♥️🌹 OFF-SEASON KRAMPUS 🌹♥️ Profile picture
chaotic evil pop culture commentary || blocked over “lame” cheese takes 🧀
Oct 1, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Thread of some of the best Negan/@JDMorgan fan cams…

1/ If you like villains and a bit of nausea: 2/ This one with different editions of @JDMorgan:
Sep 18, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
Bouzy is #TheMostUnseriousPerson. This 8 month-old account has all of 300 tweets, but scored as “Disruptive?” Afaict, their biggest offense is using hashtags supporting LawTubers @RekietaLaw and @natlawyerchic 🤔: 2/ The stats on this account makes it pretty plausible that there’s some eigenvector centrality aspect to how network connections are accounted for. That or the model is really bad at classifying low-activity accounts 🤔:
Jul 26, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
The Sixth Street Bridge Saga is by far the most unintentionally hilarious story of 2022: How it started ($588 million cost, $150+ million over budget, and nearly 4 years late):
Jun 24, 2022 83 tweets 30 min read
1/ TL;DR 🧵 on Brian Warner (professionally known as Marilyn Manson) vs Evan Rachel Wood, Illma Gore (aka Ashley Gore), and the main social media accusers: 2/ Wood’s story has gone from allegations of SA (2016), to SA and DV (2018-2019), to insinuating that “Marilyn Manson is/was abetting a pedoph!le sex trafficking ring and the authorities are investigating” (2021-2022). It’s pretty wild
May 2, 2022 344 tweets >60 min read
1/ A lot of #MeToo advocates are showing their asses about the #JohnnyDeppAmberHeardTrial and I have thoughts. Framing this case as a zero-sum game against Heard, women, DV/DA survivors, #MeToo, etc. is unhelpfully reductive 2/ The more dogged #MeToo crowd seems to be struggling to parse info presented thus far because they’ve backed themselves into a corner by saying “believe all women”/“‘due process’ is the patriarchy inflicting more violence and trauma”