Research Director @iteptweets. Tweeting tax and how it intersects w/ inequality, education, infrastructure, cannabis. Tweets are my own.
Mar 23, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
We're living through a slow motion robbery. Well-off Baby Boomers are rewriting state tax laws so they can pay as little as possible in their golden years. It's no accident that carveouts for retirees are a huge tax trend right now. A THREAD. 1/…
Income taxes are supposed to apply to income. That's not a radical idea. But a growing number of states have decided that if you're old, you either shouldn't have to pay tax on your income, or you should pay a lot less than young folks -- even if they're poorer than you. 2/
Sep 7, 2022 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
On the heels of #Dobbs and state abortion bans, @MittRomney is seeking to cut aid to millions of single mothers under the guise of "promoting marriage." New @iteptweets data reveal that 2/3rds of single parents would face tax increases under his plan. 1/…
People having kids outside of marriage would be targeted in this latest escalation of the nation's culture wars. Romney's plan is to rework our tax code to require more of single parents so that married couples--especially those with a stay-at-home parent--can pay less. 2/
May 12, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
In Arizona, the assault on democracy has broadened to include a billion dollar giveaway to rich families whose taxes were raised by voters in November. The plan would replace a voter-approved tax hike of $23k on the top 1% with a $3k average tax CUT. 1/…
This would be done by creating the nation's only regressive personal income tax rate structure, with a rate that plummets from 2.5% to 1% on incomes above $1.2 million. This is indefensible policy with only one purpose: to negate the 3.5% rate increase approved by the voters. 2/
Jul 22, 2019 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The .@NYTimes Editorial Board is out with a sensible recommendation for states: stop making income inequality worse through regressive taxation. The way to accomplish this is with a robust, graduated-rate income tax with higher rates on larger incomes.… 1/8
The idea of a flat-rate income tax may appear reasonable on its face—everyone pays the same rate. And if income taxes were the only taxes levied by states, then a flat tax would be enough to ensure that the rich paid at least the same rate as everyone else. 2/8