Chris Coyier Profile picture
Co-founder @CodePen. Podcasts @ShopTalkShow. Married @jmm. Ran CSS-Tricks 2007-2022. I preferred the movie.
Teslim Adeyemo Profile picture hussamkhatib Profile picture Vergil Iliescu Profile picture 3 subscribed
Oct 25, 2022 24 tweets 13 min read
Howdy folks, co-founder of @CodePen here. 🤘

Why would you, fellow front-end designer & developer, want a CodePen account?

Well it’s my job to make sure that has a clear answer, so I’m gonna thread 🧵 it up for ya to explore and understand. My favorite reason?

It's a searchable forever-archive of your front-end work. 🔎

🧠 When you write the code for something, the fact that you did that lodges itself in your brain. The trick, sometimes, is finding it again.
Sep 13, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Ooo. The Verge 👀 has a new website.

They've intro'd it themselves:…

It's so nice! Let's see if we can dig up any interesting front-end & design stuff by poking at it. ImageImageImageImage `position: sticky;` for DAYS!!

Loads of utility classes. This desktop stickiness is from the class `lg:sticky`. You gotta escape the colon in CSS so that looks like `.lg\:sticky { }` in CSS, as a minor bit of trivia.
Apr 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
My mental model of site rendering methods used to be like this. Two buckets. Server-side rendered (SSR) and ... not.

Static Site Generators (SSG) being just a subset of SSR, because whatever, the HTML arrives to the client fully formed either way. Venn-ish diagrams: SSR being totally separate from CSR, and But it feels like in modern parlance, the three practices are ripped apart more distinctly. SSR being distinctly about the pages being generated on-demand, and SSG being about the pages being generated only during the build process.

Fair enough. SSR, SSG, and CSR being totally distinct categories.
Jul 6, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Some #WordPress plugins I've found compelling.

I've got enough saved links here I think I'll make it a 🧵 thread. 1) Social Image Generator
💵 $39/yr

In use on CSS-Tricks (see variations in our birthday post:…)
Apr 9, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
CSS is the hardest language. 9 out of 10 tweets say so. Fixing CSS bugs is like juggling a burning building while chewing nails in an earthquake and also probably its raining and your indigestion is flaring up.
Oct 30, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
should i use wordpress or react hooks should i use d3 or css
Apr 9, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Popular design systems, are they for your projects? 🤔

Lightning: not really for you, it's for Salesforce stuff.

Atlaskit: not really for you, it's for Atlassian stuff.

Polaris: not really for you, it's for Shoptify stuff. Nachos: not really for you, it's for Trello stuff.

Photon: not really for you, it's for Firefox stuff.

Material Design: it's kinda for you, but it makes you look like you're Google-branded.
Feb 21, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Here's a little thought dump on writing!

Here we go! An article where you just say some stuff is OK. You're allowed to say stuff.

But you can do better.