Citizens' Press Conference Profile picture
民間記者會 - Official Account. DMs open. #CitizensPC #HongKong #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #BeWater #Leaderless
May 22, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
#THREAD: 1/ The resolution about national security laws in HK is released by the NPC. The most notable part is the order to set up organs dedicated to national security in HK and to give law enforcement agencies even more extensive powers for the same purpose. Image 2/ Article 6 also authorises the NPCSC to make “counterterrorist”, “anti-subversion” laws to be adopted in HK by *direct promulgation*, bypassing the (already rigged) LegCo.

Painting dissidents as terrorists is often the prelude to a violent crackdown in the CCP’s playbook. Image
May 17, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ A coalition of 62 countries back a resolution calling for an independent inquiry into #COVID19’s origins and a review of @WHO’s implementation of the International Health Regulations. It’s encouraging to the see the world coming together for accountability and the truth. 2/ Such a review is much needed — as argued by @HJS_Org, China’s early coverups and handling of the outbreak potentially violated articles 6 and 7 of the IHR, yet the WHO, as the enforcer of the IHR had nothing but praise for China’s response to #COVID19.… Image
Oct 2, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Citizens' Press Conference 1st Oct statement

(Please refer to the end of this thread)

What kind of government shoots its own people in the heart? The Hong Kong-Chinese Murderous Regime. [2]
On this day of national mourning, Hong Kongers are hammering home the message that the Chinese Communist killers are truly upon us, and that it is only Tiananmen manifesting itself in a different form.
Oct 2, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read

魔警開槍殺戮市民 國殤深仇不共戴天

香港警察以人民的鮮血作為共產黨建國七十年賀禮,在十月一日於荃灣近距離對準一名中五學生左胸開槍,以實彈行刑式意圖謀殺香港市民,民間記者會對此等冷血鎮壓行為深惡痛絕。 [2/6]