How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App huts are usually made of mud and straw. The 16 year old girl died of a snake bite a week ago, while she was sleeping in the hut. Her body was found Wednesday morning. The local authorities confirmed it was because of the practice of chhaupaddi, aka period huts., I don’t want to argue with you about “if we don’t have the word woman we have nothing.” Get to fuck. You are selfish if you cannot see how inappropriate this is. hasn’t had a female PM. New Zealand was the First Nation to grant women suffrage, ALL women—including indigenous women. And Aotearoa New Zealand’s last PM was a woman. decentre women from feminism by making it about “equality” erases the specific oppression and oppressed group. It would be comical if someone said “racial justice is not only about poc” and they’d be rightly skewered. Like. Come on. was sued in Las Vegas by a woman who says he raped her. This quote is from the leaked papers in his attorneys’ questionnaire to him.