Consultant Psychiatrist in Cambridge (UK). Deputy Dean HEE and shortly to be ex-Head Of School of Psychiatry. Triathlon & music keep me going.
Jun 18, 2022 • 13 tweets • 11 min read
1/ More (sorry) on the proposals for @rcpsych#AGM. Great improvement to have online voting, and separate votes for broadening electorate & use of postnominals. So an update on where I see things are currently and ongoing concerns.(Sign up here:…) Thread:
2/ I think there is a lot of frustration from all sides that our ability to support #SAS doctors (experienced, psychiatrists who make up a high proportion of the workforce) has been caught up in wider changes of direction by the @rcpsych. Their input should be better valued.
Jun 16, 2022 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
A compelling message from @DrAdrianJames on how #SAS doctors have been excluded from full participation in @rcpsych, and how this can be corrected by extension of voting rights…. Definitely worth reading, and (thread) some thoughts...
The #AGM to discuss this is now available online which is a great move in response to considerable criticism that an 8.30am in-person meeting in Edinburgh was not a good way to discuss a key change in @rcpsych policy, particularly disadvantaging specific groups
Jun 15, 2022 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
I'm receiving some concern from trainees @rcpsychTrainees and consultants @rcpsych about the proposed changes to use of #RCPsych in titles ("postnominals"), & accessibility of #AGM at #RCPsychIC. Information not easy to find so let me try to describe (Conflict of Int: FRCPsych)
Currently "MRCPsych" aka membership is used by doctors who have passed College #exams, and FRCPsych used by Fellows -essentially more senior members. These are the only 2 postnominals and have some other conditions. There are other ways of associating with the RCPsych though...