Francesco Sergi Profile picture
Assistant prof in economics @Lipha_Upec // Managing editor @ // Research in the history of recent macroeconomics
Jul 5, 2022 23 tweets 12 min read
1/ Who said “The #EuropeanCommission [economic] analyses were too numerous, often inaccurate, analytically poor, and marginal?”
A thread on the economic analysis at the EC, and especially #multicountry #modelling, based on our new paper with Antonella Rancan and @jcaacostamacia ImageImage 2/ The quote is from Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, head of the Commission Directorate for Financial and Economic Affairs (the “DG II”, or "Ecofin") from 1979 to 1983. In the quote, Padoa-Schioppa is describing the state of things at the DG II in 1979, when he took office. ImageImage
Oct 31, 2019 7 tweets 6 min read
Very cool special issue #OEconomia on how economists speak, debate, and persuade the general audience. Wide range of examples, and even more to come in Part II! And let’s not forget about this great "Book reviews" section of the journal (coordinated by Jean Bacelli, @Cyril_Hedoin, @mvsbach and Magdalena Malecka and, from now on, @AGoutsmedt). In this issue :
Mar 25, 2019 23 tweets 7 min read
Excited to present our ongoing research with @ThomDelcey about the association between the efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations. Thanks @Goulven_Rubin for the invitation #seminarH2M #phare #paris1! Here is a teaser/thread of what we got so far (comments welcomed) 2/ EMH and RE are today key benchmarks for macro and finance. What is rather surprising: many economists claim that the two concepts are equivalent (or closely related). We initially asked: Since when is it so?
Oct 23, 2018 21 tweets 6 min read
1/ My new working paper @BristolEcFin : What is the link between microfoundations and the Lucas Critique(LC) ? A historical appraisal. Thread. 2/ [Spoiler alert] Two rival interpretations about the link: (A) the two issues are related; (B) the two issues are unrelated. Both interpretations are born in the 1980s and still coexist today within the DSGE approach. This is why the debate about the LC is still open.