Brandon Toner Profile picture
Following curiosity, thinking out loud
Jeremy Pinnix ☧ Profile picture Eric Anderson Profile picture Robby Zhang 🚢 Profile picture DataScienceExplorer Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jun 19, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
How much do folks spend on web domains?

When you own a domain is it an annual expense?

Does anyone have a good overview of the economics of web publishing? And what’s with all the domain suffices?


Do these do different things? Do you pick the one that sounds cool? Why are they different prices?
Jun 18, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
AirrSpace | 🚀 An AirrSpace about AirrSpaces

THIS IS INSANE. ⁦… Soooooo much happening in audio innovation these days.

Racket, now AirrSpaces absolutely changing the game.
Jun 18, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
A model of expression:

• Be willing to share
• Be able to share
• Have something to share Another way:

• Sharing is a choice.
• Sharing is a skill.
• Sharing relies on specialized knowledge or content.
Jun 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What’s the problem with nuance? There’s gotta be some nuance in this take. Dammit, now I’m here wondering “what even is nuance?”.
May 15, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
A model for group knowledge building. Image I'm trying to formulate a framework for creative momentum in a distributed work environment.

Meetings exhaust me, and planning sessions feel too large in scope to get anything done that lasts.
May 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
My TextSniper capture workflow just got a lot smoother thanks to @dvargas92495

He whipped up a quick script that toggles text between:
• Sentence case
• Title Case
• lowercase

!!!!!!!! Why does this matter:

Because text from the images your grabbing from often needs some slight tweaking to match the formatting of the paste location.

Headings may be CAPSLOCKED, which are annoying to convert to title case…

{problem solved}
May 12, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
“My sponge is full”

This is a phrase that comes to mind whenever I’m deep into a learning activity.

It’s the moment when you feel saturated — craving some distillation to process the new information.

It’s when I know it’s time to rest, recover, and reflect. As I go through this BASB cohort, I’m astounded and impressed at the sheer VOLUME of information/value in the course and within the community!

• 2h weekly sessions
• 1h weekly videos
• Assignments
• Mentor sessions
• Personal reflection and exploration

It’s Bottomless.
May 11, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Newest isn’t always best. Yet, most of what I consume is from the new.

Someone writes a new blogpost, that’s more likely to hit my read-later app than the banger they wrote 6 months ago. I’d love a way to detach from this. A way to choose from across the spectrum of time more effectively.
Feb 20, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Calling all #roamcult!

Introducing: THE ROAMAN AGORA.

A place to gather, present, and discuss the Roam Games.

Find it hard to follow the #RoamGames? → Join the Agora.
Want to spread the word about your project → Join the Agora.
Want to find collaborators? → Join the Agora. Priority #1 → Enrich the library! 📚 (We need a record of submissions)

🚨 How you can help:

- Spread the word (RT, share, talk about the Agora)
- Create a page for your project
- Let us know of any missing projects
- Join in the conversation
Feb 20, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Working in a shared Roam graph can feel chaotic, bursting with potential if it could only be tamed.

I’ve never used anything that has felt so limitless for teamwork. But MAN it’s hard to get it right.

Been working on that… I’ve been obsessed with the idea of using @RoamResearch collectively ever since I started using it personally.

At its essence, I see Roam as a tool for synthesis.

Something that can help to capture fragments of thought, to later assemble into a compelling whole.
Feb 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Liberating update #2 to my zettelkasten system this week:

Literature notes are allowed to be *verbatim* from the source material. Fleeting Notes are always in my own words, and spin off from the content.

Literature notes are summaries of important ideas and may or may not be verbatim.

Evergreen notes are often my words, but designate authorship so as long as that’s present could also be verbatim.
Dec 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Questions are tricky. Really tricky.

Is it indicating an actionable research pursuit? Or a rhetorical prompt? Is it context-specific, or more universal? How well could you form an answer? If actionable, how urgent?

Or could it simply sit, and simmer; percolate. As I try on my questions processes, I’m again feeling limited.

Questions can also label the time stamp of the question the author is attempting to answer. So the question really labels an answer, while preserving the target question in mind.

As such, it’s more directional.
Dec 27, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Now for "how does this look in Roam"...

Emerging ideas to follow. My goal is to MINIMIZE RESISTANCE to MAXIMIZE FLOW.

I want to capture ALL resonant ideas, and to move things up the maturity progression as quickly as my clarity allows.
Dec 27, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
I am determined to find an expression of zettelkasten that makes sense to me.

An idea management system that "just works".
One that allows me to sink into a state of ordered *flow*. Had a chance today to finally review the nuances of @beauhaan's system thanks to his interview with @RobertHaisfield.

The proposed system doesn't *quite* scratch my itch, but it was quite generative for ideas and inspiration.

Dec 20, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Ever find yourself sitting there, working on something, and an old memory pops into your head?

An isolated moment, nearly forgotten, but brought into your awareness somehow — by some thread, some connection or trigger. I find these moments amazing. While I might not have actively recalled the memory if I tried — it’s there, just waiting for the right resurfacing trigger.
Dec 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This meme format is brilliant. It feels related to ideas I’ve been considering around simplicity and complexity.
Dec 19, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
Been hovering around how to structure and organize sets of knowledge.

Building a map — piece by piece.

Today I got some clarity.

Course and lecture design holds some important clues! A good course and a good lecture have intentional design elements that OREINT the learner.

That build appropriate perspective for the learner, so they can see how the material interacts with the rest of their knowledge or the domain.
Dec 17, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

Looking for a way to automatically log out out certain websites after closing the browser session.

There are *some* websites that I do not want to log out of, but some that I do.

e.g. Always log out of Google, Facebook, Roam; but “stay logged in” for others. I use Brave and Vivaldi.

Right now, I delete all cookies, passwords, auto-fill, and logins after each session. But this seems to be a *global* setting.
Dec 16, 2020 75 tweets 10 min read
Dec 16, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Problem: getting a ways down the rabbit hole on something, and not knowing how to help someone “catch up” — causing people to get left behind.

Possible solution: [[concept ladders]] I feel this same cramp with any sort of specialized knowledge.

It’s just *hard* to transfer knowledge efficiently sometimes — without having them walk the same mile you did.
Dec 14, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
I can’t shake the idea of a networked database of medical knowledge and a companion interface for the delivery of patient care.

Feels so possible and so powerful. When most people think about advancements in healthcare information technology, they think big. Very big.

Connect all the information, in all the centres, from all the sources.

And that’s a compelling vision.

But I don’t think it’s next.