Chef José Andrés 🕊️🥘🍳 Profile picture
We all are Citizens of the World. What's good for you, must be good for all. If you are lost, share a plate of food with a will find who you are.
SalmonSuzy Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇦🇺🇲🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦 Profile picture Mary Hunter Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The millions of Americans who visit the nation’s capital every year know the truth. They can see it as they walk the streets, visit our museums, and eat at our restaurants. Washington DC is a beautiful city that needs nobody to defend its good name from ignorant smears.
Mr Trump likes to live in gold-plated towers, but if he stepped out of his bubble he would see that DC is no different from other cities in this amazing country. Full of hard working people trying to look after their families and build better neighborhoods for their children.2/5
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
If you dig deep enough into any place in the world, you actually find the world.

My friend @YoYo_Ma joined me on Longer Tables to discuss the similarities between music and food, growing up in Paris, and so much more. Listen to the full episode anywhere you get your podcasts. Listen on Apple:
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I had the honor of interviewing @SecBlinken for the latest episode of my podcast, Longer Tables. We talk about food as national security, the war in Ukraine and so much more. I hope you’ll listen where ever you get your podcasts, or watch the interview on my YouTube channel. Listen on @Spotify:
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I’m so grateful to the people who make up @WCKitchen… everyone who volunteers, cooks, serves, donates!🙏 I’ve been honored to spend Thanksgivings with people who after disasters show endless empathy & love for one another! Like the amazing #ChefsForPuertoRico team after Maria🇵🇷 Then the next year again I was with the @WCKitchen team and my family too… next to chefs @GuyFieri @TylerFlorence and so many more in California. Hundreds of #ChefsForCalifornia volunteers came to spend the holiday with families who lost everything in the horrible Camp Fire.
Sep 20, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
5 years ago #HurricaneMaria hit the island of Puerto Rico.. the lives of millions of people changed forever. I got on the first flight I could get & when I landed it was devastation like I've never seen before. So we @WCKitchen did the only thing we knew, started cooking... 🇵🇷 Image I'm a cook, and what I saw around me everywhere was so many people who what they needed was a hot meal. From my friend Jose Enrique's restaurant in Santurce @WCKitchen started making Sancocho. We started with one pot, one kitchen but so quickly #ChefsForPuertoRico grew.
Jun 3, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
100 days ago Russia invaded the resilient country of Ukraine. 99 days ago the @WCKitchen team started cooking. With restaurants & families cooking at home, WCK is providing nearly 1 million meals a day. Today, I'm thinking of all the brave Food Fighters who are feeding Ukraine... Within 24 hours WCK was in Medyka, which became the biggest border crossing...serving soup & hot beverages in the cold night. Before long, we were at every single crossing, providing meals to many of the 6 millon Ukranians forced to flee their country.
Jan 6, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Witnessing the horrific attack a year ago…a surreal feeling to this immigrant proudly calling Washington DC my home for 30 years. My best memories are at the National Archives visiting our founding documents to be inspired by those 3 words uniting us as Americans: WE THE PEOPLE. I felt just like so many others - paralyzed by shock and powerless to protect the basic principles of our democracy. But the act of courage from the lawmakers who returned amidst the wreckage to certify the election…it was the inspiration we needed to act too.
Aug 4, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
People of America: I’m proud to announce that @WCKitchen, in partnership with thousands of restaurants & volunteers, has served 25+ million meals since the start of the pandemic. From NY to Little Rock, Oakland to Navajo Nation – we’ve been fighting hunger from the frontlines. 1/ But what we and countless other NGOs, restaurants, faith groups & local leaders are doing - it is just not enough. There is a hunger crisis in our country that demands federal leadership.

30 million Americans didn’t have enough to eat last week.…
May 12, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
Today I want to talk about how #AmericaEats through @USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program...SNAP. A part of our food system so significant that 1 out of 7 Americans is eligible. A program that feeds our country, supports local economies, & can do so much more 🍎🌾🥕🥦1/ Let’s start w/ what SNAP isn’ NOT a handout. It is economic infusion into the hands of community businesses & small farms. Every $1 invested creates $1.70 in economic activity! It’s also our first line of defense against hunger and is proven to lower the poverty rate. 2/
Apr 30, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
People of America! I want to talk about two photos that tell the story of food in our country in this moment...two different, painful realities that we are experiencing, and the opportunity we must seize to make sure food is not the problem but the solution 1/ The first is from Idaho. Huge mountains of potatoes without any buyers because so many of the forms in which we eat them - stadiums, cafeterias, restaurants - are shut down for safety an low demand, and so too are the processing plants. 2/
Mar 22, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
In good times & bad, a hot plate of food is vital nourishment for body & soul. Let’s put the restaurant industry’s 15mil workers at the service of 🇺🇸 to feed elderly, vulnerable families and first responders. With the urgency of now, we’ll make food the solution, not the problem. We need a New Deal for food so that America Eats Now. Tell Senators 202-224-3121 that federal aid must feed America AND support the 600k restaurants that keep our farmers, suppliers & delivery drivers in business. Tell @POTUS @VP @SpeakerPelosi @senatemajldr @JoeBiden @SenSanders
Mar 15, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
People of America...Important News: All my restaurants in DC area are closed until further notice. Here at @ThinkFoodGroup safety of employees & guests is too priority. Some restaurants will transform into Community Kitchens to offer to-go lunches for those who need a meal. (1/4) These Community Kitchens will be part of @WCKitchen efforts across the country in the coming days & weeks. Not for enjoyment....but a service for people in need of a plate of food during this emergency. (2/4)
Feb 5, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
PEOPLE OF AMERICA! Tonight I am attending the #SOTU in the People’s House as a proud American citizen...and today I am sharing a few things I’ve seen over the last year traveling the country and world with @WCKitchen - my own thoughts on the #stateoftheunion (thread) In California, where wildfires burned up and down the state, we met true superheroes - firefighters, search-and-rescue, National Guard - who showed incredible bravery and humanity, working to save others even as their own homes were threatened by flame.