Citizens' Climate Lobby Profile picture
CCL is a nonpartisan #GrassrootsClimate organization. We're building political will for a livable world.
Dec 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This WaPo study suggests we have a small & challenging window for staying near 1.5C of warming. As we see it, success depends on more action from Congress & implementation of clean energy at the local level.

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@maxinejoselow… After the Post looked at 1,200 scenarios, "just 112 paths that would keep the planet below 1.5C of warming by 2100. But some of these paths involve a 'high overshoot,' in which warming soars above 1.5C before coming back down again."
Aug 17, 2022 30 tweets 7 min read
With #InflationReductionAct, big climate legislation is now law. It happened, in great part, because of grassroots political will, which CCL provided.

Read the saga of how this miracle happened & CCL's role in this wild roller coaster ride!

🧵 follows… The climate bill that died in 2010 was the product of an “inside the Beltway” process that produced a policy that few people in the general public understood. Support from constituents was lacking, and it was easy for lawmakers to walk away with no fear of repercussions.
Jun 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
#CCL2022 closes out with @SenWhitehouse acknowledging the work of CCL:

"No group in the environmental community has been more determined to get the emissions down...It is not enough to do what is politically possible. It is mandatory to do what nature demands." "Reconciliation is still alive. It turns into a pumpkin on Sept. 30... The practical expiring date is whenever we leave for August recess. So that's not a whole lot of time, but that's our shot."
Jun 13, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Our afternoon session at #CCL2022 is underway with climate journalists @maxinejoselow @SiegelScribe and @mlavelles.

"Full Democratic control is not promised in the future," said @SiegelScribe, so there's a sense of urgency to get something done. Image .@mlavelles notes that @SenWhitehouse wants to get carbon border adjustment mechanisms in the reconciliation bill. This is a policy Manchin has expressed interest in.
Jun 12, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
CCL Exec Director @ParaMadeleine opens #CCL2022 by presenting the future of our advocacy:

"The last five yards are the hardest in football and in politics... I believe that’s where we are now — in the last five yards of budget reconciliation."

🧵 follows… Image "Together, we at CCL put carbon fee and dividend into Congress’ playbook. That took years. And since last summer, we helped them run that play and move incredibly far down the field during the budget reconciliation process..."
Apr 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Great stuff in @TheEconomist's newsletter calling for a #PriceOnCarbon to be included in climate provisions being negotiated for a Senate reconciliation bill.

Short 🧵 follows...… "Best of all, though, would be the introduction of an explicit price on carbon. This could be imposed economy-wide, and not just on the power sector, so that distortionary impacts were minimised. It could be structured as a carbon tax,... "
Nov 1, 2017 84 tweets 33 min read
Tonight, nearly a dozen Climate #SolutionsCaucus members will speak on the floor of the House about #climatechange. We'll be live tweeting! Here we go! Members of the Climate #SolutionsCaucus are taking the House floor now. Watch for yourself on @cspan: