Brian Franklin Profile picture
Historian/Teacher @CPHatSMU & @SMU. @HistoryTAMU PhD. Early American & Texas history, religion, politics, region & missions. ❤️ my family, church, music & TX.
Jun 9, 2023 30 tweets 12 min read
Trump indicted on 37 counts.
A federal grand jury of his peers determined that Trump likely broke federal laws in 37 ways. Friends-it is critical that we *read* & *understand* what is happening. Do not simply listen to your favorite tv pundit or politician.
Let's read together /1 Image First, a federal grand jury consists of 16-23 citizens. They receive evidence from a U.S. attorney & determine whether there is "probably cause" to believe the accused has committed a crime.
This indictment is NOT brought by Biden, the attorney general, or another politician. /2 Image
Feb 2, 2022 29 tweets 19 min read
It's #BlackHistoryMonth! A 1-per-day thread of 28 books by Black authors or about Black history that I've read, learned from & recommend.
#1-Martin Luther King, Jr., *Letter from a Birmingham Jail.* This prophetic epistle rocked my world on 1st read, & it continues to speak. 1/28 Image #2 - Ida B. Wells, *Southern Horrors.* I never knew. I never knew about the prominence of lynching & never thought about its legacy, until I read Ida Wells (Barnett) for the 1st time in grad school. #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth 2/28 Image
Jul 17, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Many folks are claiming TX Republicans are "removing" teaching requirements about the civil rights movement & its leaders from TX curriculum standards w/ #SB3.
This is not true. But it contains just enough truth to make for powerful political fodder.🧵/1… True: the version of the #SB3 bill that the TX Senate just passed (w/o Democrat support) did in fact remove a *bunch* of specific people & events from the bill, including stuff on civil rights, women's suffrage, slavery, labor, & more.… /2
Jul 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Love @SpencerWMcBride's thread here on practical steps *individuals* can take at conferences like @SHEARites to help people feel welcome (even as we advocate for structural changes). Thought I might add a few ideas to the list. #SHEAR2021 /1 Resolve to meet one new person each day of the conference. Maybe that person is a brand new MA student. Maybe they're a long-established scholar. Regardless, everyone needs to feel like they're connected. /2
Jun 8, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
Historians are dunking on the Project 1836 Law signed by @GregAbbott_TX & fairly so. It's pure culture-wars inflaming rhetoric, a response to a virtually non-existent threat of Critical Race Theory. But if we only trash it, we're missing the good news of *opportunity.* A thread/1 We're historians. We specialize in reading & interpreting primary documents. The Project 1836 law promotes "patriotic education" in "Texas values" through "knowledge of the founding documents" of TX History." This is *opportunity* to read w/ students! /2…
Mar 1, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
I was reminded today of how important it is to teach "basics." I devoted today's #TexasHistory class @SMU to 2 documents that explain why southern secessionists formed the Confederacy in 1861: the Texas Declaration of Causes & Alexander Stephens' Corner Stone speech. Basics. /1 The TX Declaration of Causes is short & clear. The "federal government" & "non-slaveholding states" had committed many offenses. The most severe one: their "hostility to these Southern States & their beneficent & patriarchal system of African slavery." /2