Brandon Krieg Profile picture
CEO and Co-Founder of @Stash. Invest in Yourself
May 5, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Are $5 egg sandwiches a thing of the past? Let’s break down what happened yesterday… 🧵 1/9 I won’t admit I am getting old but when I was younger an egg sandwich at an NYC deli cost $1.50—I sound like my dad so I will stop—but everything is expensive now. It makes sense because eggs, bacon, salt, bread, gas for the grill, insurance, etc. are all costing a lot more. 2/9
May 4, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Notice how expensive gas, milk, and eggs are lately? Wonder why? 🧵 1/7 The answer is #Inflation, which is a general increase in prices over time. Inflation causes your money to lose value over time - prices go up, and $1 can buy less than it did before. High inflation causes your money to lose value faster. So the things you buy cost more $. 2/7