Bruce Mainzer 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Advocate for human rights, universal health care. Proud Globalist. Blocked by Kremlin assets Glenn GRUwald & Matt Taibbi. Putin must be defeated.
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Feb 17 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵1/4 When Trump withdraws from NATO this week or later this month, I hope it will be clear to more Americans that the USA has been captured by an alliance led by Putin, autocratic petrostate leaders, oligarchs, and tech-driven “broligarchs.”...CONT. Image 🧵2/4 This isn’t just about amassing more wealth—it’s about consolidating power and dismantling Western liberal democracies. By undermining the international order, these autocrats and elites seek unrestricted control over global resources, enabling them to operate..CONT.
Oct 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1. I have been a fierce opponent of the current Israeli government and the deplorable Jewish supremacists who have implemented apartheid on the west bank. But Hamas attack cannot ever be considered an act of resistance.... 2. Hamas actions are to lure Israel into a multi front war that leads to complete elimination of Israel. Hamas itself is willing to sacrifice its own population to unimaginable suffering and destruction to achieve the end of Israel...
Apr 1, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
1. In order to continue his autocratic rule of Israel, Netanyahu is about to make a deal with the Religious Zionist party which is one of the most extreme, anti democratic and intolerant extremist parties in Israel. 2. Netanyahu was instrumental in orchestrating their election last week. He placed one of their candidates on his list and reportedly promised a cabinet position to their leader.
The 6 men from this party who won seats campaigned on annexing the entire West Bank..
Dec 2, 2020 • 23 tweets • 7 min read

1. Jared Kushner is now visiting Saudi Arabia and Qatar, supposedly trying to score a diplomatic Middle East breakthrough. I doubt it. It could instead be another attempt to secure dirty money for Jared’s real estate needs. 2. Ever since 2015, the mainstream press has not connected the dots on the Trump family’s various treasonous and criminal behavior. So it’s a good time to review how Qatar and Saudi Arabia has figured in Jared’s selling out of our country.
May 31, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read

We are entering a period that is giving Putin a new grand opportunity. Putin is a former Psyops KGB officer who excelled at controlling former Soviet Iron Curtain countries through fear and division. Now with riots exploding in America, he can continue his psyops on US. Its similiar to opp afforded him w Syrian war & refugees that flooded Europe. Russian forces bombed areas that would force Syrian refugees to flood Europe. It led to Hungary & Poland to be destabilized. Putin manipulated far right forces to upend Merkel, but she persisted.
Jan 10, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read

1. What we are seeing today w White House fomenting war with Iran is a repeat of what we experienced in 2003 with the run up to war with Saddam Hussein and Iraq. In both examples, advisers and cabinet members had agenda to move a clueless President to invade a country. 2. At the end of Gulf War of 1991, George H.W. Bush instructed Cheney (his defense secy) to back off from invading Iraq after Kuwait was taken back. This infuriated Cheney who wanted to put an end to Saddam at that time.
Aug 7, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1. DJT is not the sole white supremacist/racist/bigot/kook in this horrid admin.

Bannon believes in war of Christianity vs Islam. He is in Europe now teaching white supremacy to followers.

Sessions brought Stephen Miller in & devised policy of family separation. 2. Pence and Pompeo are evangelicals who believe in the apocalypse and rapture and the inevitability of Christians ascending and leaving the rest of the hordes behind.
Aug 2, 2019 • 4 tweets • 2 min read

Impeachment is absolutely the politically savvy way for Dems moving forward, even if #MoscowMitch protects DJT from being removed in a Senate vote.

1. House GOP will have more retirements as they are saddled w a vote on their record, resulting in more Dem seats in 2020. 2. DJT will play the impeachment card either way if he is impeached or not impeached. If he is acquitted by Senate he will promote that as being innocent the same way he will if Dems choose not to impeach. Impeachment has more benefits so might as well.
May 8, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read

1. DJT has displayed an essential quality of an autocrat to instill fear in the Executive Branch, among his GOP sycophants, and his opponents. So far, he is winning on intimidating his way to staying in power. Lets review all the players who are capitulating so far. 2. Mueller was fearful of having the investigation shut down if he indicted Jr. or Jared. Both attended that meeting with Russians, and it met the strict Rosenstein restrictions of colluding with Russian govt officials. We are awaiting the brave Mueller when he testifies.
May 3, 2019 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
1. As DJT remains in power, it's becoming clear what may be the future of the US

As Putin and other authoritarians continue to get what they want out of DJT, they see the US as their partner in dominating their neighbors and exercising corrupt control over their citizens. 2. Contracts for sophisticated weapons of war help authoritarians carry out their goals (like Yemen war). Jared provides intel to keep their enemies defeated and all it takes is some cash to the Kushners.

US stays out of their wars with no concern about human rights.
Apr 25, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read

1. If told you years ago that DJT will become President you would think that I was crazy. So consider that as I reveal these fears:

DJT wants to be President for life. And Ivanka to succeed him. Take that seriously. 2. DJT is keeping the doors wide open for more Russian interference in 2020.

GOP will need to help as they are complicit in laundering of Russian oligarch money into their PACs. Expect even more voter suppression in places like NC, WI, MI.
Feb 22, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. @AriMelber's interview of McCabe confirms what I thought in May of 2017 when Trump fired Comey using the memo that Rosenstein wrote.

Rod knew that he was wrong to write that memo to hide the real reason for the firing because he knew Trump's real intent. 2. So Rod hiring Mueller upon McCabe's suggestion (and during a time that Rod was really stressed that he was perhaps an accomplice to an obstruction of the Russia probe) was an attempt for him to correct his action of writing the memo that was a cover up of DJT's true intent.
Jan 19, 2019 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Let's not now assume that the quid pro quo is only Moscow Tower.

✔DJT and family have received millions from oligarchs for sale of properties, including a $50 million overpayment for a Palm Springs mansion from Dmitry Rybolovev 2.✔ Carter Page negotiated a 19.5% deal for sale of Rosneft from Russia. That sale was completed thru Qatar. The money that Kushners got for 666 Fifth Avenue was sourced from Qatar.
Jan 12, 2019 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Its been obvious that DJT is an agent of Russia Its been over two years, and he still is in White House. Altho Trump has been frustrated in his attempts to lift sanctions by US Senate, he has been successful in meeting Putin's other goals to weaken USA, EU and NATO. 2. DJT gave Putin a path to take over Syria and Assad to remain. This has been facilitated by removal of troops from Syria. Russia is back in the Middle East with a warm water port in the Mediterranean and this will impact the balance of power for authoritarians now in MidEast
Nov 5, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
THREAD: 10 years ago tonight.

1. We assembled in Chicago's Grant Park on election night to celebrate Barack Obama's win. As we lined up to go past security and the election results still pending, a woman behind me was negotiating to buy an Obama T shirt from a vendor. Image 2. I heard the vendor say, "$15??? Lad. he just won Ohio!!!"
We found ourselves on a hill in the warm night with thousands of fellow celebrants in a vast field on a warm night . Barack and Michelle's favorite song came on - 'Signed, Sealed and Delivered' by Stevie Wonder. Image
Jul 19, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read

1.The USA billionaire state and Russia mobster oligarchy are becoming more similar and Putin is helping the US to become a kleptocracy. Here is how I have observed how Russian citizens and Trump base are accelerating this evolution. 2. Back in 2006, I was at the NBA All Star Game with a group of Russian citizens. At that time, Putin had just jailed Khodorovsky, the Yukos Oil CEO and the richest man in Russia at that time. I was shocked and troubled by what I saw as Putin's outright thuggery.
Jul 17, 2018 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Its a Maria Butina twitter photo party! Reply with a photo of a GOPer with Maria. I will start it off with a few, and lets keep it going. First - Scott Walker (w Torshin) Rick Santorum
Jun 27, 2018 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I have to mention tonite that as much as I love Obama, he could have done more to save America.

1. He minimized full disclosure of Russian interference in election because he was intimidated by McConnell's threats. 2.He was way too confident that HRC would win and so did not fret over Comey's outrageous behavior or even push that hard back on Russian actions.
Apr 27, 2018 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
Wiener laptop controversy was a dirty trick hatched by the Trump campaign with the NY FBI field office, Giuliani, Stone, Erik Prince, Jason Chaffetz and NYPD. This thread is an examination of the timeline of events for the Wiener laptop emails and how Comey got played. 1. Starts way back in July of 2015. Trump states that Wiener has seen the contents of the classified emails that go through the Clinton home server via emails because Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin is married to Wiener.…