Caroline 范愷苓 🌻😷 Profile picture
#VeryAsian Social entrepreneur, idea factory, writer, mentor, & code-switcher. I speak fluent nerd. Addressing wonder hunger. Chrysanthemum dog mom.
Oct 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
MAAY summer intern @AdelasAlas88 via @GephardtWashU moderating a discussion on political discourse btwn fmr Speaker @dickgephardt & Dr. Taylor Carlson @WUSTL Hon. Gephardt says allowing the internet platforms to shirk responsibility for what happens on the platforms was a major mistake. Industry lobbyists claimed that it would squash the burgeoning industry.

But now mental health issues are pervasive. EU better on data privacy.
Oct 6, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I do not understand how Missouri is known as the Show Me State when we play host to all kinds of religious quacknut cults.

This state is deeply fertile territory for grifters and religious con men. #thread 1) Disgraced 80s televangelist Jim Bakker set up shop at a former ren fair in Ozarks, turning it into a planned community called Morningside.

He sold condos to senior citizens w/ clause that it reverts on death, waited for them to die, then resold.…