Claire’s Outrageous Thoughts Profile picture
Mum to 2 glorious humans, slave to several cats and feeder of foxes. #LetWomenSpeak YouTube
Amy Himsel Profile picture A. S. Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 17 10 tweets 2 min read
The experience of a #LetWomenSpeak event is so powerful. The voices of the extraordinary “ordinary women” are each other’s inspiration. We don’t need academic feminists or professional lobbyists, because we have TRUTH. I can imagine this feels threatening to academic feminists, politicians, professional lobbyists etc, because they rely on being the mediating voices between Power and the powerless. But they only have the power we give them. What happens when we don’t need them, anymore?
Apr 4 8 tweets 2 min read
When I was working in Acute Mental Health Inpatient Care, I had lots of training in managing violence and aggression. Managing risk involved all sorts of strategies we were not allowed to share with muggles. We were still advised to avoid physical confrontation at any cost The biggest piece of advice was to never let anyone block your escape route, because your life may depend on being able to escape. This saved me from several dangerous situations visiting unwell people in their own homes, too
Feb 8 7 tweets 2 min read
.@AlessandraAster has consistently argued for women’s rights, and for #RepealTheGRA. She exposed the misogyny of Government decisions to grant an “F” marker in passports, under self ID, and suggested a legal route to be reverse it. I’ve never witnessed her being homophobic I have bought (and read) Andrew Doyle’s books, and think he is a clever and thoughtful gent. He really didn’t enjoy feeling so many women expressing disagreement with his position on feminine pronoun use for men. Who would? It must feel discombobulating, on that scale
Jul 24, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
Ok. I’m going to do a thread on this ridiculousness, because perhaps it might explain how very fucking tired we are of all the bloody excuses #LabourLosingWomen… First thing that raised my hackles:
“Responsible politicians would understand that this isn’t a debate to exploit, it’s people’s lives. Who they are and who, all too frequently, they suffer violence for being.”
Mar 21, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
There’s so much naked envy of KJK. Envy that she is beholden to no employer, no profession, and (recently!) no mortgage provider. It’s a truly privileged position to be in: that’s true! But the proof of the pudding is in the eating… What does KJK do with the freedom from job, regulator, and bank? How does she choose to spend her time? She works for women. Every day. She doesn’t engage in direct service provision for abused women: that’s not her skill set. She markets ideas. And she’s genius at it
Mar 19, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Brilliant thread talking about how feminism failed to really consider how Mothering is so essential for Early Years development. Sorry, but State run 24 hr childcare will never be able to replace it. This creates real challenges to the feminists that emphasised how women should have their own economic power through workplace participation. Because we cannot both provide this Mothering, and be out of the home for 9-10hours a day.
Mar 18, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Reading this thread, which I agree with, I wanted to share some thoughts about gender non-conformity 🧵 Feminist analysis holds that traditionally “feminine” clothing served to impede normal movement, to indicate submission. See high heels, pencil skirts.
It served also to emphasise the secondary sexual characteristics that heterosexual males/potential mates find attractive.
Oct 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
As we know, predators are looking for three things:
1) access
2) opportunity
3) social cover
If you’re running an organisation that provides any of these elements, predators will be trying to use you to get to kids #Mermaids #safeguarding works if we disrupt these three ways that predators use organisations:
1) access: ensure adults don’t have unsupervised access to minors: no private one-to-ones, no use of unregulated chat services/platforms, no mingling of minor and adult services
Sep 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The tragic death of a woman who identified as a ‘trans man’, killed by blows from a man resulting in catastrophic brain injury, is reported as “transphobic hate crime” What actually happened was a violent man was verbally abusive to a lesbian couple. A ‘trans man’ intervened, and the violent man punched the ‘trans man’, which resulted in her death. It’s men’s violence against women that caused this death.
Jul 12, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
'Football is for everyone' Cheshire FA (male) player who is invading the women’s changing rooms and toilets, every practice and every match ⁦@fairplaywomen⁩ ⁦… But wait: surely this divorced father of three (and grandfather of three more) is a delicate flower that was cruelly excluded from all forms of exercise? You can’t even pick out this father-of-3 from this picture with teammates
May 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
So, yesterday I filmed a video, reading Debbie Hayton’s latest justification for public displays of fetishism. My video is informed by child development and safeguarding frameworks However, for those that are short of time, I’ll be able to give you a summary, now.
No 3 yr old can possibly have AGP, which is an adult paraphillia.
3 yr olds are at Piaget’s pre-operational stage, and believe that dressing up as a thing transforms you into a thing.
May 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Didn’t you know that at all times, all your political opinions about events in foreign Countries must be broadcasted on privately owned social networks. Or else strangers will assume they understand your politics? GB has broad popular consensus in favour of safe, legal abortion, where medically approved by 2 doctors. The very small pockets of forced birthers have no political influence. We have maternity leave, and universal free-at-the-point-of-need healthcare. Thanks, feminists!
Nov 27, 2021 22 tweets 8 min read
Some things I know:
1. Men’s sexuality has evolved to prime men for instant reactions to stimulation (including thoughts, feelings, sensations) and has been selected for the ability to reproduce many times with many people.
2. This is not like women’s sexuality
#SomeThingsIKnow 3. Women’s sexuality has evolved to allow us to choose to invest time and resources in a mate, to reproduce relatively few times. This is different to men’s sexuality.
4. The dance between the drivers of men’s and women’s sexualities, gives us culture
Nov 26, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Women are amazing. In the vacuum created as traditional media abandoned women’s issues, women stepped up, and many have become expert ‘citizen-reporters’. Thanks to @tribunaltweets @StopfordianR and the tweeters #AdrianHarrop #FtP #FitnessToPractice @gmc The lamentable tantrumming doctor has showed no insight, no remorse, no accountability for the impact of his actions on the women he intimidated and threatened. It will be a whitewash if he isn’t severely sanctioned #AdrianHarrop #FtP #FitnessToPractice @gmcuk
Nov 17, 2021 12 tweets 9 min read
Important FTP Hearing had been going on: today was day 3. Every complaint, and every witness must be thanked for their persistence and bravery in stepping forward to protect the public #FitnessToPractice #AdrianHarrop In a remarkably arrogant and narcissistic move, #AdrianHarrop was interviewed by @VICE *and gave them a copy of the legal bundle, including witness statements and personally identifying information* #FitnessToPractice
Dec 4, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Have just received notice from school that @LeedsCC_Help are offering FSM ‘hampers’ of food to help families like mine over Xmas. This is another example of people trying to help and getting it very very wrong Families like mine have very specific needs for our food. And I plan my ‘budget’ very carefully. I don’t have a car, or a chest freezer, so I have to plan the pantry storage, too.
Dec 4, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Interesting juxtaposition of tweets in my timeline.
Exhibit A. £385000 awarded to Hull’s transgender community…
Exhibit B. £160000 desperately needed to keep a BAME Women’s service running, in Hull…

@hullfair Population of Hull was 260000 in 2019.
White population 89.7%, 233000 people, so BAME population 10.3% or 27000 people. Female BAME is 50% of that, or 13500 women.…
Sep 13, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
The other important anniversary for U.K. feminists happening today: it’s 3 years since the assault on Maria McLachlan, at Speakers’ Corner, in London #MariaMcLachlan Maria was standing with a group of women, waiting for instructions of how to get to the secret venue where a feminist event to discuss proposed GRA Reform, was being held. They were being protested by a rowdy group of trans activists #MariaMcLachlan
Sep 7, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
What’s described here isn’t going to break down the sex-based oppression of women. It’s just going to confuse this kid, and isolate them from their peer group Raising girls, in struck with the gendered differences in clothing that are offered to children. It’s beyond pink and blue. Boys clothes encourage activity, they’re made of fabrics, patterns, and colours that stand frequent washing and resist damage during play
Jul 6, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
It’s 13 years since I had an emergency c-section, to save my life, and the life of my baby (thank you NHS!)
The operation was performed in minutes. The violence of it, coming after such a long and painful Labour, caused me to dissociate. My baby was alive: I was elated! It was hard to re-integrate with my body, afterwards. The extraordinarily long labour; the pressure on the surgical team that meant my section was so delayed; the imminent post-natal depression that was crashing down on me. I didn’t recognise myself
Jun 21, 2020 18 tweets 12 min read
Guess what’s happening in #Leeds, the #WomanFriendlyCity tomorrow? That’s right: Male performances of objectified and ridiculed femininity, and of sexual subordination... for toddlers and children. #DQST. The text of the advert reads:

“Looking for a unique story hour for your little one? Well we have a novel suggestion!

Drag Queen Story Hour UK and Leeds Libraries have joined together to provide a new and innovative storytime...”
#Leeds #WomanFriendlyCity #DQST