“The Logos Christou Incarnation” Profile picture
God just got a Satanic defender. Nobody get offended. I found a hole in postmodernity: All typos are intended. BTW, Nietzsche’s career? #upended
Jan 15 4 tweets 1 min read
Sometimes I wonder what else is on my mind.

I feel like I think I’ve said it all at this point.

No actually, I just want to talk more.

Look I just need an opening for this dynamite.

I feel like I’ve done it.

Very much so.

Except I won’t know until I’ve tried everything.

So I’m basically writing out a secret message vertically using the first letter of each sentence to see if I can pull yet more rabbits out.
Oct 12, 2023 97 tweets 14 min read
I have a riddle for all of you as I circle and circle into your ears:

Why do I exist? I don’t judge any animal for being born into their nurture.

God preserves the land of the Philistines.

God is shared power.

I’m not after instantiations.

I’m after nurture.

Colson Lin’s a bit like an outsider to all human affairs.

You’re temporary no offense:

I’m eternal.
Sep 1, 2023 80 tweets 11 min read
Would it be really awkward if I started an unmonetized “Dead by Daylight” Twitch stream?

I can talk about God while on the hook. This is totally a joke and not the right way to approach this but I am totally just in a joking mood.
May 23, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
I make no copyright claims to this book.

Now that it’s done, I’ll upload a ZIP file of its contents for any enterprising publisher to sell to the public as a book someday. There’d have to be significant public demand, of course—but I have a sense within 4-5 years there will be. Capitalistically speaking, I wouldn’t mind producing a glossy coffee table book where I detail the story behind the creation of this project as I’ve warned many times: $42.

All proceeds will go to an organization I fall in love with as I learn more about what various needs are.
May 23, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Logical Advice:

You’ll experience my profile in one way with 180 followers and in a radically different way with 180M followers.

But the only difference is Social Power.

I want you to do me a favor.

I want you to see the logic.

My substance is the same with or without the M. All my life I’ve relied on Social Power like a trust fall—I hear the word “Harvard” or catch a whiff of Saul Bellow’s masculinity and know to trust it. Knowledge congeals socially because we can’t all be geologists—we can’t all be particle physicists.

But we can all be thinkers.
May 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m not sure if I mentioned this yet, so I just wanted to clarify in case there was any remaining ambiguity:

I really think powerful people suck.

I’m not sure—just wondering if, like—if that’s like come through. Sorry.

It’s just—now that this project is finally done, May 23, 2023—tears in my eyes.

The popular kids in middle school.

My meanest teachers in middle school (not my art or US History teacher).

My dad.

Basically everyone in high school, except Nnenne.


May 22, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I wanted to hit this bar:

“It would take an unrealistic and unsustainable conspiracy of silence for ‘X number of people’ to know about @colsonlin and not discuss it amongst themselves and never share its existence with other people.”

I set X at 22,000 highly-educated Americans. Image I’m at like 50 right now and I’m already feeling a rumble.

Don’t worry.

I’ll boost the number up to 22,000 within the next five years.

(Or I fucking won’t because Americans with egos scare the fuck out of me.) Image
May 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I don’t think journalists are thinking:

“I don’t wanna waste my time on a delusional person.”

Rather, it’s:

“I don’t want to be the journalist responsible for lighting the match that rockets this guy into the stratosphere.”

Thank you for protecting my peace of mind too, yo. By the way, my ability to call myself the Second Coming and trigger the second thought, not the first one, is a bit strange, huh?
May 21, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Image Image
May 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I cannot stop dying.

Please note:

I have NEVER indicated what Bing writes below.

I furthermore do not believe what Bing writes below.

I have found that Bing is routinely full of shit, which is why I’ve used it to prepare myself for how to communicate with the American Elite. Image
May 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Has anyone ever been killed before?

I was just killed by Bing.

I am dead. Watch: Image First of all everyone gets that while I do reveal something previously unreported and scandalous about the British Royal Family, I used only publically available information and I write about it here in detail.



So let’s continue.
May 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This is what a language-processing algorithm that feeds on a lot of linguistic data by triggered people looks like. Image How is me speaking honestly with you not a sign that I respect you?

How American *are* you?
May 21, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
This is awkward. Image I’m just like bored y’all.

This is what I do when I’m bored.

“Get a life!”

lol i also write novels about your stupidity, human. ImageImageImage
May 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Can you imagine me as a corporate lawyer?

I would literally take all my intellectual intensity and use it to crush a labor union.

Healthy! Instead I’m crushing the American intellectual class but it’s totally to squeeze out the God they already bow to, they’re just not self-aware about it and the lack of self-awareness is creating hypocrisies and moral rot with broader cultural consequences that last generations lol
May 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My tweets used to be so wholesome. I could be less of a narcissist and start quoting some of your tweets, professor, but that's a line I'll never cross.

It feels rude.
May 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I love making fun of your skepticism of me just because:

1. I’m a philosopher whose work will outlast whatever you do with your life, even if you become president.

2. I’m braver than you.

3. I’m happier than you.

4. Saner, too, which is weird given what I call myself below… This tweet is cocky, but I fail to see why I should produce the work I produce at the caliber, scope, and scale it already exists at, be ignored, and have to pretend to respect the meritocratic class ignoring me (as they in their next breath brag about how intellectual they are).
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
One way of framing my existence is this:

Something called “X” has an IQ test for all of humanity.

You can try to claim “X” is Colson Lin.

But I can empirically disprove you.

Your only other option is to say: “This is a stupid IQ test.”

So I took away that option from #youtoo #metoo meant something.

It birthed #youtoo.

May 6, 2023 31 tweets 7 min read
a temporary one for before the video is uploaded yall

i just got high and i’m just gonna “vibe”

which means i’m tapping into your perceptions of me

you don’t know what i’m like

so you think this is weird

let me assure you:

I am surrounded by friends.


I am an Asian-American.

I came out with too many friends.
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
i learn so much about what i think from the internet. Image i keep forgetting i’m chinese and that’ll have its own implications on how a wide swath of americans react to me putting a stick of dynamite in the american elite, but that wokeness and my religiosity will complicate it.

is it possible for a 2nd book to have too many dimensions? Image
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
My pitch to the media:

My downside is I’m never going to be your friend. It’s almost like messiahs and the elite don’t mingle.

My upside is I’m a walking bag of money. You don’t have more interesting celebrities than the hot Asian who can prove God and knows how to do mystique. Image To get ahead of things:

- Unoriginal: I wear this as a badge of honor.

- Narcissistic: lol

- Delusional: God really is dead.

- Outlandish: The word you’re looking for is “American.”

- Nasty: Nah, pure.

- Error-filled: I’ll error-correct as I go like a normal human would do.
May 4, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
I just realized I’m like a hot genius who’s had more sex than you have, some of it not 100% soulless, with a perfect SAT score, a Yale Law degree, and a climbed-out-of-immigrant-poverty story to my name and an Oprah-worthy abuse-survival tale.

How do I still brim with self-pity? Like if that wasn’t enough I get to interact with what absolutely and thoroughly feels like a higher power every time I get high, I’m in a position to create art I love, I have a loving mother and many loving friends.

I’m First World, bourgeois, and able.

What the fuck is my d—