Carrie Price Profile picture
#ExpertSearching #EvidenceSynthesis #sysrev #medlibs | part of @medlibs_misc | personal @pedalspathways
May 30, 2023 16 tweets 10 min read
I decided I could grumpy tweet disappointing systematic review methods or I could do something different today.

Let's try something different. Let's take you to #SearchingSchool.

A 🧵 There's this called Google where you can search for shit so that you understand it better.

One of the things you might do when embarking on a #systematicreview is, well, first, consult with a librarian, but also try to understand some resources.…
Sep 6, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
I was going to save this for tomorrow but I just can't.

A thread.

#Reporting #Searching #SystematicReview

Someone asked me recently if I could share any examples of #SysRev that had GOOD methods sections.

🧵🧵🧵 I said, "They're few and far between but usually Cochrane #SysRevs have a well-reported methods section."

However, when I went to look, I couldn't find any great examples. They were all kinda iffy. I was like
Feb 4, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
My partner sent me this article last night.

"Please critically appraise it!" he said.

"I'm not great at critical appraisal, I just like to look at the search...."

I'll start with the search, anyway.

A thread 🧵🧵🧵… A LITERATURE REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS  OF THE EFFECTS OF LOC There is so much to say about this article. This pre-print.

Scanned. They SCANNED Google Scholar and Scopus. We all know about the kinds of stuff one can find in Google Scholar.

What method did they use to scan it? We'll never know. The studies we reviewed were identified by scanning Google S
Feb 2, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Here's a #SearchAndRescue tip of the day!

Are you putting together a #SystematicReview search?

If you use a subject heading (aka controlled vocabulary, thesaurus term), use the same term as a keyword too.

It seems redundant, but it's not. Let's look at an example: I looked up the term Guillain-Barre Syndrome in the MeSH database, which is MEDLINE's controlled vocabulary:
Jul 17, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
I just have a little Friday favor to ask of all would-be authors hoping to embark on a #SystematicReview.

Before you start, could you please read about #SysRev?

It will help you know what you're getting yourself into.

Thread: Required Reading for #SysRev would-be authors. There are so many resources out there, like the Cochrane Handbook:…

This can apply to any SR, need not be a Cochrane SR.
May 29, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
This is becoming my default review template (#SysRev or otherwise) -- lots of links because I want people to have all the resources at their fingertips. You can't say I didn't warn you. #systematicreview #knowbeforeyougo Well howdy do, it's Friday, let me just give you those links, eh?

PRISMA Statement -- a reporting guideline and checklist for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:

Yes I said GUIDELINE DON'T WE ALL CHANGE with knowledge