electrum Personal Server, Electrs and as well LndHub(LND). Both under TCP, TLS, VPN and TOR (on android).

2/n Image
Apr 9, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Boom! 💥 Just dropping the usual 🔥

v5.3.0 is out on iOS and android


- EPS and Electrs with TLS support 🕵️‍♀️
- Electrum connection status now updates realtime
- Avatars in Local Trader offers list 💄
- Import single-address on Bech32 wallets NEW 👇

- Allow to copy to xpub from Watch-only wallets
- Open clipboard modal if address is detected at launch
- Copy from clipboard on actionsheet
- Long Press on Send with Shortcuts
- New About section 💙⭐️
Apr 2, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
v5.2.0 is out on iOS and v5.1.1 on android 👽

👀 Local Trader (v.Alpha, Powered by @hodlhodl)
🕵️‍♀️ Support for TLS with ElectrumX (SSL connection)
🧐 Remove password (Decrypt/Unmount Storage)
🇺🇦 UAH Local currency

Keep Building! 💙 Fixed 🤔

- Allow use of Today extension on iOS 10
- Redesigned General Settings
- Electrum (re)connection improvements