Cindy Chang, MD MEd Profile picture
🌿Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics @tamingthesru + @cincychildrens 🧸 @HarborUCLAEM grad 🚒#Education #HealthDisparities #EMPEM
Apr 20, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
I've had too many patients die in these past weeks. As a physician, you would think it gets easier to tell families that their loved one died the more times you have to do it.

It doesn't.

#COVID19 #EmergencyMedicine @HarborUCLAEM @californiaacep
I've been running code after code, but most patients don't make it. After coming out of the room, I finally start humanizing the situation and gathering the strength to speak to family members to deliver the bad news. It is then when I realize that a human life was lost