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Oct 29th 2021
Earlier today, @POTUS met with French Prez @EmmanuelMacron at the French Embassy to Vatican. A highly anticipated meeting, a month and a half after infamous AUKUS spat, producing long joint statement. What’s the status of the FR-US relationship? Here, a thread. #FrenchFriday 1/
After France called AUKUS a “betrayal”&"stab in the back”, US quickly determined there was a need to fix the situation. Couldn’t afford a crisis of such magnitude with #OldestAlly. So Macron and Biden had decided on a process of “in-depth consultations” 2/…
Consultations have been taking place in a sustained way over the past month. Americans have indeed brought out the big guns – a succession of high-level US officials passed through Paris or met bilaterally with French counterparts, and a lot has been discussed. 3/
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