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Aug 23, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
thinking about bkdk kissing… deku is so /hungry/ for kisses, once he gets a taste he turns so helplessly greedy, needy, like his mouth feels empty without the movement of a kiss filling it… deku going dizzy and lightheaded from not coming up for air because he needs more, more, thanks to toni I can’t stop imagining deku trembling and panting and panting and leaning in over and over and katsuki pulling back and laughing a hushed little thing, telling him to remember to breathe, but he can’t, he can’t think, he needs kisses, he needs to be kissing kacchan
Feb 15, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
#bkdk ph vday!

“Oi, Deku.”

Izuku looked up from peeking over the roof railing to wave at civilians below. “Hm?”

Katsuki dragged him back with one hand, and Izuku went easily.

“You like chocolate?” Kacchan asked consideringly, eyeing him as he dug through the box in his hands. Izuku glanced at it. Kacchan had been handed a lot of chocolate today by giddy fans bursting with adrenaline at daring to come up to the terrifying and horribly sexy Dynamight.
Jan 21, 2023 36 tweets 18 min read
tiny #bkdk socmed au that I’m sure a hundred accs have posted but.

pro hero deku reveals his latest promo shoot! bakugou… copes. brought to you by my own reactions when hori dropped this lmao
Jan 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read

Izuku liked the way Kacchan’s name fit in his mouth. Liked the way it filled the space, settled between his gums and over his tongue like a full bite of something fluffy and delicious. He liked the way it found its way there naturally, a spontaneous expansion behind his lips simultaneous with the buoyant excitement that filled his chest whenever he saw him.
Jan 20, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
#bkdk It’s third year, and Katsuki and Izuku are… good. Really, truly, good.

It’s something of a shock to Katsuki, every so often, when he takes a moment to think about how he and Izuku are /friends/ now. The realization hits him like a blow to the chest every time, the knowledge sweet and cool like a drink on a hot day. A relief, one he gets to enjoy all over again every time he takes a step back and lets himself get reacquainted with it. With the fact that he is Izuku’s closest person, and Izuku is his, and they both know it.
Jan 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
THINKING ABOUT UA BKDK!!!!!! stealing glances when the other isn’t looking at training, bc hello sweaty cute boy. talking in the hallways and in homeroom and doing hw in the common room and being friends w the whole class. and not even thinking about confessing bc that’s terrifying and they’re still kids, they have time, the other probably doesn’t even think of them like that, and anyway it’s so, so nice being friends again. even if it’s hard not to stare.
Nov 26, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
katsuki looks like he’s gearing up to give izuku a kiss so. #bkdk threadfic of that Image Katsuki sighed. It was a bit chilly, and their train back to UA was late, but neither of those things were the issue. No, his problem bore fluffy green hair and stood next to him, guilelessly checking his watch, looking unsuspecting and horribly, horribly kissable.
Nov 25, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
holy shit I just realized. platonic todomomo, and they’re like family. momo’s tall but shouto’s even taller, and when she’s standing talking in the common room todo will come up behind her and put his chin/cheek on her head with his arms around her shoulders loosely. they’re physically affectionate and it’s completely platonic. momo’s a lesbian and todoroki isn’t even into women (gay or aroace ur choice) but maybe before they’re out other UA students assume they’re dating, which they don’t mind bc then they leave them alone;
Nov 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I hope everyone has a lovely thanksgiving! pls be aware today is the national day of mourning in the usa! according to Native history, the actual first thanksgiving was a celebration of the success + safe return of a group of settlers who had gone out to massacre the pequot tribe here’s more information on the subject by a native american teacher!…
Nov 24, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
By the time #bkdk are established pro heroes, it’s well-known how close they are. The public adores it, their closeness the subject of many endeared tabloid articles. Izuku likes to leap and jump and have Katsuki catch him, wrap his legs around his chest and arms around his head, when they run into each other on patrol. Dynamight always catches him obligingly, face notably softer, the expression change as vivid as the wide beam on Deku’s face. There are rumours, whispers, wonderings if the pair are dating, but there is a general acknowledgment that
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#bkdk kissing….. izuku pulling away to breathe while they’re making out but katsuki either pulls him back immediately or is holding his head so he can’t pull back much at all… or he chases his lips so they’re barely apart for even a moment,, they’re both addicted to kissing, so izuku doesn’t mind at all how katsuki barely lets him shift away at all, how he kisses him slow and open-mouthed like every press forward is meaningful, every kiss carefully savoured, hunched a bit from their height difference and from how much he /means/ it
Nov 21, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
#bkdk “RIVAL”

45. Their fucking agency was making them pose for 45 different fucking merch lines. They were a goddamn hero duo! They had more important things to do!

Katsuki glared at the email over breakfast while Izuku pattered away in the kitchen, mumbling. “Oi. Did you see this shit.” Katsuki called out between bites of miso.

“Eh?” Izuku shuffled over and poked his head into Katsuki’s space, skimming the email open on his phone. “Oh, yeah. Lots of costumes! It might be fun,” he tacked on hurriedly, eyeing Katsuki’s glare.
Nov 21, 2022 39 tweets 7 min read

Izuku came into awareness gradually, the wakening as graceful and soft as the light pouring through the gaps of the blinds. Katsuki was a heavy lump next to him, dead to the world. Izuku sat up, traced the lines of his strong figure with his eyes fondly, before slipping out of bed, barefoot and in the boxers he’d thrown on last night before falling asleep. His feet landed on the carpet quietly one at a time, a careful toes-then-heel to not wake Kacchan via creaky floor.
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
this rivals thing is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen it’s so gay. like you can’t look at those images and then not read that title in a teasing tone, like fondly or knowingly IM DEAD “Rivals” yeah…. rivals
Nov 10, 2022 35 tweets 6 min read
#bkdk @amwhippedafbro

Oh this was bad. This was horrendously, red alert, DEFCON-4 bad.

Who thought it was okay to sign Kacchan up for fencing??
Nevermind that the whole class had been signed up, actually, Aizawa caving to Present Mic’s insistence that “normal fun sports are important for student enrichment,” or something. Nothing was relevant except for the fact that Izuku was being personally victimized by this situation.
Nov 10, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read

Katsuki watched, unconsciously holding his breath, as Izuku leaned forward slowly, trembling and flushed red and eyes squeezed shut, mouth wobbly. So nervous Katsuki could practically see his pulse, butterflies fluttering under the thin skin of his neck.

/Fuck./ Izuku looked so damn good like this, terrified and fumbling, only marginally better than he had been five minutes ago, when he had idly mentioned how Katsuki usually initiated their kisses, and Katsuki had answered with a provocation.
Oct 26, 2022 48 tweets 8 min read
when #bkdk die, they’re both reborn as angels.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:・゚✧
.・・ ゜゜・・.

few do, nowadays, the world so wrought with hate and violence, but when the two teenagers died in battle shielding a family from harm, the heavens looked down upon them in pity, and with love. these two, they decided. they deserve to join the other stars in the night sky. and so izuku and katsuki awoke not to blood nor fluorescent white but to the most gentle golden light they’d ever seen, like the sun was singing a lullaby.
Oct 25, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
#bkdk pre r/s, secretly gentle bkg

Katsuki scratched his stomach absent-mindedly, hand stuck under his loose shirt. The draft from the lifted fabric was pleasant — he really had to stop wearing sweatpants in the summer. It would be cooler in the common area; he was on his way to the kitchen, hungry. Katsuki was ambling though the common room when he noticed green fluff poking over the back of the couch, and slowed in his tracks.

Oh. Deku was here.
Oct 24, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
established #bkdk take pottery classes together!! the motions are good physical therapy for izuku’s aching hands and are calming/emotional therapy for katsuki :) katsuki’s the one who brought it up, surprisingly, bc he saw an article about how certain hobbies can double as exercises for arthritis, including hands-on crafts like pottery. izuku was delighted at the idea of pottery dates with kacchan, so katsuki signed them up for a class.
Oct 22, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
#bkdk socmed au based on the recent promo!! deku really needs to reread before hitting send… ImageImageImage ignore timestamps lolll based on the recent bnha promo and this tweet! and all the other art superimposing the promo into the bnha universe hehe
Oct 19, 2022 212 tweets >60 min read
#bkdk a/b/o childhood friends (otherwise canonverse) for @blushingbkdk :)

The doctors had warned Mitsuki, Masaru, and Inko.

If they let little Katsuki and Izuku spend too much time together, the risk of them imprinting on each other raised exponentially with every week. But how could they possibly expect Inko and the Bakugou’s to separate the tiny babies, who looked so angelic cuddled up next to eachother in one of their cribs, only ever so at peace when the other was near? How could they keep them apart when they were fussier without the other,