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Jun 2nd 2023
Hoy, desde @bibupo, terminamos curso de Revisiones bibliográficas para doctorandos
Foco: revisiones sistemáticas y sistematizadas.
Te dejo algunos recursos útiles.

Sigue le hilo...🧵

👉Para realizar las revisiones:

#systematicreview @amdelvaz Image
Para elaborar la pregunta PICO:
Para registrar el PROTOCOLO:
Recursos para medir calidad y/o sesgos…
RoB 2 tool:…
Escala PEDRO:
Read 7 tweets
May 30th 2023
I decided I could grumpy tweet disappointing systematic review methods or I could do something different today.

Let's try something different. Let's take you to #SearchingSchool.

A 🧵
There's this called Google where you can search for shit so that you understand it better.

One of the things you might do when embarking on a #systematicreview is, well, first, consult with a librarian, but also try to understand some resources.…
Read 16 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
As part of the @ILCOR_org Pediatric life support taskforce we reviewed evidence for accuracy of tests for predicting GOOD neurological outcome following #Cardiacarrest in children
🧵of key DRAFT recommendations.

#Pedsicu #NeuroPICU
#Prediction of good neurological outcome is a key role for #PedsICU clinicians in #postarrestcare phase of #chainofsurvival.
Improving prognostic #uncertainty may help clinicians choose treatments, counsel families, and answer accurately, "Will my child be OK?“
The #PLS taskforce conducted a #systematicreview of literature reporting prognostic tests used in children after cardiac arrest.
Four types of tests were evaluated:
*Clinical examination
*Blood biomarkers
*Brain Imaging
#PedsICU #NeuroPICU #CPR
Read 17 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
🧵#BloodPressure 🎯 in people w/ cardiovascular disease

1/ In this updated @CochraneLibrary review, we wanted to know if lower bp goals are better than standard bp goals for ppl with #hypertension who also have CVD:

#CochraneEvidence #SystematicReview Image
2/ The author team & an information specialist searched for studies:

✅ that compared lower #BloodPressure targets to standard bp🎯
✅ which included people with #hypertension and #CVD (heart disease, angina, stroke, vascular disease)

#SystematicReview #HighBloodPressure Image
3/ Trial selection criteria:

✅RCTs with more than 50 people/group
✅Minimum 6 months follow‐up
✅Data for at least 1 primary outcome (total mortality, serious adverse events, total cardiovascular events, cardiovascular mortality) Image
Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Let's review quickly all of the science I've come across in the past week that applies to high-fat ketogenic carnivore type diets.

I'll post the link, an image of the abstract, the title, and some hashtags on each one.

1/n - My public Zotero Database:…
Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria

"do not support causality"

#T2D #CVD #SystematicReview #RedMeat…
Do #Vegetarian Diets Provide Adequate Nutrient Intake during Complementary Feeding? A Systematic Review

Complementary Feeding is the period when you're weaning a child onto non-breastmilk foods.

TLDR: "Not safe, critical micronutrient deficiency risk"…
Read 23 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
I was going to save this for tomorrow but I just can't.

A thread.

#Reporting #Searching #SystematicReview

Someone asked me recently if I could share any examples of #SysRev that had GOOD methods sections.

I said, "They're few and far between but usually Cochrane #SysRevs have a well-reported methods section."

However, when I went to look, I couldn't find any great examples. They were all kinda iffy. I was like
Then, this article practically fell in my lap this weekend. It was tweeted from a #COVID19 literature account.

Take a look at that methods section. It's almost glowing. It may as well have a halo around it.…
Read 14 tweets
May 13th 2022
What causes back pain?🤔
Specifically: how much do nervous system, spine tissue and psychosocial contribute to #backpain?

#systematicreview with multivariate #metaanalysis in European J Pain @EFIC_org…

Led by @ScottTags 🙏collaborators

👇 Image
Low #backpain is leading cause of disability worldwide… 90-95% of cases are considered 'non-specific'

Many factors can contribute

Image 👇from… @chadcookpt

But which ones and how much? Image
Individual meta-analyses + factors associated with back pain
➡️ pain processing…
➡️ disc degeneration…
➡️ muscle atrophy…
➡️ depression / distress…

But is one more important than other?
Read 13 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
New research from @DrAimeeGrant @sara_wyn_jones @KatWilliams123 @AutisticUK @DrSchniff @Prof_AmyBrown, who reviewed Autistic people's experiences of infant feeding (breast- and formula- feeding) including healthcare support

🧵by @DrAimeeGrant… (1/11)
#Breastfeeding is encouraged because of known health benefits, but it is not easy and many parents experience challenges.

Due to differences in how Autistic people experience pain and bodily sensations, we thought that they may find breastfeeding harder. (2/11)
It's worth mentioning here that the research team was led by an Autistic woman, with two Autistic women who had experience of infant feeding themselves also part of the team. It was funded by the Research Wales Innovation Fund, part of @SwanseaUni (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
Here's a #SearchAndRescue tip of the day!

Are you putting together a #SystematicReview search?

If you use a subject heading (aka controlled vocabulary, thesaurus term), use the same term as a keyword too.

It seems redundant, but it's not. Let's look at an example:
I looked up the term Guillain-Barre Syndrome in the MeSH database, which is MEDLINE's controlled vocabulary:
There's a term for Guillain-Barre Syndrome, here, take a look:
Read 10 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
Dear #rstats & #systematicreview Twitter friends: I've been working hard on the {metabefor} R package these past weeks. I'll explain a bit more in the thread, but first, my question.

This is the current version of the logo.

(poll with question in thread) Image
What does this logo evoke?
... And to say a bit more about the package: it's meant to assist with the extraction of data from articles. Not by automating anything, mind you - but by providing a uniform, solid structure to the process and making it transparent, extensible, and machine-readable.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 23rd 2021
Why is it that I spent some three hours over the weekend scrutinizing a #systematicreview in minute detail? I hadn't expected needing to explain my motives but someone forced my hand so here goes. This will be a shorter thread. 1/10
When someone asked Sir Edmund Hillary why he wants to climb Everest, he responded: “Because it’s there”. Similarly, I examine these reviews because I know I can do it well and because I don’t see anyone else doing it out in the open. 2/10
I used to do this for a living. For nine years I worked as Managing Editor of Cochrane Work, which means that not only did I peer referee countless reviews, I led our group’s peer refereeing process. So, I taught our authors and our editors and peer referees. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
This is my open peer review of the systematic review of non-pharma interventions for preventing #COVID19 by @stella_talic et al. that was recently published in @bmj_latest:… Prepare for a marathon of a thread 1/ Image
@stella_talic @bmj_latest I’m using AMSTAR-2 to conduct this assessment. Also, where relevant, I will drop in additional observations based on my 15-year experience working as a Managing Editor in @cochranecollab producing, editing and publishing #systematicreviews. 2/
@stella_talic @bmj_latest @cochranecollab Q1. Did the research Qs and inclusion criteria for the review include the components of PICO? The title nicely lists three outcomes: Covid-19 (getting the disease), SARS-CoV-2 transmission (contracting the virus or passing it on to others) and dying as a result of Covid-19. 3/
Read 54 tweets
Oct 13th 2021

In honour of the #Hernia2021 congress hosted by the BJS strategic partner @eurohernias, here is a thread of recent hernia-related BJS papers.
European Hernia Society guidelines on management of rectus diastasis #rectusdiastasis #Hernia2021 #Hernia…
Reporting guideline for interventional trials of primary and incisional ventral hernia repair #OpenAccess #Hernia2021 #Hernia #VentralHernia…
Read 19 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
My team from @UNSWMedicine has just released an interesting #systematicreview on RT + body fat in @SportsMedicineJ. Some novel and important findings for ExRx for body comp control. A thread 1/7.…

@mawewege @bri__clifford @Mattjones0203 @imtiazdesai
2) We found that RT elicits reductions of ~1.4% body fat percentage and 0.55kg body fat mass compared with non-exercise control. Importantly, this is in studies NOT designed for weight loss! We excluded studies with concurrent dietary and aerobic exercise interventions.
3) RT also elicited moderate reductions in visceral fat compared with non-exercise control. This adds more evidence to the broad spectrum of benefit for RT on indices of health.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Our #systematicreview and #metaanalysis on the association of #sepsis with long-term #CVD is out now in @yourICM ! Surviving sepsis was associated with ⬆️#cvMI, #heartfailure, and #stroke over 5+ years. Take-home points below.
1. Many studies have examined the risk of #CVD after #sepsis, but variable population and outcome selection has complicated generalizability. We estimated the risk of #cvMI, #heartfailure, #stroke, and composite #CVD after sepsis relative to hospital and population controls.
2. 12,649 citations identified, 27 (25 cohort, 2 case-crossover) studies included. Median of 4,289 (IQR 502–68,125) sepsis survivors and 18,399 (IQR 4,028–83,506) controls per study. We assessed cumulative incidence and relative risk of #CVD from 30 days to longest follow-up.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Is #exercise before or after hip joint replacement better than usual care or minimal treatment?

#Metaanalysis in @JAMANetworkOpen @JAMA_current…

Led by Tobias, Jochen and Max from @PhysioMeScience

🙏for #collaboration!

#osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of #pain, #disability and healthcare resource usage worldwide.

Total hip replacements (THA below) done per year are expected to grow to ~600k per year by 2030…
Some guidelines (both from 2020) recommend exercises with hip replacement

-pre-op advice only
-post-op inpatient ex ✅, outpatient self-directed exercise only

-pre-op ex ✅for specific patients
-post-op ✅
Read 15 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
Can #exercise “strengthen” the intervertebral disc?

A brief history of research from 2013 to 2020:


🙏 collaborators

Thread 👇 👇 👇 👇
First, we did a review of the literature (narrative, not a #systematicreview. This was back in my pre-systematic review days!)… in @SportsMedicineJ

🙏 @DieenJaap, Kirsten Albracht, Prof. Brüggemann, Dr. Vergroesen
It has been well established that exercise and loading can impact IVD height. E.g.……

So, exercise and movement protocols can at least ‘influence’ the IVD
Read 20 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
It's Good Friday.

As a sacrifice to Science, I'm going to criticise every single paper I've ever written, one tweet at a time.

Stay tuned..!

Paper #1: Holmes & Spence 2004 @xmodal

Criticism: A non-systematic review of selected papers, no assessment of study quality, bias, or effect sizes. The only novel thing in this paper was a long, harsh critique of Iriki et al. (1996)

Paper #2: Skaliora et al. 2004

Criticism: I contributed only one figure (#8) to this paper, but >30 neonatal rats paid the ultimate price for my crappy patch-clamping skills (only 17 cells) as an MSc student. I still feel the guilt.

Read 60 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
🧵🎯Debunking thread:
Σύντομα ξεκινάμε τους εμβολιασμούς κατά #SARSCoV2 & κυκλοφορούν διάφοροι ισχυρισμοί που σκοπό έχουν να δημιουργήσουν αμφιβολίες και σύγχυση

⛔️🎯Εμβόλιο #COVID19: απαντήσεις προς δηλώσεις & ισχυρισμούς που κυκλοφορούν:
🤡Το εμβόλιο δεν είναι ασφαλές🤡
‼️Έως τώρα, εμβόλια έχουν χορηγηθεί σε 100άδες χιλιάδες άτομα σε πολλές χώρες: ΗΠΑ, ΗΒ, Καναδάς, Αυστραλία, χώρες της Ασίας & Αραβικής Χερσονήσου, ενώ αύριο ξεκινούν και στην Ευρώπη.
Δεν έχει παρατηρηθεί ανησυχητική παρενέργεια μετά τη χορήγηση, με εξαίρεση μεμονωμένα περιστατικά σοβαρής αλλεργικής αντίδρασης (συχνότητα ~1/100.000).
Γι’αυτό & η σύσταση είναι να αποφεύγεται το εμβόλιο σε άτομα που έχουν εκδηλώσει σοβαρή αλλεργία (αναφυλακτική αντίδραση)
Read 62 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
With 2020 almost over, it's time again to look back at some of the BEST in the #bone field: 🔝20 papers (+extras).

Happy to hear your input! Disclosure: fully subjective ranking!
@ASBMR @AcademyEcts @Osteoporosis_NL @osteoporosisNI @mmse30 @NatalieASims
#1 Atypical Femoral fractures @NEJM (Black DM et al.)
Risk reduces within months of @Bisphosphonate1 discontinuation. Benefit>risk in any group but less so in Asians and women <65yr…
-side note- @ECTS_science very useful systematic review and recommendations for managing osteoporosis following AFFs.…

And oral BPs may not only reduce fractures but also cardiovascular events
@Dr_BoAbrahamsen @prieto_alhambra
Read 24 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
#Bevacizumab for #ROP Rx & Neurodevelopment thread

Delighted our #metaanalysis out today in @JPerinatology

Results indicate Neurodevelopment harm associated w/ Avastin Rx

@EBNEO @waseemoddin… #FOAMneo

The idea started with a dialogue by a colleague ”We don’t do lasers, they are ancient, we do avastin - simple, easy, less recurrence.”

Me: “there are long term risks - right?”

Colleague: Na, it’s ok, we already accepted & moved 🤨

I thought it’s good idea to pursue a #Systematicreview as the evidence is sketchy & controversial but what really pushed me to do the review is👇

Avastin can fire the brain for 60 days (#staylong) by suppressing VEGF that is crucial for brain growth

Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Good afternoon and good evening…thank you all for joining us for this portion of the 2020 @SOAPHQ virtual annual meeting

What's new in #OBAnes - A comprehensive review of the most relevant articles published in 2019

#MedThread #Tweetorial #Ostheimer #SOAPAM2020
#Halifax would have been amazing - @ruthi_landau and I worked incredibly hard with our amazing management team to bring you an innovative agenda and in many ways we reimagined the way @SOAPHQ delivers an annual meeting #MedThread #Tweetorial #OBAnes #Ostheimer
Most of us have never lived through something like #COVID19 - As we embrace the new normal, remind ourselves of strategies to address our own wellness as physician leaders on the frontline - let's continue to look out for one another! #MedThread #Tweetorial #OBAnes #Ostheimer
Read 106 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
In this paper in @NatureEcoEvo we outline 8 major problems that can occur with traditional ways of reviewing the literature, and provide concrete advice on how to avoid them:

This thread outlines our key points! (1/23)
#EvidenceSynthesis #SystematicReview
Traditional ways of reviewing the literature may be susceptible to bias and end up giving us incorrect conclusions.

This is of particular concern when reviews address key policy- and practice- relevant questions. (2/23)
Systematic reviews aim to maximise rigour and minimise susceptibility to bias using rigorous methods.

But despite these methods being available, poor reviews are still published: these could be improved with a few key processes; some not prohibitively costly. (3/23)
Read 23 tweets

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