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doomsurfing the web (i don’t read DMs)
May 20, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
"if we share this abstraction, we can update everything with one change" is a lie

it's the worst kind of lie because it's partly true

functionally? yes
practically? no

people will extend the abstraction in unpredictable ways — without consulting you — keeping changes painful the belief that you can control everything is something that gets beat out of you with experience

you won't believe it until you've sold everyone on the dream and can't deliver the reality

them's the ropes
Mar 21, 2020 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
Heres' my recipe for braised pork shoulder

Pork is great as leftovers

Works great in tacos, on rice and salads, in sandwiches... it's great to have around

Starts with a cut of pork shoulder — I like mine with the bone in pork shoulder, right from the butcher. bone-in Get salt on it as early as possible —
The longer the salt is on the tastier it'll be

For rub, I go easy mode and use Bad Byron's Butt Rub
It's a standard cajun mix of spices and salt and the kids find the label hysterical pork shoulder all rubbed up using Bad Byron's Butt Rub
Dec 2, 2019 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
I'm doing #ReactHoliday again and I'm bringing it to to twitter

#React #CodeNewbie #AdventOfCode #ReactHoliday Day 1: Extract A Component

Components are just functions that return React Elements...

#React #CodeNewbie #AdventOfCode
Jan 2, 2019 • 29 tweets • 15 min read
Thinking about doing a daily vim video in January ⌨️

You in? starting — obviously — with "how to quit vim"