Célia Belin Profile picture
All things transatlantic. Head of @ECFRParis & @ecfr Senior Policy Fellow. Dirige @ECFRParis. Autrice "Des démocrates en Amérique" (Fayard 2020)
Jun 10, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday’s EP election results feel like a political earthquake this morning in #France. Not so much due to #LePen ´s party spectacular win, which had been foretold by pollsters, but because of Pres #Macron ´s subsequent call for snap elections.
Foreign policy implications 👇 Unexpected, unusual, highly controversial decision will plunge France in election frenzy mode which will overshadow the many international summits and rendezvous of the next month (G7, Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland, EU Council, NATO summit).
May 29, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Fait inhabituel: les diplomates français, qui, en temps normal, célèbrent la France et défendent ses intérêts, sont en colère et appellent à la grève le 2 juin. Je les comprends et je les soutiens. 🧵⬇️🇫🇷 lemonde.fr/idees/article/… En cause: la réforme de la haute fonction publique qui entraîne la suppression du corps diplomatique. En gros, plus de spécificité du Quai d'Orsay, hauts diplomates deviennent administrateurs d'état. 2/ lemonde.fr/international/…
Jan 8, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
Happy New Year! This week we take a look at shifting political dynamics in France under Omicron. [Who would have predicted that COVID would become, once again, a central feature of French politics?] A #FrenchFriday thread with @BlochAgneska. 1/17 Up until Omicron, @EmmanuelMacron had mostly succeeded in steering the boat through the storm -- the digital health pass by & large adopted. His critics remained focused on early stumbles (mask shortages) while Le Pen rode anti-COVID pass tide with her slogan “Libertés chéries”2/
Dec 10, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
This week confirmed recent trends: violence at Zemmour’s 1st meeting, a Macron tour de force to launch #PFUE2022, Pécresse picking up speed. But one disruption occurred on the left, worth highlighting even though it’s already fizzled...A #FrenchFriday 🧵 with @BlochAgneska 1/15 Faced with ever weaker poll numbers, Socialist presidential candidate and mayor of Paris @Anne_Hidalgo staked everything on an announcement on @TF1 that she was in favor of organizing a “popular primary” for the left. tf1.fr/tf1/jt-20h/vid… 2/
Dec 9, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Je suis fière de participer au lancement de @LeRubicon 👏, nouvelle plateforme francophone de débat sur les affaires internationales et de sécurité, avec un article qui revient sur la crise AUKUS.
En un mot : attention !
En plusieurs mots : lire le papier ou le thread ⬇️
1/11 Deux mois après AUKUS - « rupture majeure de confiance » décriée par la France - les relations FR-US semblent réparées. Déclaration jointe lançant des initiatives, visites de haut niveau y compris VP Harris, et récemment excellente coordination transatlantique sur la Russie.
Nov 5, 2021 13 tweets 7 min read
How to grasp Eric Zemmour’s non-candidacy? This week for #FrenchFriday, @BlochAgneska and I highlight a new report from @j_jaures that analyzes his ideology, image, electorate, and where things might be headed. Some takeaways ⬇️ 1/14
jean-jaures.org/publication/le… At the heart of @j_jaures report, the conviction that there is a need to take @ZemmourEric's (almost) candidacy seriously, especially at a time when many in the media, like Trump in his time, tend to take him literally but not seriously. Is Zemmour a bubble close to bursting? 2/
Oct 29, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
Earlier today, @POTUS met with French Prez @EmmanuelMacron at the French Embassy to Vatican. A highly anticipated meeting, a month and a half after infamous AUKUS spat, producing long joint statement. What’s the status of the FR-US relationship? Here, a thread. #FrenchFriday 1/ After France called AUKUS a “betrayal”&"stab in the back”, US quickly determined there was a need to fix the situation. Couldn’t afford a crisis of such magnitude with #OldestAlly. So Macron and Biden had decided on a process of “in-depth consultations” 2/
Jul 8, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
July 4th has come and gone, and, with it, all remaining illusions that travel will reopen between Europe and the US. As I have shared in this @washingtonpost article, this policy is only causing hardship. 1/
Since I started writing on the issue, European officials, as well as Europeans under travel ban, have repeatedly professed their faith that travel will reopen “soon,” that reciprocity is “around the corner,” that “Americans will realize the policy doesn’t make sense anymore.” 2/
May 7, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
For the past few weeks, French politics have been colored in 50 shades of Right. A year ahead of the foretold presidential duel between Macron and Le Pen, France is already battling against some of the foulest aspects of nationalist politics. #FrenchFriday THREAD 1/ Squeezed between Macron’s LREM and Le Pen’s RN, Les Républicains (LR) are struggling to stake out their territory. With the regional elections approaching in June, negotiations are taking place at the local level to determine if and how to unite against the far right. 2/
Feb 5, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday French president Macron participated in an event in honor of the creation of the @AtlanticCouncil new Europe Center. A discussion with @benjaminhaddad packed with elements of Macron's doctrine - and some contrast to Biden's own foreign policy speech on the same day 1/ Macron insisted on the need for a "result-oriented multilateralism". In his view, Western powers have lost ground to China due to their inability to deliver results, including on vaccine. So, to regain credibility, making the multilateral system work is priority 2/
Nov 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Les événements actuels sont sans précédents et dramatiques. Ayant épuisé les recours juridiques, Trump et ses avocats poussent des théories complotistes pour contester le résultat de l’élection et font pression sur les républicains locaux pour falsifier les résultats. Trump met en œuvre le playbook décrit avec prescience par Barton Gellman dans the Atlantic en septembre theatlantic.com/magazine/archi…
Oct 30, 2020 18 tweets 5 min read
Je lis ce matin la nouvelle note de @_Terra_Nova par @brunepoirson, intitulée « Pourquoi le trumpisme va survivre à Donald Trump ». Jusqu’au titre, on est d’accord.

Mais pour le reste, je suis en desaccord profond avec l’analyse. Un thread 👇

tnova.fr/notes/pourquoi… B. Poirson explique que les élites démocrates n’ont rien appris de la victoire de Trump en 2016. Après avoir «contribué à le porter au pouvoir», ils ne se seraient s’intéressé à ses electeurs. Les Dems continueraient d’opposer à Trump la «morale» au lieu d’idées ou un projet 2/
Oct 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Tonight Emmanuel Macron annonces a new “confinement” for France all across the country, less than 2 weeks after a curfew. Starting on Friday, people will again have to stay home, refrain from meeting anyone, telework encouraged and travel restrained. 1/ Only major differences from the last 2-month-long spring lockdown : schools will remain open, work will be encouraged via telework other adaptation, public services will be open and available, travel within Europe will be possible. 2/