How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is not the presumed norm in Scripture. Quite the opposite: it's assumed that the church will be a minority among a pagan society, tho we can still seek the good of our neighbors. Unlike Scripture's ethic of justice, which is unequivocal, RL is not as explicitly spelled out. are told to not withold good from those to whom it is due when it is within our power to act (Prov. 3:7). White Americans are not culpable for past sins, but they are responsible to advocate because of their disproportionate societal capital. 2/ The greatest contribution that Christianity can have to social justice is by anchoring itself in a biblical worldview, and specifically in Christ. When it fails to do so, it robs itself of the most unique aspect it has to offer the world. hearts & minds are ultimately changed by the gospel, we also have to acknowledge the existence of non-salvific common grace present in all cultures that enables people to create a just society. In this sense, legislation does have a role to play. 2/4 more holistic (and biblical) view would be sinful people needing atonement to a righteous God AND Jesus as a healer and restorer. The two truths go hand in hand. What God has brought together, let no man tear apart. ;) 2/4