Miss Aja Profile picture
4th Generation Veteran, daughter, and friend. USAF. Instagram is msaja2381
2 subscribers
Sep 20, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Baaaaaaaaaby I’m convinced Karma is a Black Woman.

Olivia Nuzzi was one of the first and main reporters to spread bs about President Biden. When called out for it she would double down. Other reporters followed her lead and did the same.

I love this journey for her.

I hope that every journalist that supported her and defended her take a long look in the mirror and realizes they were complicit in helping to take down the greatest president in generations.

The same goes for the rich donors that participated.

Jul 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Some of y’all have asked me where you can volunteer to do letters or postcards for GOTV mail.

Here’s some of the larger organizations I volunteer with but there’s also local groups that are doing the work.

I love GOTV mail because I can do it whenever or wherever I choose. turnoutpac.org/postcards/
Jul 14, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
This is going to upset some people but IDC.

Political violence is never the answer. That‘s saying the easy part.

The hard part…a good chunk of the country doesn’t and probably never will believe the narrative that’s going to be put out by the Convict’s team.

Instead of getting mad at folks or trying to pretend this isn’t the reality of what is happening in this country, think about how we got here and try to solve THAT problem.

The MSM and lots of republicans normalized alternative facts on day 1.

We’ve watched thousands of lies go unchecked
Nov 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I have the same problem with Rep Tlaib that I’ve had with a good chunk of folks on this hell site.

You are 100% in the right to grieve & want justice for innocent lives being lost in the ME.

Hell…this is America so feel free to criticize our government too.

But if you can’t bring yourself to call BS on Hamas too…you’re part of the problem.

It’s really that simple. 🤷🏾‍♀️

As a sitting MOC for the United States it should not be hard to do this. And hell yes that goes for all the members of the squad.

There is no justification for terrorism.
Sep 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m not a safe space for Cassidy Hutchinson because she’s not a safe space for me, folks that look like me, or other marginalized people.

In the year of our Lord 2023 I’m not sure why I or any other POC/marginalized person would have to explain this. It’s exhausting and the folks asking us (again) to show grace and forgiveness are exhausting too. Cassidy was ok with EVERYTHING about the Republican Party until they outright and openly tried to overthrow the government. This same woman that y’all want us to feel bad for was ok with the “grab them by
Nov 14, 2022 35 tweets 8 min read
Thread…I’ll pin and add to it as l need to.

Ok…we all know this hell site is holding on by a thread. I’m not going anywhere until they turn the lights out but I wanted to say this just in case…

We can never get complacent again. Democracy and freedom are always on the ballot. We need to vote in every election. IDC how small…vote.

Too many sit on the sidelines and make excuses as to why they can’t do anything other than vote. Yes voting is important but some of y’all can’t keep expecting the same folks to do all the work. It’s selfish of
Jul 19, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I’m reluctantly starting another COVID resources thread because I don’t want folks to get caught slipping. IDC if you think the numbers are low now. 🗣Get prepared for what might be coming this Fall/Winter NOW. Supplies are available now and I will side eye you for waiting 😂 cdc.gov/coronavirus/20…
Jul 15, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Because I just can’t seem to help myself…

For weeks the MSM and 🌹bros have been screaming about Biden for Khashoggi, a judge in KY, and Brittney Griner. Guess what…they were wrong. l bet they won’t scream about being wrong either.

Receipts to follow in thread. marketwatch.com/story/widow-of…
Jul 15, 2022 7 tweets 16 min read
Ok y’all…l keep seeing the next #Jan6Hearings is going to be Thursday 7/21 so that’s the night for #FamilyDinner
The theme is appetizers, cocktails, takeout, and a positive attitude. Feel free to bring a candidate or political fundraising tweet too. @tify330 @tiffmc1013 @veterans_i @Guru22Common @gofetchgretch @TowngeeChi @TowngeeChi @michelle_byoung @PettyLupone @Jeffdc5 @TonyMoonbeam @afrosabi @nkem @crystal4obama @ChrystalChipria @Jerri_Lynn25 @904Pestana @ThatPodcastGuy1 @MissAngryFlower @myronjclifton @myworldrjm
Jun 28, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Those folks were only worried about legal trouble. They did NOT care folks were in danger or our Democracy was being attacked.

Pat Cipollone admitted 45** and staff could be liable for:
Obstructing Justice
Obstructing the Electoral Count
Inciting a riot
#January6thHearings And the Secret Service just pretty much let it go forward. Lord…it could have been so much worse.
Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I had a wonderful weekend of crafting but I’m making it a point to do something to help Democrats win the midterm elections from now until November. I’m aiming for daily but I know life happens.

Soooo…here’s my first batch of minI postcard packs going out for July. I am a firm believer that political activism starts at home with our friends and family so this first batch of postcard packs will be going to family, friends, and tweeps. The purpose is for them to remind 5 folks to vote this November. If we all remind Democrats to vote…we win.
May 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Folks are out here crying about people protesting at politicians’ and SCOTUS judges’ homes because they live in a bubble. Did they really think 51% of the US population was just going to sit there and say/do nothing as their rights are being taken away? These folks are delusional I mean anti-abortion nuts have been doing crap like this for DECADES.

Dec 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵🗣l just need to say this now…
It does NOT matter what the outcome of the abortion case in front of SCOTUS is right now…I’m not marching, protesting, boycotting, or anything else extra. Why? I’m not doing it because Black women have been doing ALL OF THAT for generations and when we begged most of y’all in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 to start pulling your weight…folks were nowhere to be found. Instead of expecting Black Women to organize and mobilize (as usual) y’all need to stop pretending you’re not related to racists and bigots that voted for
Nov 1, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
In what world does any political party have the power to stop a racist from killing anyone?

Ahmaud Arbery was killed by racists and his murderers were allowed to roam free by 3 racists DAs that GOP voters elected. His murderers are only facing trial because a Dem DA took over. google.com/amp/s/www.cbsn…
Oct 31, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
If my fellow Black folks think the courts aren’t important…think again.

There are literally judges blocking policies that would benefit and target relief directly to the Black community.

There’s judges put on the bench 20 years ago that are stopping the progress of today. O’Connor was appointed by Bush. He’s one of the main reasons Obama had such a hard time with the courts. Republicans file lawsuits in his district because they know he’ll give them a win. From the ACA to LGBTQ+ rights…he’s blocked it.

Oct 31, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This is exactly why folks should read more, GOTV more, and deal with reality. Black Folks are literally the backbone of the Democratic Party and that’s exactly why the GQP and wyt people scared equality will take something away from them depend on people in the AA community to fall asleep at the wheel. That’s exactly why they targeted our communities in 2016 too. The problem is not the current administration nor was it Obama when he was in office. The problem is folks don’t understand how civics and laws work. People keep saying there’s specific laws
Aug 19, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
I wonder how many folks are going to admit they got this wrong. Even better…what else is going to come out that was wrong? It’s the 2nd major fact check I’ve seen in 24 hrs.

Fact Check: Kabul Airport Chaos Video Is Actually From Texas, Not Afghanistan newsweek.com/kabul-airport-… google.com/amp/s/mobile.r…
Aug 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Y’all l just stopped at my parents’ house for dinner and the phone rang. It was Republicans for the California recall. If I tell y’all l can barely breathe because my mom had an entire episode…💀😭😂😂🤭She’s fixing plate of fajitas and fussing right now. I’m wheezing! The lady tried to talk over her and that’s where it went downhill.😬💀😭😂😂😂HunT…she went off. She called her a fake Christian, a fake patriot, and said some other stuff. Swear to goodness…she stopped mid sentence to ask if my dad wanted sour cream and guacamole. I mean she
Aug 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m entertained over the fact that folks still think my POTUS cares about what the rest of the world thinks. As terrible as it sounds…the rest of the world can’t afford for the American economy to collapse due to COVID. These same folks crying over vaccines won’t admit that America has literally bought and donated vaccines to the world for a total of more than the next 5 richest countries…combined. We give more money to the world in the form of aid and humanitarian missions at those rates too.
Aug 5, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m not saying this to be mean. I’m saying this because nobody else is probably going to say it. When people are sewing masks for this pandemic…keep in mind their time, money, and energy is going into these masks. We’ve been making masks on and off for 18 months because some adults in this country can’t seem to pull themselves together. If you want to know what it’s like for mask makers trying to make masks for kids right now…it’s like it was 18 months ago. We’re racing to get masks to as many kids as we possibly can. It’s not necessarily the money
Aug 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Do folks not understand that when you start harassing people and using racist bs as an excuse that they’re the problem…not the solution? Seriously…you’ve become what you are pretending to push back against. Even better question…why are people defending the behavior? IDC what color they are…if they’re harassing people and/or pushing racist bs…they’re toxic. I have sooo many friends and allies on this bird app and the truth is…not all of them are Black. If we can’t embrace the folks that are out here in the trenches with us on a daily basis…who can