fallonturing.bsky.social πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έβ™Ώβœ‘οΈπŸ΄πŸš©πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Profile picture
Autistic disability activist. Irreverent anarcho-communist. They/he. Cane user. BLM. Writing a book about ABA, tips welcome Venmo@Fallon-Binns $FallonBinns
Jan 6, 2024 β€’ 22 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Ask our neighbors lmfao get a load of this guy Communists who aggressively do not understand ableism make me tired.
Jul 12, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
I highly doubt this will pass. There's too much profit in this industry for the capitalist state or its effective servants to suddenly oppose the ableism they constantly enforce.

If we really want to ban ABA, we need to hit them where it really hurts: the money. This is a good step. I'm just not sure it will do very much. This will barely dent the industry unless more happens.
Feb 10, 2023 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
When someone points out that an image has no alt text so they can't understand the content, don't get fucking hostile about it. Accessibility etiquette is to apologize and write a proper image description, thank you. And especially don't be like "Can't you see what this is? Is this a joke?"

Alt text is, generally speaking, to help BLIND PEOPLE. So there's a good chance that, no, they can't see it if they're ASKING YOU FOR ALT TEXT.
Feb 9, 2023 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
and and remember when Dorian Pavus' father, after inventing conversion therapy to use on him, said "I only wanted what was best for you," and then Dorian said, "You wanted what was best for YOU! And your fucking legacy! Anything for that!"

And then my queer heart just broke For all I criticize so much of Bioware's writing choices, dear GOD the hits are SO GOOD.
Feb 9, 2023 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
So here's what gets me so much about how expanded MAID is killing disabled people completely unnecessarily, pushing many of us to an early grave for no reason other than it's cheaper.

Disabled people SAID THIS EXACT THING WOULD HAPPEN. And then it did. It is. And asdl;kfj / Years ago, I was arguing about this with some ableds. And without missing a beat, those ableds made this about themselves.

"What if *I* get severely ill? What if *I* want to die? What about *me*?"

yeah so if you said that to me in 2015 you owe me $1000.
Apr 28, 2020 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I think I'm still getting new followers who follow for the autism and leave for the communism.

I need my followers to understand that there are related. Ableism is a tool of capitalist domination, and it affects all of us. None of us will be free until we end capitalism. /1 Autistic lives, like all disabled people's, are dominated by ableism. For autistics, this takes the form of behaviorist and oralist ideology determining what we are or aren't allowed to do. Violating these rules results in punishment and harm. These rules are systematized. /2
Jan 3, 2020 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Abusers will find it "concerning" when you no longer accept abuse.

Your behavior changes. Your mindset changes.

Abusers don't like it and will feign "concern" over changed behavior. Their concern is about you recovering from trauma.

Don't accept abusive bullshit 2020. Their real concern is that they can no longer control and exploit you. You're no longer performing emotional labor, which abusers exploit, to survive them. They don't want your freedom.

Seize it.
Dec 15, 2019 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
TW suicide, ABA, restraint and seclusion

So, a conversion therapist killed herself after a video surfaced of her abusing a disabled kid in a seclusion room.

And I looked it up, Gages Lake School uses ABA.

Cue the news focusing solely on this "tragedy" and not the children. News article here. Sure, she was a person with a family, but so are most conversion therapists. No tears for them. thesun.co.uk/news/10549395/…
Mar 1, 2019 β€’ 78 tweets β€’ 15 min read
I want people to understand the predatory and cultic aspects of #ABA therapy. I'm not joking, #ABAisaCult. I'm writing a book about this and I want to share a basic information thread here. I'll start writing when I go inside after smoking. 1/ Several months ago, I first learned about something called the BITE Model, a model of extreme social control. It is an acronym for Behavioral, Information, Thought, and Emotional Control. ABA, as a therapy and a culture, does all of these things.