Blake Scott Ball Profile picture
Historian (@north_alabama). Author, CHARLIE BROWN’S AMERICA (@OUPHistory). Next project: BATMAN! Representation (@CalligraphLit)
Feb 13, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Today, 22 years ago, Peanuts said goodbye to the world the morning after Charles Schulz died. This strip really challenges a long held conception of Schulz: that he was Charlie Brown. Here it is *Snoopy* who gave voice to the cartoonist, though.
Nov 11, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
Well since it's Veterans Day, I suppose I owe the Twitterverse a THREAD on Snoopy's annual celebration. So here goes! #twitterstorians 1/ On November 11, 1969, Schulz introduced Snoopy as the "World War II vet" for the first time. Snoopy had always been a WWI flying ace before.

He started a tradition that day of going to visit Bill Mauldin for root beers to commemorate. Who is Bill Mauldin? 2/
Jun 15, 2021 34 tweets 11 min read
Since Batman and his sex life blew up Twitter yesterday, I suppose I would a bad comics historian if I didn't give you a THREAD on sex and comics. So here we go! (Cover your eyes, kids 👀) #twitterstorians Image If you weren't paying attention yesterday, Batman trended for most of the day because of a Variety article that mentioned (as an aside) that DC wouldn't allow Batman to perform oral sex in their "Harley Quinn" animated series. Here's the article:…
Oct 11, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Since it appears many of the historians that typically rush to launch anti-conservative threads are silent on debunking this "court packing" lie that Biden is spinning, I'll take this one on.

Let's talk about Franklin Roosevelt and what "court packing" really is. THREAD 1/ After winning Congress and the WH in 1932, FDR led Democrats on a blazing array of new legislation meant to stave off the effects of the Great Depression. This is what we refer to as the New Deal.

Republicans didn't have the votes to block it. The Court, however... 2/