cedric boeckx Profile picture
Working on the neurobiological bases of language from an evolutionary perspective @cbl_bcn; ICREA Research Professor, ICREA/Universitat de Barcelona.
May 12, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Two new papers that I enjoyed working on and that provide further evidence for the special role played by the #cerebellum (and subcortical structures) in the evolution of our lineage are out 🧠🧵 The first one, with @buisan_raul @juanandres_mp & @AGMAndirko, looks at gene expression patterns in large “introgression” deserts
Mar 30, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
Does #domestication (reduced reactive aggression) potentiate vocal learning? If so, how exactly does this happen?
@Thomas_ORourke @ptsgmartins @asano_rie @ro_tachi @okanoyalab & I look into this question in this new @TrendsCognSci paper 🧵
authors.elsevier.com/a/1cpx74sIRvHk… Kaz Okanoya has done extensive work documenting differences between the songs of the domesticated Bengalese finch and the songs of its wild relative, the white-dumped munia.
Various measures point to increased variability and 'complexity' in the song of the Bengalese finch.
Mar 29, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
Happy to share our group’s latest @biorxivpreprint
preprint, which builds on @buisan_raul's MA thesis, with crucial contributions from @juanandres_mp &
@AGMAndirko 🧵
biorxiv.org/content/10.110… We decided to take a closer look at the the four major regions of the human genome depleted of Neanderthal introgression presented in Chen et al (overlapping with those identified in previous work by @melanoidin)
Jan 24, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
Very pleased to share a new preprint, with @AGMAndirko @juanandres_mp @polvere7 @MKuhlwilm @gtesta72, where we estimate the time of emergence of derived variants, seeking to offer more precise answers to time-sensitive hypotheses re: human evolution. 1/
biorxiv.org/content/10.110… We find evidence for very early mutations impacting the facial phenotype, and much more recent molecular events linked to specific brain regions such as the cerebellum or the precuneus. 2/
Sep 29, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Beautiful work from J. Wysocka's lab out in @CellStemCell: Loss of Extreme Long-Range Enhancers in Human Neural Crest Drives a Craniofacial Disorder (h/t @polvere7) [Thread 1/] cell.com/cell-stem-cell… The study shows how mandible development is sensitive to perturbation of SOX9 gene dosage 2/
Sep 8, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Congratulations *Dr* Pedro Tiago Martins. Good thesis defense in less than ideal circumstances! Very happy you got this far, but also sad to see you go
Aug 7, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Very cool comparative cognition study (h/t @Limor_Raviv) making “the case for the universality of the sequence organization observable in informal human conversational interaction” 1/ My favorite part comes at the end, where the authors note “one of the most basic units of human social interaction, ..., has apparent homologs in the social interaction of nonhuman primates” but 2/
May 25, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Enjoyed reading @rcbregman's new book "Humankind"; a good companion to R. Wrangham's "Goodness Paradox" and @bharedogguy & @bonobohandshake's forthcoming "Survival of the Friendliest". 1/ Image I especially enjoyed the chapter on #selfdomestication (thanks @rcbregman for discussing our research with @gtesta72 and his group on #BAZ1B) 2/
Mar 30, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Very happy to share a new paper with @ptsgmartins, just out in @PLOSBiology: “Vocal Learning: Beyond the continuum” [thread]
journals.plos.org/plosbiology/ar… The paper’s core message is that we must avoid too narrow a definition of the vocal learning phenotype if we are to shed light on its evolutionary trajectory and (neuro)biological underpinnings
Dec 11, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
As the semester comes to an end here, I thought it might be worth highlighting a few terrific pieces that I have used early on in class before we picked up speed. They are superb entry points for complex issues: 1/ First, this essay by @WiringTheBrain in @aeonmag, a great préçis of his wonderful book "Innate":
aeon.co/ideas/wired-th… 2/
Dec 5, 2019 8 tweets 6 min read
No study exists in a vacuum, and for my part, in the context of our new @ScienceAdvances paper ⬇️, there are lots of people to thank. [Thread] Maybe the most important outcome of working on a complex paper across labs is the strengthening of friendship. Thanks @gtesta72! In addition to my own students, I was lucky to work with great students in Milan @MatteoZanella88 @polvere7 @SebastianoTrat and others not on Twitter
Nov 28, 2019 10 tweets 14 min read
Some reflections on my new paper with @ptsgmartins in @PLOSBiology, where we argue against #Chomsky & Berwick's view on how human #language evolved. [Thread]
@ptsgmartins @PLOSBiology We were inspired by points made (frequently and compellingly) by e.g. @WiringTheBrain and @ProfSimonFisher about what one can (and cannot) infer from the phenotype about the genotype and vice-versa. 2/
Mar 7, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
Delighted to share our new @biorxivpreprint: biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
The first results of our ongoing collaboration with the wonderful @gtesta72 lab [Thread] 1/ The study provides a functional dissection of chromatin remodeler BAZ1B in neural crest stem cells from typical and atypical patients harboring 7q11.23 Copy Number Variants (incl. Williams Syndrome patients). 2/