Craig Prescott Profile picture
Currently writing “Modern Monarchy” to be published by @agendapub in 2024. Sports Law too… Royal Holloway, University of London. Opinions mine.
Jun 30, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
1/ Prince Harry, Frogmore Cottage, the issue of his domicile and his position as a Counsellor of State ... What a heady brew of legal complexity... 2/ Counsellors of State? These can act on behalf of the King, if he is unwell (i.e. undergoing an operation), or overseas. Sensible contingency planning. They can approve documents, decisions, appointments and so on, on his behalf. Generally, keeping the Ship of State sailing on.
Mar 8, 2023 28 tweets 9 min read
1/ Some thoughts on “Princess” Lilibet, the line of succession, the title of Prince or Princess and the Letters Patent 1917. 2/ Firstly, by having a protestant baptism, Lilibet maintains her place in the line of succession. She would have lost this had she been baptised as a Catholic (but that was never likely, both Meghan and Harry are protestants.
Jan 3, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
In light of Prince Harry’s two interviews on Sunday, below is a thread on monarchy, celebrity, politics… 1/ A big question is how “political” Prince Harry’s interviews will be. Will @andersoncooper and @tombradby challenge, where appropriate, claims made by Harry? We didn’t get that with @Oprah, even though she’s very capable of that - just watch her interview with Lance Armstrong.
Apr 10, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
1/ The BBC must have known that this would be the reaction from some. I’m a bit surprised at some who are surprised. So why did the BBC do it?

As ever, I have a long thread, where I try to explain this…… 2/ The BBC and Monarchy are inextricably linked. Not to the extent in 1953 when the coronation was broadcast, but it’s still very strong.
Apr 9, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
1/ Following today’s sad news, I’ve tried to piece together the political, ceremonial and other considerations that play out over the next few days and weeks. As I’ve said before, the tension between the public and private is inherent in the very idea of monarchy. 2/ Naturally, the Queen and the rest of the royal family will mourn in private. Perhaps at some point, as the Queen did following the death of the Queen Mother, she will make a statement. Maybe it will be Prince Charles instead.
Apr 8, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
1/ Everyone has a view on Covid passports… Here’s mine (for what’s worth) - sorry it’s a long thread.

Basically I’m favour - and I’ve got my tin hat ready.

How useful they are depends on the alternative options, and what is ultimately the ‘least worst’ option. 2/ The civil liberties argument against appears to be based on the idea that the choice is between no restrictions at all and Covid passports. This is where the “it’s not British” argument has been raised.
Mar 5, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
1/ There is a real risk that the #OprahMeghanHarry interview is basically an extended Graham Norton interview…

I feel a thread coming on... with THREE Bagehot quotes… and a mention of the Sainsbury’s in Chippenham.

(And no offence to Graham is intended!) 2/ First and foremost, the monarchy is a *political* institution. This cannot be emphasised enough. Being the institution that provides the Head of State, fundamentally, everything it does is based on politics. Although the role is broadly ceremonial, this is still politics.
Jan 8, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ It appears that #HarryandMeghan are forgoing their income from the Sovereign Grant, but will continue to receive income from the Duchy of Cornwall. Although Charles holds the Duchy personally - the phrase "financial independence from the monarchy" is doing a lot of work here. 2/ As #HarryandMeghan say here - the funding from the Sovereign Grant only covered 5% of the costs of their office, the rest comes from the Duchy of Cornwall.