Society for Cultural Anthropology Profile picture
Challenging the boundaries of the discipline since 1983. Account managed by a volunteer team of Contributing Editors. Tweets this week by Social Media Team.
2 subscribers
Sep 22, 2020 33 tweets 6 min read
Starting in 15 minutes!! If you can't make it, we'll be live-tweeting in this thread! We're off! @savannahshange begins by clarifying the difference between revolution and abolition: Revolution seeks to win control of the state and its resources, while abolition wants to quit playing and raze the stadium of settler-slaver society for good
Aug 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
A (belated) James Baldwin thread from the CA archives 💐. The (W) Rap On series— loosely inspired by James Baldwin & Margaret Mead’s 1971 conversation Rap on Race— attempts to identify and confront some of the problems that their conversation embodied.… Here's the link to the 1971 conversation between Baldwin and Mead:
Aug 2, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Here's a thread of some articles surrounding these topics from the @culanth archives! All free and open access! Any other ideas, #AnthroTwitter, #ClimateTwitter? This 2017 article by Sarah Vaughn details the epistemic politics that shape the climate adaptation of sea defense in Guyana.… Image
Jul 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
🌱🌿🌳🌀 "Becoming Sensor is about figuring out a way for settler allies to de-tune the colonial common sense that shapes how we understand the living world..."

Read on in this very exciting interview with Natasha Myers (@plantstudies) by @mgbevans!… "Artistic process can upend our most taken for granted assumptions, including our disciplinary orientations." Image
Jul 9, 2020 36 tweets 9 min read
While #anthrotwitter isn't always rosy, we have to ask: what's happening in @AmericanAnthro's Communities listserv? As anthropologists, we can examine peoples' practices and explore their broader meanings; pls add ethnographic data to this thread so we can understand these people
Jun 17, 2020 37 tweets 12 min read
"Anti-Blackness: Readings on Violence, Resistance, and Repair" has just begun! Here is the livestream - Setting things off is @Laurence_Ralph, who notes that for every dollar the Chicago Police Department receives, the department overseeing youth development and houselessness receives five cents, housing receives 12 cents and the Department of Health receives two cents
Jun 11, 2020 28 tweets 6 min read
This webinar, Anthropology of Policing: The Persistence of Racialized Police Brutality and Community Responses, is about to start! We'll tweet what we can, but please show up! Webinar kicking off now! Moderator Ramona Perez laying groundwork, logistics, and introducing panel. Tune in now if you haven't yet
Jun 10, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
"Society for Cultural Anthropology in Solidarity with Black Lives & the Association of Black Anthropologists"
Click the link for the SCA statement & full text of the @ABA_AAA statement to our membership

#Strike4BlackLives #ShutDownSTEM #ShutDownAcademia… Image
May 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Hi! @JessicaPiskata here. For these final minutes of the keynote, we'll present you with some parting moments of color and resonance:
Paul Gurrumuruwuy presents red: A portrait of Paul Gurrumur... Jennifer Deger presents Pink: A portrait of Jennifer Dege...
May 9, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Starting in a couple of minutes is the third screening of the "Echoes and Edges: Sonic Forms for Distributed Listening · Ecos y bordes: Formas sónicas para la escucha distribuida". We suggest using headphones to listen to this panel!! 🎧 #Distribute2020 Here's a textual thread from the first loop. But right now we'll sprinkle a few short audio clips for those not able to listen over the course of the next half hour.
May 9, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Second screening is happening ow! Alongside an object of observation, "narco-aesthetics [narco estética]" is a critical ethnographic approach to the citizen subjectivities often rendered invisible by journalist and scholarly accounts of drug trafficking.

#Distribute2020 Image And by "ow!", i'm (@backup_sandwich) referring to being struck by the hard-hitting anthropology papers at the panel! definitely wasn't a typo!
May 9, 2020 23 tweets 10 min read
The stream is back up and running now! We've jumped right into loop 3 of the panel "Distribute(d) Unequally: Food Stories from Cape Breton Island · Distribución desigualdad: Historias de alimentos de la isla de Cape Breton" #Distribute2020 We apologize for the disruption and want to remind everyone that all panels from the conference will remain accessible on the website after today. We encourage you to catch what we've missed! I (@scott_a_ross) will pick up tweeting the supergroup from here. #Distribute2020
May 9, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
In 10 minutes on Saturday, Day 3! "Re/Distribute: Three Radical Economists on (Post)Apartheid"

This panel also marks the beginning of the last loop of #Distribute2020!!!

Follow below from some livetweets on this short film by me, @afleisch_anthro!

We're off!
Distribution/re-distribution presupposes something exists that can be appropriated—like an artifact (rather than a commodity).
The thing or commodity or artifact is produced socially but appropriated individually! But there's nothing naturally private about it!
May 9, 2020 14 tweets 10 min read
Did you miss the #Distribute2020 Day 3 keynotes during loop 1? Here they come again!

*Starting now*
May 9, 2020 19 tweets 10 min read
The last panel in the Day 3 #SuperGroup begins in a few minutes!

Stay tuned #Distribute2020 and stick around for discussion in the #VirtualHallway. Up first, @Janine_PSantos discusses telecommunications, digitalisation, hacking, and the maker movement in Togo. Then @NataliaBuier presents on high-speed rails in Spain in the 90s. @AlexandraOanca then takes a historical approach to trams in Brussels #Distribute2020 Image
May 9, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
From the #Distribute2020 #ChileNode, "'Hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre': El despertar de Chile"
· "'Until Dignity becomes a Habit': The Awakening of Chile"

Starting in 5 mins!
Learn more about their node here: colourful grafitti of a man... "En este nodo encontrarás testimonios de todo este proceso, voces que, a partir de sus subjetividades, nos hablan de experiencias colectivas." -

#Distribute2020 #ChileNode Image
May 9, 2020 16 tweets 14 min read
1PM Havana Time
Sunday, May 10th

Join the conference organizers–Paul Christians, @GabrielDattatre, @mayanthileilani, @AndreaMuehleba1, & @arjshankar–for a discussion about #Distribute2020 and the future of #VirtualConferencing. Moderated by @anandspandian. blue background with opaque... For folks who are still operating on #Distribute2020 time:
13:00 Havana time (UTC -4)
is 17:00 Dakar time (UTC)
is 22:00 Lahore time (UTC +5)
May 8, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
The last panel of Day 2, loop 3 is about to go live! Stay tuned for more info about the day 3 program!

#Distribute2020 Starting us off for this panel this first presenter situates us into their family history before moving us to how radio stations were situated in the landscape before they became less prominent. ImageImage
May 8, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
Please join us in the Zoom Hallway for a post-panel discussion of "Listening and Community Engagement in the American Religious Sounds Project · Escucha y participación comunitaria en el Proyecto Sonidos Religiosos Americanos"
Zoom link underneath stream. . @mayanthileilani asks for elaboration on the similarities between both Wiccans and Evangelical ceremonies--the effects of sound, the materiality of sound. What is their theory of sound in relationship to the body?
May 8, 2020 21 tweets 5 min read
Hello all! @JessicaPiskata here, ready to live-tweet "Listening and Community Engagement in the American Religious Sounds Project · Escucha y participación comunitaria en el Proyecto Sonidos Religiosos Americanos" We begin with "SInging Hu"--multi tonal series of voices singing "the sound that's within all sounds" and "the sound that the energy of the universe makes" "That's God singing to me."